In My Home This Week: Work Ahead and Get Ahead

Last week proved to be busy and hectic.  The best gift I gave myself last week was to prep meals on Monday as much ahead as I possibly could.  It worked beautifully, saving a world of time and stress.  I think I'll plan to do that again this week. I was thrown by the fact that I had no roast in the freezer after making my menu plan.  No, none at all.  And to be sure I wasn't just missing it in my search, I actually looked at the freezer inventory sheet I'd just used and no, there was no roast.  I checked at the grocery, and seeing prices, swallowed really hard and decided to make do without it.  We bought food out twice this last week and I was out with Mama one day as well so the need to make more meals proved unnecessary.  I did switch one of my menus to the evening meal.

I have big plans for the week ahead.  I'm smack dab in the midst of revamping the front porch.  Just now it involves scrubbing the railings clean and then painting them.  I also have new paint for the two chairs there.  I'd dearly love to move the dog house off the porch permanently but I won't be able to do so.  Maddie likes it on the porch so she can come hide there when the thunder rumbles.  The cat's little hideaway is there, too.   When I am all done with what I can do with what I have on hand, I'm going to purchase floor paint and get to work on that porch floor.  Here's hoping that in the next week or two it will be a neat, clean, brand new space.  I do like to see projects get finished up!

There's a lot of the usual work and such to be accomplished this week as well.  Doctor, lab, picking up the pay check, Harvest day, grocery shopping and all the routine housework.  There's yard work to be done, too.  I'll do what I can on the big extras and make sure to get all the usual household things accomplished.  There's nothing worse than working hard on a project and finding you've an entire meal to make from scratch or a messy house after you're worn out.

So let's see what meals we can prepare this week.  I seem to have found my right ratio of carbohydrates to keep my blood sugars fairly stable.  I need to eat the most in the morning, somewhere closer to 60 then and  less at noon and still fewer for the last meal of the day.  Fingers crossed this continues to work for me.

Breakfasts this week:  
Breakfast sandwich, Banana, milk
Pancake, turkey sausage, applesauce, milk
Cold Cereal, Milk,  Peach, Peanut Butter Toast
Mini Bagel with Cream Cheese, Orange, Milk
Scrambled Eggs, Toast, Fruit Cup with Yogurt
Fried Egg, Grits, Peach, Toast
Blueberry Muffins, Boiled Egg, Mixed Berries

Dinners this week:
Leftover Fried Chicken, Butter beans, Coleslaw, Corn Muffin, Baked Peach
Meatloaf, Green Beans, Mashed Potatoes, Sliced Tomato Salad, Sugar free pudding
Pan Baked Chicken, Squash Casserole, Black Eyed Peas, Apple Brown Betty
Pepper Steak, Brown Rice, Steamed Broccoli, Ambrosia
on my own, so I'll eat leftovers
Deli Rotisserie Chicken, Potato Salad, Sliced Tomato and Onions, Rolls, fresh Peach
Taco Salad, Banana Split

Suppers this week:
PB&J, Apple, Milk
Turkey Club Sandwiches, Applesauce
Vegetable Soup, Meatloaf Sandwich
Cheese Toast, leftover Soup
Pizza, Salad
Burger, Banana 'Milkshake'
Egg Salad Sandwich, Chips, Peach 

Jobs This Week

Finish washing front porch railings.
Paint porch chairs.
Clean porch flooring.
Doctor appointment.
Harvest: pick up check, pay bills, get allowances and grocery funds.
Spend a little time doing meal prep for the week.
Bake Challah.
Grocery Shop.
Visit thrift store.
Lab work.


Lana said...

I am thinking a cute paint job is coming for Maddie's doghouse. :)

Tammy said...

Oh, I like Lana's idea of painting Maddie's doghouse so it's cute on the porch. :)
I'd like to finish a project around here - too many are started, then we move on. Makes me crazy!
You are so right about prepping ahead for meals. Sometimes I do it on the weekend, sometimes when I'm cooking anyway I'll add in tasks to prep for future dishes.

Lana said...

Free Better Homes and Gardens magazine-It is my favorite and I never pay for it.

Unknown said...

Love the idea of painting the dog house

Karla said...

Add my vote to painting Maddie's dog house!

Meal Plan for Second Week of March