June Goals


I didn't manage to finish my May goals.  I did touch on several.  The one thing I regret is that we didn't get our anniversary gift.  We looked.  We debated.  We had too many other things we wanted to do for others, so we put it off.  So it goes.  It wasn't the only goal I missed, so I'll not fret too much over it.  

June is going to be busy.  The calendar is full already and we have not yet faced the days when things don't go as planned.  I'm keeping my goals for this month simple.

Spiritual/Self-Help:  Read my current faith-based book, Joy Clarkson's You Are A Tree.  It's not a devotional, but I'm reading each chapter in parts so it won't go very fast.  I've listened to all her podcasts for the season based on the book.  

I've been abysmal about scripture reading and journaling.  I'm going to choose a book of the New Testament, read it in sections, just as I am the previously mentioned book, and jot down my thoughts about what I'm reading.  I am limiting myself to 15-20 minutes daily. I chose I Peter.

Pray about my time and how to best manage my home, life, and all else.  

Finances:  I have two more presents to get for birthdays.

I'm going to slightly increase my grocery budget this month.  My main reason is not the usual monthly overage, but for a week we'll have two visitors, we'll probably celebrate three birthdays here and I expect the family will be here in full force for all of it.  It's all weekdays so suppers will be family ones.  I'd rather be prepared.

We may want to go out to eat at least once during that week.  I'm reserving our entertainment money this month for that purpose.

I want to add to the vacation fund, $100 if I can swing it.

Work:  If I can stay abreast of housework, that will do.  

I'd love to work in the yard this month too.  I need to weed and mulch around the Faith tree.  I want to spread mulch in the Rose bed and move the coral rose to the rose bed.  

Note to self: buy mulch!  

I want to take cuttings of mint, basil, moss rose, impatiens, and coleus so I can root them and create more plants for the yard.  I'll save my spending for mulch and a perennial plant to add to the yard. John gave me a small amount of money after I mentioned that I wanted a Buddleia.  He looked up the cost at Lowe's.  I'll purchase that this month.

That's it.  That's all I'm going to plan extra this month.

Personal/Leisure:  All the library program dates have been added to my calendar except for the week  Lily is visiting.  I'll keep that week free for her visit.   

Mama wants me to take Lily to see her that week if I can.  Since she's only here for four days and Mama will be having eye surgery one day and follow-up visits the next we're hitting a short window of opportunity to get the two of them together.  

Take my medications, check my blood sugar more routinely (I did well for three months then slipped hard in May), and eat low-carb meals and snacks.

Keep up my personal care.  I gave myself two-thirds of a pedicure this week.  If I can maintain during the month ahead I'll call it good.

Take time off from the blog.  I've got a couple of posts in the works, but they are barely started.  I wonder if I'll have time to put out anything other than the Weekly Diary in the month ahead.  I'm planning to do only that much and no more.

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Robin said...

Terri, Thank you for all of your posts and do know I read every one but rarely comment. I encourage you to not feel pressure to post for a while. You do a lot all the time! You encourage me to write down goals each week, meal plan and keep a running list of freezer meals also. Take care of yourself this summer and it is okay to put boundaries around your needs. Heat and humidity came on full force in western NC today so I am sure Georgia was even worse. I just want to encourage you to give yourself a break and work on your diabetic control so you will not have complications down the road. I will pray for you to have strength for each day and I am confident that your strong faith will continue to supply every need.
With warm regards, Robin

Jane R said...

Enjoy your family time and have a good break. We will still be here when you restart.

terricheney said...

Robin, Thank you. I'm enjoying my time more than I thought I might. It's always hard for me to step back and let things go but it pays off in the long run.

Jane R., Thank you!

March 26: It Was Time