Worth Sharing This Week

Did you notice the new description here on the blog?  I felt it was time to refocus and redirect.  Not foregoing the idea of thriftiness but expanding it to include my real goal.  After writing out a half dozen or so new ideas, I was inspired by a line I read this week to write this:
"Practicing wise economy while pursuing beauty, loveliness and grace."   

Dear Souls...October Goals and Things

I'm not 'back' yet...but I am, if you know what I mean.

Your heartfelt words touched me deeply.  I am greatly appreciative of your kindness and your encouragement and your prayers most of all.

I had not realized how tired I had gotten in these weeks past.  I sometimes forget that emotional exhaustion exacts a deeper toll than hard work does. It seemed that so many things were being tossed at me and they lit like screeching monkeys upon my back. It is equally telling that the monkeys themselves were also the hold-up in each situation I was expected to attend to, but there you are.  Monkeys are not known for their reliability nor their acceptance of responsibility either.  However,   last week three major things were accomplished and a fourth task was at least started.  Three monkeys off my back entirely and one calmed down, seems like progress...My to do list is barely shorter but it's shorter by those things.

Iced Tea Chat: Dancing In the Dark

Hello dears!  Come in and let's share a glass of iced tea.  I'd love to say we'd have coffee but it's hot, nearly 100F today and though John says coffee is cooling, I like something with ice in it.  One day perhaps I'll figure out how to make Iced Coffee that tastes good.  Until then I like a tall glass of iced tea on a hot afternoon.  I take mine unsweetened and like it just fine, provided it's a good brand of tea.  Like coffee, not all teas are created equal and so I seek out a brand that really tastes good to me.  Come to think of it, there's  fewer calories in my iced tea, so maybe I'd better stick with it and leave off the iced coffee except as a treat.

Diary of a Week: First Week of September

Saturday:  How about another of my favorite autumn themed songs?   September In The Rain   We've just had a few brief showers and though September isn't here until tomorrow, it seemed fitting somehow.  I know you all enjoy the occasional shared vintage music.  It's appropriate to the expected weather for today and tomorrow...

I didn't just grow up listening to 'Stairway to Heaven' and 'Dream On' and other such rock and roll songs as a teenager.  I was the unusual kind of teen girl.  I played piano (more or less) and  learned songs such as the one I linked above and other hits from the 1920's to 1940's eras.   So I already had a love of the old standards and that was enhanced by watching Lawrence Welk every Saturday evening as well, which was a nice mix of contemporary and standards.

Goals for September

A new page is turned upon the calendar and here it is September...Hard to believe that 8 full months of this year have gone by already and a new season nearly upon us, as well.

I shall share quickly all about August and how that month went, though I had no hard and fast plans to accomplish any one thing:

March 25: Purposeful