Menu Plan Monday? No...

And why not? You may well ask.  What's with breaking the routine?  Well it's just that.  It's all just routine basic foods and nothing to get all excited over.  John asked me to lighten up during the work week and the result is that I'm plopping a salad and meat or a sandwich of sorts on the table.  And then I got all involved in a half dozen things.  Cleaning, and gardening, and trying to end a longtime project and just trying to be quiet long enough for a husband to get a few hours of sleep.  He says I don't bother him but I've noticed if he knows I'm in my chair clipping coupons, or looking up family history or writing a post or newsletter, he sleeps longer and harder than when I'm trying to put away dishes or walking back and forth in the house.

I'm going to take a break of a couple of weeks time here.  Not headed out anywhere this week but just wanting to catch up on the things I've missed doing with John working.  Tomorrow I'll run a few errands but I'll be home by the time John's ready to sleep.  Wednesday I'll be working away at moving things around.  Katie is moving and that means half my shed will soon be empty.  All the things I've been squirreling away here and there indoors can now go out to the shed.  That will be a rather massive undertaking, as I also mean to move out excess furniture I can't use any longer and that means rearranging things and that means I'll want to un-decorate so I can re-decorate.  Then there's yard work that must be tended to, groceries, a baby shower, synagogue, a cook-out for EMS.  It's just going to be very hectic. 

I promise I'll be back in two weeks time, ready to post and share photos of what's been done.

In between stretches I mean to enjoy these blue skies and unseasonably cool days.  I've not turned on the AC at all today.  In fact, about 2pm I told John I was COLD, yes really, sitting here with the breezes blowing into the house I actually go chilly.  I worked outdoors this morning for an hour or so and never broke a sweat.  Ditto for this evening.  I moved the patio furniture down the patio a bit, picked up some sticks and raked hay and didn't even glisten.

After I came indoors this morning and had rested, I walked around the house and took photos with my digital camera, as suggested by Mrs. Catherine a few years ago.  It's an eye opener!  I realized that some of what I was seeing was just general clutter, so I went back through the house after looking at the photos and moved all the excess stuff to the guest/craft/storage space to be dealt with later this week.  The house looks better but lots to do yet.  So....See  you in a couple of weeks and I hope I've accomplished enough to tell the difference during that time!


Rhonda said...

She is right about the pictures helping you see better and clearer. I take so many pictures of my grands and often, the background distracts me with things in the background that need putting away.

Louise said...

Enjoy your break... I'll look forward to your chattiness again though.

Angela said...

Have a lovely productive time off! Who is Mrs Catherine? I am having surgery Thurs. Feel like it couldn't come at a worse time of the year. It is Spring! Oh well guess there is never a good time. LOL Angela

Kathy said...

Thanks for letting us know! I always worry about a blogger when they don't post for a week or two.

Enjoy your break!

Karla said...

Have a wonderful time away! We all need these little breaks here and there just to re-assess, recollect and renew. I pray you have the productive, creative time you need without overdoing it!!

Great idea on the photos. I'm going to try that at my house!

Unknown said...

Have a wonderful break! We will all miss you and await your return.

March 28: Spring Break