Come in, come in and let us have one more coffee chat for March. It's very nearly over. With the temperatures outdoors we might have an iced drink if you'd like. I haven't had a glass of iced tea in months now and I'd dearly love to have a glass...What do you say? Coffee or tea?
We've been passing a church sign all month long and it's had the same message: This is normal. I guess I needed to hear that. I keep saying to myself that when I'm not keeping Caleb things will get back to normal and when the C is done, we'll get back to normal and when we feel better things will be back to normal...and yet life keeps moving forward. I realized we're never going to go 'back'. Forward is normal. So... Normal is wherever we are in the present, isn't it?
I thought we'd have one more chat before March is over and done. Does it make me sound old to say, "Hasn't the year flown by thus far?" Here we are, three months practically tucked in and bid goodbye, and I look back and ask myself "Where did it go?" And then I wonder if the rest of the year is going to just melt away as these three months have done.