Coffee Chat: Pondering the Days Behind and Ahead

Fear not dear friends, I shall indeed be sharing all about the usual household/financial things here shortly...but for this moment welcome to another somber post, at least here at the beginning.  Why so somber?  Because it is the last weekend that this family will live in my home.  Tomorrow night they shall take shelter in their own walls and I shall be as alone as I haven't been in many and many a month now.

Diary for July: Week Four

Late Friday afternoon, July 20.  The wind is blowing a bit and the dogs are lying under the pecan tree outside the window.  Kate and I were just texting a few minutes ago.  I've been watching the trees and the skies and the grasses about me closely and I felt  that autumn will be early this year.  Today she texted me her prediction.  She usually does this each season.  She confirmed my suspicion.  Katie has a weather sense, like Granny did, and since she was very young has informed me of weather ahead and seasons about to change.  Their average is far better than weather men with all their satellite views and other technology.  I felt complimented this afternoon when I told her I'd been thinking it would be early and she said "You're learning."   High compliments from someone to whom it comes naturally.

July Diary: Week Three

Saturday, July 14:  My bags are packed...I'm ready to go...Already I'm so lonesome I could cry....

Diary for July: Week Two

July 7, Shabat Saturday:  So very much I want to chatter over today and perhaps I will...I don't typically write on Shabat, having always seen writing as work, but just now it's not work but pleasure to have the time to myself to write things out.

Where to start?   Usually it's to start at the beginning isn't it?  But I want to share a bit of this and a bit of that and these things don't fall in sequence at all nor are they all related.  So I shall just begin where I begin, much as I do when faced with one of those intricate adult coloring pages and decide how to go on from there.

Diary for July: Week One

Instead of doing "In My Home" posts just now I thought I'd try and keep a diary for July...A mix of savings, what I'm doing, what I'm thinking, etc.  I'll jot a few thoughts down each week, not necessarily every day, and post them until I am up to fully writing posts once more.  Fair warning, it may not all be happy homemaking.  It may be gritty and dirty at times.  But it will be a truthful journaling of what goes on in this Blue House.

Monday, July 2:  I slipped out super early this morning and went over to Mama's old house, the one Katie moved into in late April.  We did a ton of work when she moved in but not nearly enough.  Rooms got cleaned up, but closets also got packed full, especially when we'd overwhelmed ourselves with trash and donations.   Now Katie is getting ready to move, I thought I'd get the last of Mama's 'left behind' stuff sorted out and took advantage of Katie being out of town to do so.

March 25: Purposeful