In My Home This Week: Sweeter and Sweeter

In my home this week: 
 Another week behind, another week ahead.  On Friday this past week, I went down with Bess and Sam to see the new house.  It's a lovely place.  I admit to a wee small bit of home envy, which has taken root in me of late anyway courtesy the foolishness of having spent an entire afternoon viewing a bloggers' summer tour of homes that contained lovely things I have no way of possessing myself at the moment.  Not deep rooted envy, just a little moment and  I did quickly uproot it and put it aside. My family is so happy to have their home in their possession.  There's a bit of reno work to be done first, nothing too earth shattering and only delaying them about ten days before they can move in for good.

 I needed this weekend to remind me how very blessed I am.  I had a lovely day for the second time this month:  I had grandbabies in the house as well as my great nieces.   My niece is just a couple of years younger than Katie and Sam, Ashley and Katie all have children near in age.  There were just four here but at one point the house felt a bit like it was rollicking as aunts and cousins loved on children not theirs and children ran about screaming and laughing and playing.    Funny how four very little children can fill a house right up with noise.

It might not have been the most peaceful Shabat, nor the most restful one on record, but this sweet season keeps getting sweeter and sweeter!

 ...I plan meals:


Steak, Baked Potatoes, Salad, Pies
It was a birthday meal for my children.  Sam's birthday on Shabat and Katie's will be next Friday.  My children have never really been ones for birthday cake.  They prefer pie.  Since I was gone yesterday and low on eggs anyway, I bought pies for them both. 

Pizza, Salad, leftover pie
A father's day meal John will enjoy.

Crock Pot Ritz Chicken, Green Beans and Potatoes, Pear Salad

Grocery Day

Leftover Italian Beef, Mashed potatoes, Pan Roasted Zucchini, Rolls

Red Beans and Rice, Coleslaw, Corn Muffins, Peach Crisp

Meat Loaf, Potatoes Au Gratin, Steamed Green Beans, Salad

....I plan work in my home:

I have the bill box worked up already.  I took advantage of a quiet space in the week and went ahead with that work.  I'll just finish up by writing out the checks and getting them mailed off.

Grocery day

Mop the kitchen.  Gracious goodness but it needs it!

Start making out a restock list for my pantry.  I may not be Mother Hubbard but goodness that pantry is starting to look mighty bare! I'll also plan a restock of meats for the freezer.  I'm getting mighty low there, too.  I don't plan to actually do this until the family has moved into their new home but having a list ready might cue my memory if a good sale presents itself in the next week or two. 

Round up sheets and a towel and such that Sam can use at the new house while he's working in the area for the first part of this week.

Begin preliminary work on third quarter (!) budget.  Golly but the year is gliding past!

Paddle hard and forgo the worry that I'm behind which is a constant given these days. 

...I plan my leisure

I'm finding I'm tired these days.  And I mean an honest to goodness tiredness, not an unhealthy not feeling well sort of tired.  This week I mean to go to bed early and to set aside some alone time, which I find I am sorely missing and needing badly.  I mean to do this so that I can continue to savor and enjoy the time with my grandson and family.


Lana said...

How lovely to have another family day. We enjoyed Father's day lunch at our daughter's home and watched the grandchildren play in the sprinkler.

We put a contract on a beautiful brand new home on Saturday. We offered more than the asking price and someone outbid us. The real estate market is crazy right now. After that experience we have decided to take a break from looking at all for the next 5 to 6 weeks. I feel so free today of the worry and the searching.

Since we are free of the house looking we can stop eating out so much which has gotten really tiresome. Tonight it is Philly cheesesteak sandwiches made with leftover steak from yesterday and corn on the cob eaten in our screen porch. We have let little pleasures go by the wayside with being so busy with the house hunting.

Lana said...

How lovely to have another family day. We enjoyed Father's day lunch at our daughter's home and watched the grandchildren play in the sprinkler.

We put a contract on a beautiful brand new home on Saturday. We offered more than the asking price and someone outbid us. The real estate market is crazy right now. After that experience we have decided to take a break from looking at all for the next 5 to 6 weeks. I feel so free today of the worry and the searching.

Since we are free of the house looking we can stop eating out so much which has gotten really tiresome. Tonight it is Philly cheesesteak sandwiches made with leftover steak from yesterday and corn on the cob eaten in our screen porch. We have let little pleasures go by the wayside with being so busy with the house hunting.

Karla said...

So glad you've had more sweetness in this season. I know it is certainly welcome.

I know just what you mean about the home envy. I get that way often. Not a deep envy, just a little sigh in my soul that makes me have to dig deep for gratitude occasionally.

Anonymous said...

My son in law would love a newer home, and they could well afford one, but my daughter refuses to even consider it. "Nope, this is where all my memories are, not interested" She is not exactly a hoarder, but there are 4 of them, 1 bath, and 3 bedrooms and no family room and doesnt see the need to even redo because that would change the memories, so she has a lot of stuff, including a packed garage. Now 1 son is away during the school year and 1 will go to college next year so she says the house will perfect. When I mention grands, so just says, they can stay with you overnight, you have room. We will see! I do feel very much the same way. I could leave the house behind, but I would really miss my yard and patio. The day is coming though when we will need to downsize. Sigh! Gramma D

Sparkiedoll said...

Sometimes I suffer quite badly from 'wantitis' but it passes.....

Lana said...

Why oh why are my posts showing up twice?

Sew Blessed Maw [Judy] said...

Proud you had the fun days with the grandkids and nieces.. Always fun.
I too.. have the desire to want a bigger house,[daughter had a 2 story house, which is so beautiful..But..soon, I get back to reality and my small ,old house seems
Know your going to miss the kids...but it will be nice to get back to your routine.
have a great week.

Kathy said...

So glad you enjoyed the time with your grands and nieces.
I know about the home envy and then I rmember that our house is paid for which makes me feel better. :D
Hope you have a great week.

Spring Goals for March...And Beyond.