This Week In My Home: Meals and Job Plans

I planned meals last week and watched my menu plan disintegrate.  Planned leftovers didn't happen, foods needed stubbornly refused to thaw in time, menus shifted to another day wouldn't work with the time frame on that day and then I felt poorly.

I hope that this week we can stick more closely to the plan.  John works only one day but we'll be out two days, so it will be a short week for meal plans.  I'm pretty sure we'll eat out at least one of those two days we're out of the house.  The first menu is our family dinner we had earlier today.  Nice to have family gather...and see my youngest grandson and my great nieces.

You'll notice I'm not making supper or breakfast menus any longer.  I've figured out we pretty much eat the same things over and over and while I will plan them on paper for my sake, I'll omit them from the blog.

Fried Chicken, Green Beans, Potatoes au gratin, Coleslaw, Rolls, and Blueberry Cobbler
Chicken from the local diner the rest made right here at home including the rolls.

Steak and Cheese Burritos, Black beans and rice, Green Salad
I never did get my enchiladas made last week so I'll fit it into this week's menu.

Russian Cabbage Rolls, Mashed potatoes, Butter beans, Corn Bread Muffins
I bought fresh cabbage and fresh raisins last pay period.  This is a recipe I discovered last year and realy enjoyed.  I'm happy to have what is needed to make it again.

on my own

out of house

quick meal:  Hot Meat loaf Sandwiches, Chips, Apples

Chili over rice, Pineapple Salad, Corn bread Muffins

Jobs This Week

Last week:
deep cleaning  the kitchen  in increments.
This stays on the list this week.  I cleaned all the counter tops and the items on them, rearranged things, etc.  I would like to sort out another bank of cupboards this week.  And take down the chickens on the soffit and clean those.  This week I will also include note: not finished but moving on.  I've had a full month playing about in this room.  I didn't do all I wanted but I did all I could.

Mop floors.

Tag and take items and shelves to the booth, set up and arrange display.  I'll get John to go with me to put the shelves together. Note:  we did mean to do this but the store was closed due to illness.

Make the necessary returns.

Make reservations for a planned visit to see Kingsland family later next month.

Re-pot some pansies that are not doing well where they are.  The planter they are in will not stand up to weather so I'll put them in one of the now empty pots in the little flower bed next to the steps. 

This week:

I'll start deep cleaning the living and dining rooms this week.  If necessary I'll spend the whole of the month in this area.

Work on 2nd portion of flower bed.  There's digging to do in that area to move things out.

Run errands, pay bills, buy groceries.

Spend time with family.


Unknown said...

I shall miss your supper and breakfast menus. Repetitive they may be, but still liked to read. The mention of pansies made me chuckle...we got 11" of snow here last night. It'll be months before we can have any.

Anonymous said...

i am like Julie. Boggles my mind to hear someone talking about the flowers in their garden when we are buried under snow with more forecast for tomorrow, probably close to 8 inches. Love, love, love the picture that you have for your background of the sunrise? sunset? Gramma D.

Shelley said...

I'll be the third! Love hearing about your flowers (and menu plan)- we have received more snow (although I don't believe anywhere near the same as Gramma D).

Anonymous said...

I have been working on gathering up things for meals in my freezer. I mean putting a meat and the sides together in different bags but then into enlarger zip lock bag. Some times hubby needs lunch but I am not wanting as much to eat. I can pull one out and reheat and his meal is ready. I just eat an apple or such. This had been helping. Our daffodils are blooming and there are as usual so many out door chores to do. As usual though I love it even if it takes me longer to do than it did years past. I am working on a bed for the new berries to go now. Sounds like soon you will be a grandmother again! It is exciting times in our lives isn't it! I know you are loving it!! Sarah

Journal of My Week: Winter Again