Coffee Chat: That's All Folks


Hello dears,

Come in, come in!  Let's have coffee and a quick talk, shall we?

I've heard from so many of you how much you enjoyed my Summer's Pleasures posts this month.  I have so enjoyed doing this and plan to do one for Fall, Winter and Spring.  I will NOT be taking a whole month off from writing as I did this month, but the time was well spent.  I rested, puttered and gained inspiration for more writings and that was my purpose.  I'm ready to move into this next season of the year.

I've had a lovely time off. I didn't get to half the things I'd planned out that we might do and I'm mighty sorry I didn't but it's really okay.  I found my pleasures all the same. I read a lot and didn't write beyond doing the daily diary entry.  I started a Bible study of Acts and instead of reading this and that and ten guides and four other parts of the Bible, I've read nothing but a section of a chapter, studied whatever part I felt was not as clear in my understanding, or looked at maps of travels, etc.   I'm also enjoying the history of the time period of Acts.  Rulers, ruling classes, what each man's biography was, etc.   I've written out my thoughts as I go through each section and told John the other morning, "I feel like I'm really understanding how wonderfully the Word spread in those post Pentecost days."  I have been awed.  

September Goals: Golly It's Been A While!


It's been a while since I last listed my goals for the month ahead, but I'm in the mood to plan and it feels right to start working with a set list once again.  I won't bore you all with all my personal/spiritual goals, but I will include all the goals I have for the work I'm hoping to get done in the house and in the yard both.

The Homemaker Plans Her Week: We Begin Again


Hello dear friends!  I've had a lovely time off but I'm ready to get back to routine tasks and yes, even feeling a bit antsy about doing some Fall cleaning.  Anyone else feeling the seasonal cleaning pull?

I'm also getting my plans together for the month ahead.  I have three different lists, made over the past four weeks.  I've been reading through every item on them each week and sometimes adding one or two tasks as they occur to me or become obvious.

Diary of a Homemaker's Week: Winding Down

August 22:  Yes, I've missed a few days.  I didn't mean to miss them but somehow, I did just the same.  Never mind.  I'm here today.  

Summer pleasure:  My first marigold bloomed!  Now if only all those other plants that are so slender and delicate looking will follow suit.

Sorry to say that I've had a case of what a Brit friend calls "Evil Head" and it's made me snappy and sharp spoken.  I don't want to be either of those things but if I open my mouth, out comes the snark.  So mostly I've kept my mouth shut and tried to keep my temper under control.  

Diary of a Homemaker's Week: Summer Pleasures Week III

August 13:  Summer Pleasure: Sleeping in really late...Yes, I did.  I woke at 10am this morning, an unheard-of late hour for me.  And I have been just longing to return to bed all day long.  It reminds me that one of the pleasures of summer long ago was just that, sleeping in and lazing around, something I've not taken the time or leisure to do for 30 odd years.  It felt purely luxurious! 

Diary of a Homemaker's Week: Another Lovely Week

August 6:  There was a hot southern breeze blowing up this morning that made standing outdoors not as pleasant as it might have been.  It wasn't hard to determine I'd like to stay indoors.  

No big plans for today.  In fact, no plans at all beyond reading my weekly list of blogs.  I've enjoyed that bit of reading today.  I've found lots of inspiration and am ready to tackle a brand-new week of summer.  

Diary of a Homemaker's 31 Days of Summer: July 30-August 5

July 30:  On the way home last night, I passed a home where they apparently were grilling in the backyard. I say apparently because only the aroma drifted in the street.  The fence blocked any view of grill or persons grilling.  It sure did smell nice.  Like summer evenings, especially with the aroma of freshly clipped lawn to add to the ambience.  It reminded me of my promise to enjoy 31 days of summer, and one of those promises was to grill out, something we haven't done at all this year.

So here I am at the beginning of a staycation of sorts, but not a total vacation.  It is my nod to and bid for a little bit of summer.  With all the tasks and fun that summers incorporated once upon a time.

March 25: Purposeful