This Week's Meal and Job Plan: June 22-28

Another week past in which few of the planned meals were made.  Some was due to unexpected spoilage of fresh produce.  Some was because I was too hot, too tired, feeling lazy, didn't want to bother...Summer doldrums, if you will.  I think I found a help.  I cooked dinner for Friday's company meal very early, well before 8am and then just reheated slightly at dinner time.  It worked beautifully, didn't heat up the house all afternoon long.  I'll be taking that into consideration for the remainder of these summer days and try to get the meal cooked early morning from here on out.  

I'm feeling fully rested once more, after taking last week off from pushing to do projects and concentrating on just the usual day to day homemaking.  Ready to tackle new projects this week, and coming at the week with a fresh meal plan.  I will need to pick up produce items this week.  I have none left except a head of red cabbage  and a bunch of green onions in the fridge.  I have a grocery trip to make but I hope to also make time to get down to buy fresh corn to put in the freezer, as well.  'Tis the season, you know.

Chicken Potstickers, Fried Rice, Garlic Beans, Egg Rolls
A few weeks ago, while in Walmart shopping for vacation foods, I found a big bag of chicken potstickers, Tai Pei brand, in the frozen food section.  Boy are those things GOOD.  I will need to pick up produce to make this meal, namely cabbage, carrots, and fresh green beans.  I can make egg rolls once I have the first two items.  I have all else needed in pantry or freezer.

Lasagna, Salad, Garlic Bread
I need lettuce for salads, but the rest I will make from scratch right here at home.  I made the sauce Friday.  I should have enough to manage two small lasagnas so I can put one in the freezer.  I suspect I might have a smidge of sauce left over.  I'll put it to good use later in the week.

Creamed Turkey over Toast Points,  Green Peas, Waldorf Salad
This meal we'll have early in the week. I have all needed items on hand to make this one and can put off shopping just a bit longer.

BBQ Chicken, Potatoes au gratin, 3 Bean Salad, Corn Muffins
Another meal for the early part of the week.  I think I saw BBQ sauce on the pantry shelf last week when I was plundering about.  If not I'll make my own.  I have all the necessary ingredients on hand.

Homemade Pizza,  Wedge Salads
I'll have pizza whether or not I have enough sauce left.  I can always smear the top with tomato pesto (pantry shelf)  and just add on cheeses.

Burgers and Hot Dogs on the grill, Pub Fries, Vidalia onion Rings, Coleslaw, Baked Beans
This meal will actually do us for two days, though the second day will likely have chips instead of pub fries.
If I fire up the grill I like to cook more than one meal's worth of food.  And grilling can be done in the cooler morning hours just like any other cooking...that's just a reminder to myself, lol.

Leftover grilled foods

Job Plans

Last week:
Take down curtains, mend and wash.
Touch up the furniture paint here and there.
Paint the back door a fresh coat of white.
Decorate the walls.  Clear the top of the chiffarobe and redo that fresh.
Decorate the shelf at the bank entry.
Alter my kitchen desk slightly.

 I also want to:

Do a full food inventory.
Make up a few entrees for the freezer for future easy meals.
Make up a few more batches of cookie dough for freezer and perhaps freeze a dozen cupcakes which are always handy to have.

And I need to call and schedule two repairs, prepare for company at end of the week, prep food and house for Shabat

Those were the plans last week.  I found, when it came to it, that I hadn't energy to do much beyond housework, nor materials enough to do many of the tasks I'd planned.  Bummed!  I did deep clean the laundry area, finished off the decorating in my bedroom (that room is officially done at present) and nursed along a wee little kitten until we could get her fostered. I mended a few clothing items I'd discovered needed some minor work.  It looks like a mere handful of things got done, but it was much more than you'd think with all the ordinary day to day stuff tossed in.

I think I'll be ready to tackle a few of these tasks this week though, so I'm not making a new list, will just try to knock out as many of these things as I can and any extra I might manage.

1 comment:

sparky136 said...

My friend always cooks her main meal early in the day, summer and winter. I like to do mine early, too

March 27: Grocery Day