This Week In My Home: Second Verse, Same As the First


Anyone else remember the old Herman Hermit's song?  That line is my tune this week.  I planned.  I started tasks.  I failed.  This week I start over again on that long list from last week and try my best to conquer feeling unwell and get things done.  I still might not finish it all, but I'll knock off a few more tasks.  I've added a couple of new items, too, but that's it.  I don't mean to set myself up for failure twice!

I'm not being too hard on myself.  What I did accomplish was substantial enough and done despite not feeling well.  I can say honestly that much as I'd like to be, I am not mistress of my own time and must flow with the days as they come.   That's okay.  You see, I'm not the spontaneous sort and I need the free flow of other's changing up my days and times to keep me from being too rigid and missing out on the things that really matter, like detours down slow country back roads and family visits and long conversations with people who matter more than tasks.

All that said, here's my plans for this week...


Last week wasn't exactly a fail with my plans and goals but I was left with more list than I'd like to have leftover.  So this week I'm making the leftover tasks this week's list.   There's no need of planning much more into a week when I've so much undone.

I'll start a list of food and other household items to order.  I'll also make a real effort to get out at least one day this week to see what I can add to my household from some retail source or other if it's only the local dollar and grocery stores.

Plan and prep some 'convenience' food items.

Get curtains washed and quilts aired.

Figure out zones and begin to work them once more.

Whole House Task: Dusting furnishings in all rooms.  No, I didn't finish last week's task of deep cleaning all the floors but so be it.  I need to move on.  That task will roll around again in a few weeks time and I'll do those I didn't manage this time around.

Food Prep Day and Gather Fragments.  Fragments this week will be from cupboards.  I've kept the fridge pretty well caught up and used up all the foods we've had leftover.   Of course, I'll be checking my fridge at the beginning of the week to insure I haven't missed anything but I'm confident I won't find a great deal that requires immediate usage.

Weed the flower bed about the Sweet Gum tree.  Soooo close to being done with this one.  Then I'll do minor work about the Faith tree.  I've noted a few suckers coming up on the tree roots.

Clear the sticks from about the Sweet Gum and Faith trees. Almost done with the Sweetgum.

Calculate how many blocks to finish off that area around the Sweet Gum and buy them.

Get serious about fall planting and locate seeds online or in retail.  Buy soil for pots and bags.

Start work on back porch.

Get front porch paint touched up. 

Make a dedicated spreading area for the compost where I can turn it properly. 

Measure the area between the two sheds for future flower or vegetable or combination beds.  Figure out how many blocks I'll need.  Price them while picking up landscape blocks.  John and I discussed this project yesterday and he's already envisioned the best way to fence it off.  I'll make this my first veg garden project and then we'll work on the next area at the South end of the house.

I need to repot or add to the soil of several of my plants.  And I have a few that need to be potted now they have rooted.

Get back on the ball with my Math class. 

Meals this week:


Peach Muffins, Cheese Cubes   

Bagels and Cream Cheese

Eggs with Hash Browns, Toast

Sausage,  French Toast

English Muffins, Boiled Eggs

Cereal, Fruit, Toast

Toasted Raisin Bread with Cheese


Leftover Pizza

Turkey, Tomato and Lettuce Sandwiches

Big Nachos (beans, cheese, lettuce, tomato)

Bean Burritos

Egg Salad Sandwiches

Tuna Pasta Salad 

Out? If not, then leftovers or PBJ


Fried Chicken, Squash Casserole, Green Beans

Sausage and Rice Stuffed Acorn Squash (never ate this meal last week), Green Salad, Sliced Apples

Black Beans, Yellow Rice, Pico de Gallo, Tortillas, Orange Wedges

Alpine Chicken, Cranberry Sauce, Pear Salad, Green Peas

Chili Mac, Green Salad

Chicken Chow Mein, Asian Slaw

Oven Roasted Chicken Sausage and Italian Roasted Vegetables


I have a whole fresh stack of September vintage magazines lined up beside my chair, as well as the genealogy checklist I've been working my way through and a good book.   I think these items should give me nice leisure time activities but if those things bore me, I've put out a little bag of hand sewing to do as well.

John's keeping a running tally of shows we can share as well, from narrowboat adventurers in England to "Have Gun Will Travel" and a few others we enjoy together.  I think our week's leisure will go along rather well.


Lana said...

A suggestion for your ear. Mix one teaspoon olive oil with five drops each of tea tree, lavender, and basil oils. Rub that all around the ear, down the neck and under the jaw bone over the lymph nodes there. You can repeat this every three hours. It may or may not help but after doing some research it is what I could put together from what you may have on hand. Olive oil is anti inflammatory so don't sub another carrier.

We have the walls prepped in my dressing room so we need to paint that this week.

We need to hit Sam's and Walmart for some needed items which I am hoping will be in stock.

Small group maybe. It is finals week for our friend who is working on his master's.

Maybe some more canning. Jars arrive tomorrow.

The weather is gorgeous here today so we were able to have lunch in the screen porch!

terricheney said...

Lana, Thank you. I do have all of that on hand and am applying at present just as you've said. I kept meaning to ask you what you'd suggest and then I'd forget. Thank you for thinking to tell me.

Journal of My Week: Winter Again