Menu Plan Monday

Ever feel un-inspired?  That's me right at the moment.  Nothing comes readily to mind that I'd like to eat except what I made for a meal today: Spaghetti with Meat Sauce which was truly far more heavy on the vegetables than on the meat.  It's telling that I scorched the first pot badly and scorched the second pot slightly (we ate it anyway).  No salad, no sides, nothing.  For supper I had yogurt with strawberries and John had a sandwich and leftover mashed potatoes that he reheated.  You see how uninspired I am?

Now it might well be just because I'm tired.  We had a very full weekend and I enjoyed it from start to finish.  The weather was outstandingly beautiful, breezy, just cool enough to warrant a lightweight jacket, sunny and wonderful. Appetites were revved up for every meal.  We said goodbye to the last of our guests this morning around 7:30.  There was the house...shambles.  Absolute shambles.  I confess, I focus more on my guests, less on what is required to keep the house clean, and it showed,   Oh my.

John was a grand help this morning, doing laundry, vacuuming, hauling bed covers from one room to the other.  I feel like all I really accomplished today was burning meat sauce and making beds.  And there was a bit of a nap in there somewhere as well.

So I thought before the day was legitimately done, I'd best figure out what meals I'll try to have this week.  Last week's menu and I parted ways many times.  It just turned out to be that sort of week.  For our pocketbook's sake, I have to stick to my menu this week.

Spaghetti with Meat Sauce 
Enough of said about that, lol.

Brats, Potatoes with Parsley butter, Coleslaw, Apple Turnovers
I made one change at the beginning of the year that we've stuck to pretty hard: eating  one raw salad or vegetable dish daily or at least six times a week.  Such an easy and simple change and it's been very beneficial.  It adds fiber, you get more of the nutrients and vitamins from the food, and it's filling, so we eat smaller portions and are better satisfied overall.

Barbeque Chicken, Succotash, Green Salad, Texas Sheet Cake 
I might attempt to grill again this day, we'll see how the day turns out.  I more or less did the burgers and dogs myself this weekend with help from John when flare-ups got bad.  We had leftover corn, perfect for succotash.  The Cake is leftover as well.

Twice Baked Potatoes, 3 Bean Salad, Sliced Tomatoes
I really would like to do au gratin potatoes but I haven't nearly enough cheese nor enough of the right sort of potatoes.  I did get an excellent buy on baking russets at Aldi last week and I do find that a stuffed baked potato is a nice filling entreeAnd yes we did have baked potatoes last week.  We topped them with canned chili and cheese.

Roast Chicken, Rice Pilaf, Spring Salad, Biscuits
I'll use leftover biscuits for breakfast tomorrow. 

Chicken Salad Sandwiches, French Fries, Carrot and Raisin Salad, Lemonade
An easy meal to make of leftovers and John will appreciate extras in his work lunch.

Cubed Steaks, Squash Casserole, Green Beans with New Potatoes
One bonus to living is Georgia is the availability of fresh produce like new potatoes, and squash, when others are still getting snow.  I haven't made squash casserole since last autumn.  I can't wait to taste it once more. 

Well look at that...I found inspiration after all, just needed to think about what I had on hand. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how do you make the squash casserole

What Do I Do With That?