Come in, come in. I'll offer you a variety of icy beverages today: peach tea, pink lemonade, soda if you like. Or I could make you an Orange Julius which I assure you is very refreshing and quite a treat.
I've been so busy and on such a writing streak of late that I barely have time or room to offer up a chatty post any longer. I'm not complaining about the blessing of being inspired. It's just that at the moment, I have a month of posts already written and scheduled to go out except for the weekly planning and daily diary. Unless I actively plan in a chatty post, it won't happen. I'm trying to make sure to plan at least one for every month this summer.
I've been highly motivated to work with the warm/hot weather upon us. I'm waking earlier which makes it easier to head outdoors first and get busy there and then, because I know I have work to do indoors, I'll time myself so that I am not outdoors so long that nothing indoors could possibly get done. I spend all afternoon writing or researching posts I'm about to write. I suppose this is what happens when you've kept a baby off and on for most of two years, when you are again free to do as you please, you make hay while the sun shines and boy has the sun been shining.