Questions, Answers and Comments, Oh My!

December is well on it's way isn't it?  I haven't had a moment to spare to write this post until now but I didn't want to let this month pass without it because some of the comments and questions from November were awesome...and I do love to share what's being said amongst us all.

Let's get started...

Living Frugally post 1  Vicki M we got those two coupons which could be redeemed for either 20 ounce bottles or 2 L bottles.  We chose to buy the 2L size and had them for our family party this weekend.

Sarah said she uses a twin size blanket or spread folded at the foot of her bed.  It's just right for warming the feet and adding a bright spot to the room, too.  I exchanged the curtain panel at the foot of my guest bed for a quilt towards the end of the month.  I put out something a little more rugged when we had guests, that could withstand tugging and pulling.

Dorie...I've re-read this particular post a dozen times looking for that type...and I finally found it.  Why on earth did I write that the vacuum chamber was full of FOOD of all things?  Oh my goodness.  I blame it on the fact that I divide my attention between TV, John and whatever else is going on and my subconscious fills in whatever it chooses, lol.

LFLW post 3  GinnyBerry I love that my poetic license about the leaves changing to show their true colors was actually what happens.  Ginny shared that the decrease in sunlight leads to a loss of chlorophyll which leads to leaves changing from green to their 'true color'.  Isn't it wonderful how nature works?

Kathy We have a Dollar General here which I visit now and then but not too often.  I find it's a great place to browse but our local store is tiny and it feels claustrophobic to me.  And I spend more than I mean to if I go in and just roam around, lol.  I've bought Suduko books there in the past.

Sarah  I'm afraid we're going to see a few more prices go up and a few more packages getting smaller too.  I noted in this past week's newspaper that North Dakota had a poor yield for Durum Wheat which will likely translate to higher pasta prices.

Tammy and Rhonda both shared that they like October right well.  Both  had snow in November.  Honestly in the years when we get snow it's either November or March.  This year we've had none but oh the glorious cool days, the bright colors, the blue blue skies...It was a stellar month and I'm glad I was able to experience it.

Annie,  I truly enjoy the great beauty of the natural world around me...It's good to know that others appreciate it, too!

Anonymous mentioned that she was a visitor from Brandy's Prudent Homemaker and spoke of Nathan's hot dogs...It's Nathan's that we buy as well and I had not taken time to notice the package weighed less.  I did note that Hebrew Nationals which we used to buy routinely had gone from 7 hot dogs to 6 and it was because Nathan's has 8 that we swapped brands.    Hot dogs are a luxury item in our home and are only bought on sale or we don't have them at all.

And please please please, 'sign' your name to posts when you're coming to the blog as an 'Anonymous' commenter.  I really would like to address you by name when I reply.

last LFLW post  Annie I often feel so blessed when I realize how my food stores can multiply...God truly has inspired me often to make just one more meal than I think I will get.  I am glad that it inspires you!

Rebecca I will use the chocolate syrup for chocolate milk, hot cocoa, to top ice cream, to add to coffee, too when I want a flavored coffee.  I love this easy syrup recipe from The Tightwad Gazette.  

Chocolate Syrup

1/2 cup cocoa
1 cup water
2 cups sugar
1/8 tsp salt
1/4 tsp vanilla

Mix cocoa, water, sugar in a deep saucepan.  Stir to combine.  Heat over medium low heat, stirring occasionally until syrup comes to a rolling boil.  Lower heat and stir constantly.  Do not walk away as this will boil over.  Boil for 3 minutes until all sugar is dissolved.  Remove from heat.  Add vanilla and salt and allow to cool unless putting in a sterilized glass jar (1 pint size).  Store in refrigerator.

Karla hope you can stop by again soon!

It was with this post that I changed my weekly post to This Week In My Home, as a sort of closing post and finish to the week which usually starts with a This Week In My Home title as well.  

In My Home This Week/Menu post 2  Vickie M it was nice and chilly here for most all of November and I loved every moment of it.  I much prefer the opportunity to snuggle in bed than to be too warm.  

Best Bun...Thank you.  I am humbled that you took so much time from your day to read this entire blog. Thank you for your lovely heartfelt note.  It came at a moment when I needed that encouragement.

Pam, Vickie, Tammy thank you all for sharing how much you like the room

Sparky136 That photo of the persimmons was taken a few years ago.  There are plenty this year but not nearly so pretty in color.  Granny always said they were best after frost.   They are more sugary but too full of pits to suit me.  And gracious!  Get one that isn't fully ripe and it turns your mouth inside out.

Post 3  Sarah, I expect we will find ways to get involved in community things once retirement takes place.  In the meantime working with his 'odd' schedule puts people off.  It's made for a lonely sort of existence overall.

Post 4  Rhonda had written me privately about her frustrations with comments.  Even though we both use blogger and she has a profile blogger just wouldn't let her  comment.  Well after looking into several things, I decided to let go of the verification process which should make it easier.  I settled for moderating only those comments on posts that are a week old.  I've had exactly one spam comment, whereas I'd been getting dozens daily before.  I hope this makes it easier for others who've had trouble leaving comments to share their thoughts as well.

Pam  I had a very good month for November at the booth.  I hope that December is also a good month.  I'd become a little frustrated but  this past month helped a lot.

Allisamazing  It did sound like a great menu..I used one or two meals from that menu and nothing more, lol.  My week just proved to be too busy to spend time cooking.  I'll be recycling those menus!

Questions, Answers and Comments for October  Rebecca I seldom take time to reply to comments but want to acknowledge every one who does take that time.  I'll 'wave' at you this time;-D

Pam and Sarah both commented on shopping at Walmart and the steady rise in costs there.  I so seldom shop at Walmart and have no real idea about grocery costs there any more.  Our nearest is 32 miles away, as is Aldi in another town and I generally head to Aldi.

Shepherd's Pie post  Pam addressed the unwillingness of some to use leftovers.  That is a truth I've seen and recognized in my lifetime but gracious goodness!  The food we buy to serve our households is not a cheap expense annually and it behooves me to use every last bite of it if I'm to get the best return on my investment.  I think it's lack of knowledge and an inability to see how leftovers might be reused.  I know too many who make up a huge pot of something and serve that day after day after day until the family rebels.  Why?  It's true that it's convenient to have prepared food on hand but you are spoiling your family to ever want to eat a leftover and that's going to bite your budget pretty hard when the whole family decides to mutiny.  

I much prefer the methods I use.  I make up a main dish that can be morphed into other meals and I have a ready repertoire of recipes that use those ingredients...Hmmm...I foresee a Retirement Remedy post on using leftovers!

Sarah,  I cannot imagine paying $3.99 per pint jar.  I think Goodwill (and apparently Salvation Army too in your area) have really begun pricing themselves out of the thrift store business!

Susan, Yes, even a little bit of stretching is a bonus and John never once mentioned that he felt he'd missed the meat in this Shepherd's pie.  

Rebecca, I'm telling you that I am always astonished at how God stretches our provisions in this household.  Leftovers of a leftover meal indeed!

Tried and True Beef Stroganoff Soup:  Julie Baker, I am so happy that you tried and enjoyed this recipe.  I will make it again but not too often.  It's a bit expensive but it sure is tasty!  That was one happy inspiration.  M Ripples and Joanne Baker let me know when you try it as well, please and be sure to leave your comments so others can determine if it's something they would like or not and any alterations you make.  

Coffee Chat post 1  Manuela I had two Thanksgiving dinners and both were small and intimate, one had just 3 and the other just 2.  But they were both nice dinners.

Thank you Vickie M and Julie B for your holiday wishes.

Coffee Chat post 2  Pam, I love your fruitcake story.  I admit I wasn't fond of fruitcake early on either but I have a growing fondness for it as I get older.  I prefer it with a cup of coffee, just one slice.  Mama ordered hers from Figis.  She likes both the Fruit cake and the plum pudding.  Our family has never made fruitcakes, but Mama used to make a batch of fruit cake cookies each year which made a HUGE amount of cookies. Not only did she give many away as gifts, we had cookies to go in the freezer as well and ate them through the winter doubt where my love of fruit cake and coffee mid-afternoon came from!

And with my faith statement Sarah added this note "The longer I live the more I realize the many things I have done in life that were totally wrong. It is hard to think I will probably remember more. :( I am not at all trying to think of things ..they just come to memory off and on. No one is perfect except the Son and His Father. Where would we be without them? No where. "  

I think Sarah that we remember our past not because God wants us to remember where we came from (though that might be part of it as well) but because we'd be very overwhelmed if we didn't remember it in increments.

Vicki in Utah, Joanne B:  agreed!  Being a Gramma is pretty awesome.

The Guest Room  Sarah, Annie, Anonymous, Pam, Tammy, Kathy, JoAnne B, Ga Foster Mom  Thank you all for your comments on the room...and Susie @ Persimmon Cottage I haven't yet gotten to that vanity with the Liquid Gold.  It's on my list of things I mean to do in December.  I'll let you know if I keep the piece or if my DIL decides she does indeed want it.  

Retirement Remedies  Pam, Yes I have been thinking...a LOT.  I know that I am frugal and I know that there are more ways to save than we use presently.  I don't want to take joy out of my life and live as though deprived.  I do want to cut out those things that aren't adding to my life.  Sort of the decluttering you mentioned, on another level!

Rhonda,  I hadn't thought of the veteran's discounts.  We also have AAA and we are both senior citizens by most standards (since I'm 55) and those are discounts we could use as well.  Every little bit...

Sarah, I agree.  We bought a smaller home when we purchased this one.  My mother was not happy in the least with us, insisting that my oldest daughter should have a room of her own and mentioning that we'd wronged her many times.  Yet in three short years Amie was living on her own and two years after that Samuel too was gone.  My brother did things differently.  He bought a huge home and then his family dissolved and he was left with the big house and the big payment, too.  I'm glad we listened to our instincts and not to advice from well meaning but not future thinking folks.

Vickie M and JoAnne Baker,   You two have joined the consensus with a lot of us in paying off that mortgage.  I know what my children are paying for rent and house payments and I don't know how we'd manage any retirement at all if we had that.  They all live modestly.  In fact, the young Cheney's house payment is less than the other two's rents.  I'm not sure what Amie pays each month on her home but she felt a few months ago that a sum I thought high was quite reasonable and doable.  I'm deeply grateful for the windfall that came our way and as grateful to the banker who told us quite plainly that no investor in his right mind would tell us to pay off our mortgage but she suggested we do so.  

Colleen and Grammy Goodwill, I am glad that you both found the list a helpful reminder.  

Kathy,  I am of the mind that in the future I'm going to look for USED appliances.  My reasoning being that I can buy a better quality used item than I can a new one.  John bought an old Maytag from a 'little old lady' years ago and I deeply regret he sold it when we combined households.  We were replacing my much newer Kenmore not too long after that!  No complaints, as my Kenmore has now lasted us 18 years without a worry thus far, but I am serious in thinking I'll buy a USED appliance next time round.

Well that's all the posts accounted for...Thank you all for commenting in November!  


Anonymous said...

Terri, I hope you know I meant no unkindness pointing out your typo. I am a visual person and I just laughed myself silly visualizing you vacuuming up all that food, especially when we know you always use up leftovers. I will have to tell you about a friend of my sons when we were discussing meals I called the noon meal lunch, and the evening meal supper. He had called the noon meal dinner and I needed some clarification as to just when this happened. So when do you eat dinner he asked. He just shook his head when I said, oh that is our midday Sunday meal. We only have dinner on Sunday. Loved that you posted your Christmas decorating. Like having the chance to visit for a bit. Love people's homes at Christmas. Thanks for sharing! Gramma D

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Terri,

What fun posts your coffee chats are. Like friends getting together for fruitcake and coffee!! ; 0)

I've been cleaning out the office and burning years worth of past financial records. I was burning again today, and I singed my hair again!!! I wonder what my hairdresser is going to say when I go in January. I'm afraid of what she'll have to do to it. Cut off a lot I'm afraid! My hubby told me I should have worn a cap that completely covered my hair. DUH! Why didn't I think of that sooner ... why didn't he say something sooner. Oh well, it is only hair. It will grow back. ; 0) I'm loving the office that is getting organized and cleaned. I did put some leave-in conditioner on my hair so I'm hoping that helps.


Journal of My Week: Winter Again