This Week's Meal Plan and Jobs

I think, after this year, I should get a bumper sticker for my car: I SAW Georgia! lol  We're just back from a weekend in Athens in which we traveled many miles further with our two children (John with Sam and I with Katie).  It was a great weekend and as with every time we've traveled I've learned a thing a two that we might do differently to best suit our comfort and save a smidge of money.  But that is another post for another day.

We arrived back home today and I immediately started a meal when we came in, using freezer items so I'll lead with that meal and we'll go from there.

Turkey, Dressing, Broccoli with Cheese, Cranberry Relish
Turkey and Dressing from the freezer.  It took only about a half hour to thaw an dheat in the oven.  I steamed the broccoli in the oven, too.  I didn't leave it for the full half  hour.  And no salad.  I was unpacking while dinner heated.  We did eat ALL of the cranberry relish which was about 1/4 cup each.  It counts as a fruit, really as there was no sugar just cranberries, orange and apple.

Beef Ravioli Bake, Italian Green Beans, Green Salad, Garlic Bread
I have beef, ravioli and green beans in the freezer as well as bread.  That should help make somewhat of a dint in the freezer...And that's good as I bought an item while on our trip that I packed into the freezer, lol.  It does seem that no matter how much I take out I put as much back in but I am truly seeing some room in both freezers, so I must be making headway.

Chicken Dumplings, Apple Pie
I'll use chicken and broth and mixed veg from the freezer.  John likes the big fluffy type dumplings.  I grew up with the flat noodle type dumplings that Granny taught me how to make...So if there's an extra lot of chicken stew left, I put in the freezer and then make my sort of dumplings a little later. The apple pie will be made from scratch.  I bought the most beautiful Winesap apples in North Georgia this weekend.  I shared some with the kids and brought home extras for making a lovely pie. I have my favorite Dutch apple Pie recipe, but I was thinking of trying this recipe.

Potato Soup, Reubens
I assume we'll be grocery shopping by this point.  If not, the sandwich might change to patty melts or pigs in blankets and I'll add slaw to the menu. If we make it to the store then I'll buy thin corned beef at the deli and Swiss cheese and Rye bread. What will this use from the freezer?  More chicken broth!  I have LOTS in there, lol.  Also some milk that is just off, still within date but not quite tasty in a glass by itself.  I think it will be fine in my soup.

Pot Roast with Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Carrot Raisin Salad, Green Peas, Biscuits
I'm counting on leftovers from this meal to see us through Shabat evening supper and to make sandwiches for John's lunch.

Waffles, Breakfast Meats, Cheese Omelets, Sauteed Apples
Shabat mornings we usually have bagels...I always feel a little cheated because I miss that hot breakfast food.  I thought this week I'd have a brunch type meal for our lunch hour.  It's the time of year when breakfast for supper (or lunch) is just plain good and let's face it, it's an inexpensive enough meal to serve.

Jobs for This Week

last week
1.  Start work on next flower bed. 
2.  Straighten out my house clothes drawer.
3.  Day out with Mama.
4.  Start straightening up shed.
5.  Paint lamp
6.  Hang guest room items on wall.
7.  Clean the hope chest and dresser with Liquid Gold
8.  Prep the few plants meant to come indoors to make them pest free.

Yes really...though I did go out and spend a half hour or so trimming branches in the front yard, cleaning, running errands, cooking meals, etc.  But yeah, not a great work week.

This Week:

John is taking a vacation day this week which means he'll be home until Sunday.  I'm going to call this week a vacation week, too.  Whatever I do at home will be bonus work!


Anonymous said...

So glad you got to see the family again!!!! Wonderful! We are slowllllly using up things in our freezer here too. Today it was only the thinly sliced ham for sandwiches. Dinner was leftovers that used things from the freezer yesterday. ..Oh I forgot the bread was in the freezer! Yea for one other thing... ;) I am so used to making a little stretch far and so even using things in the freezer I think that way and it is going way too slow doing this!!!! :-) Add to that the last of the summer veggies from the garden and that means less coming from the freezer for meals. Then too some things from the garden should be ADDED to the freezer. !! :))) :( We are soooo blessed. To have such problems. Really. So many people would love to just have one meal to set on the table. Sarah

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Those freezer meals come in so handy. Glad you had a great trip to GA. I remember going through there and seeing all those pecan trees. Such a pretty state.
Have a great vacation LOL

Anonymous said...

I looked at your to do list and was immediately tired! ;0) Good for you. I have my list down to just 3 things, but they never seem to get done.

Canning season is almost done. It has stretched out a long time this year ... just a couple of light frosts so things in the garden keep on coming. I canned ketchup yesterday. Haven't done that in many years!

We were gone over the weekend to a family reunion and Hubs drank a Coke product. Here's the code for you to use: 9RPRVFVW7BFH4T I'm just glad someone can use the codes because we sure don't.

Journal of My Week: Winter Again