Rinse and Repeat

I have been thinking this week that it's rather boring to keep writing about what I do to save money because it is so repetitive.  I admit, I did not come to this conclusion while working on my own Friday post, "This Week In My Home" but while watching another homemaker who vlogs.  I kind of like the woman, I do truly, but I've been through her house with her so many times I think I could find things myself if I ever were in her state to visit.  Seriously.  And I'd just about know what I might end having for dinner with her, too.

In My Home This Week: Sweater, Sweater... Who Got the Sweater?

Saturday:  Slow and easy day.  Just the way I like my Shabat.  I put a roast in the oven early in the day and let it cook slow.  I spent most of the morning going through catalogs and magazines and pulling those few things that inspired me.

Bess stopped by for a quick chat when she came to borrow my secateurs to cut saplings from under a tree in her dooryard.  She was reading off a list of things to collect for charity through her work.  When she came to 'soap,' I stopped her.  I told her that I had a world of soap and I'd happily donate it.  I gave her 10 three packs of soap, which are individually boxed, so they can be split.  Why so much soap on hand?  Mama and Granny decided some number of years ago that this soap was going off the market (it wasn't) and they'd better stock up (they did, oh boy did they!).  Irony is that Mama developed an allergy to it and the frugal girl in me reasoned that I could use that soap until it ran out or I died whichever came first.

In My Home This Week: (Mostly) Sweater Days

This week in my home...

This afternoon I glanced at the 10 day forecast.  It appears autumn temperatures have finally arrived.  Now for the trees to catch on to that fact once again.  They all looked lovely and colorful at the end of August but the leaves left behind on the trees remain steadfastly green.  Even the lawn is green.  I'm just hoping this last mowing is the last one and we won't have to mow grass again until at least the middle of March.

In My Home This Week: Planning Committee of One

Saturday:  We stayed in our hotel room this day and sat on the balcony when we could stand the humidity and heat and then went back into the room.  I'm so happy that they have both sliding doors overlooking the ocean and a mirrored wall that reflects those doors because I spent my day on the couch either looking out the windows or looking at that wall of reflected ocean waves.

Coffee Chat: Fresh Paint

Hello loves.

Do come in and have a hot cup of coffee.  There are butter cookies and dark chili chocolate to go with our cups of warm brew.  I've got the windows open on the sunny side because it got a bit stuffy indoors yesterday but if you get a bit cool, I've put out afghans to warm knees or shoulders.

In My Home This Week: Planning? What planning?

Hello all.  It's lovely to be back home though I will confess to being more than mildly tired this afternoon as I type this out.   We've been home not quite 24 hours and the cares of home were dumped right back in our laps almost immediately.  So goes the way of the world.

In My Home This Week: Radio-active

Happiness is little boys who think Grammas are fun.
Tired this morning after keeping boys yesterday afternoon.  They were good, very good, but Gramma was very tired by the time they arrived.  The nap I'd intended to take was cut out entirely before it was even begun by the arrival of  "Mr. Bug Man" as Josh referred to him when he came in after school.   Had a grand time with the boys, really, but these 5am days are so very long and I was worn out, too tired to even get up and go to bed after they left.

In My Home This Week: Radio Silence

In my home...

This week, I shall be going quiet.  I've worked hard all this year and I am determined now autumn has finally arrived to enjoy it a bit.  No worries.  There is work to be done.  I am tired.  There are multiple worries I must face, and little griefs I must experience due to current life situations with family.  I hadn't quite realized all that I have been holding in a reserved corner of my mind until it began to filter out on Friday and again on Saturday.  There is nothing for it but to experience my personal grief and wait yet again for a bad situation to come to a head.

In My Home This Week: In Which We Adjust the Pattern to Fit

Sunday:  We had a date yesterday.  John insisted he must take me out.  It's something he's been very consistent about this past year.  My husband is courting me and it's a lovely thing, truly it is.  I don't say it to brag.  I say it because I know how remarkable it is that 27 years into our relationship/lives together, he wants to treat me as though I am still the woman he courted years ago.  It fills me with awe, truly it does.

Safe and Sound

Just letting you all know we're safe and sound.  This storm, for all it's bigness ended being less damaging than Irma was last September for us.  We lost a few leaves and a few dead limbs and had no damage or loss of electricity in our rural area.  Katie lost power in town last night but reported no damage except a small leak that came in through the chimney and considering the wind it isn't a wonder.  Mama has reported no damage except her trash can blew away.  I'm hopeful one of the neighbors will return it to her.  I checked in with Matt this morning and he and Taylor had no damage in their neighborhood nor town.  Here's hoping the rest of you remain as safe as we were!

Iced Tea Chat: I Win!

Come on in!  I'm longing to chat but keep putting it off for many reasons.  Things keep running through my mind and when I come to chat, those thoughts skitter away again.  Some are things I have been mulling but they aren't sorted properly yet.  Some of it is simply that in my 'hustle' I am tired at end of day when I allow myself to settle before the computer.  Nevertheless, we shall chatter and see what comes of it.

In My Home This Week: Planned Suppers and Breakfasts and Altered Dinners

Somehow or other when planning meals last night, I forgot all about the chicken I baked on Friday.  There's just loads of it left even after dinner today.  That alters my dinner menus this week.  So amended dinner menu:

Roast Chicken, Baked Potatoes, Salad

This Week In My Home: A New Pattern

I'm happy to report that last week was a success.  I had a bit of struggle and I realized that the very nature of our lives at present is just a constant interruption.  Like Sarah, I shall just have to do what I can, even if it means doing tasks in 10-15 minute jots.

This Week in My Home: In Which I Meant to Hustle

Monday:   John and I seem to have fallen out of the habit of a routine where grocery shopping is concerned.  I didn't need but a few items at the grocery yesterday, but without John along I'm afraid I took his place and there was no one restraining my impulse spending though my impulses are different than his.  I tend to stock up on things I know we'll need and since I don't know exactly when I might have a chance to shop again, it's just as well isn't it?  Well not really as it must all count towards a pay period and I don't especially want to lump it in with last pay period nor wait to use certain items until next pay period.  I've settled it in my mind that I shall just count it as next pay period's grocery and keep in mind that this last pay period was heavy enough without adding extra.

Spring Goals for March...And Beyond.