Challenge 1 for January 2017: Use It Up

                                                    photocredit: crazykouponlady

Typically come January I issue myself a pantry/freezer challenge to try to offset the costs of the holidays.  This year, I issued a challenge to myself during the holidays to only purchase what we absolutely needed or were out of and so there was my pantry/freezer challenge, because that was carrying us through the holidays.

I've just been freshening up several areas of our home.  Not doing a major toss out but simply looking into cabinets and drawers and pantry and freezer and cabinets and fridge and noting that there are a number of things we aren't using or haven't quite finished.  I won't throw away something unless it's absolutely useless or spoiled.  We've already spent the money on these things.

So my Challenge to myself this month is to USE IT UP!  And I'm issuing a challenge to you all to look about the house and note those items you've already spent good money upon and haven't quite finished for one reason or another.  Make plans now to use them.  Take that extra step and USE what you already have on hand. 


Anonymous said...

I have been thinking about this too. I got out all the sewing and embroidery projects out that I have accumulated over the years. I am going to work my way thru them and finish them.I spent money on them,they need to be done. I also have been going thru my clothes and making myself wear things I haven't worn in a few years. weg

Rhonda said...

I'm going to be doing this. I have my grocery cash but I am hoping to have most of it left at the end of the month.
We will see!
Best wishes to us both on this challenge.

Anonymous said...

This is going on in our home too! Yesterday I made some muffins from some cake mixes (that I doctored up) that were just past their expiration date. I baked them up and put them in the freezer to pull our later for breakfasts, snacks and picnic "fillers". We are planning on using up every half empty container of anything in this house before we open/and or purchase another. Incorporating older panty and freezer items into our meal plan is another area we are "using it up". I am excited to read your updates subject. I am frugal by nature but love to get a fresh perfection and ideas from others. May we all succeed in this challenge :)

Dawn said...

This is a great challenge. Even though I am doing a pantry challenge this month, I want to focus on using up stuff this entire year. Moving made me realize how much stuff I had. I want to look at what I have on hand before I make a purchase.

Kim S in VA said...

Hi Terri. Happy New Year! I haven't commented in a very long time, but I've definitely been reading your posts! I'm excited about your challenge and I'm planning to participate. In fact, I wrote up a pantry inventory a few days ago and I'm getting ready to work on the fridge and freezers. We might be moving in the next few months, so using up as much as possible will make that process easier. Anyway, I think we'll all have great success. I look for to seeing how it all turns out!

Lana said...

Update on my husband. MRI results back today. No brain damage. Waiting for 24 hr EEG results. Heart rythms and BP stable. God has been so good.

On another note. Our stockpile is serving us well. The kids are all here and keep asking for things and I have it which has really made our time at home easier.

Sew Blessed Maw [Judy] said...

Lana, I am SO happy to hear that your husband's results were so good.God is good for sure. I have been praying and will continue to pray for him and you.
We never know, what tomorrow holds/ but we do know who holds our hands. May God be with you. Judy

I am in with you on the 'use what you have challenge". I am going through my pantry and freezer, trying to use up stuff, instead of buying more.. Best wishes.

Melonie said...

I'm in! I'm so glad you posted this - I need the encouragement! We learned Thanksgiving week that my husband was being put on assignment for a new duty station - he has to report in early April. So I've been trying to use up the items in the freezers and the "wet" canned items (freeze dried items in our pantry the movers will pack for us, but not regular canned goods like soup or the like). Then right before Christmas I found a "destash" group on Ravelry; the folks there have committed to use up as much of our yarn/fiber stashes as possible in 2017. I have a small stash (one tote of yarn), but I'm also a fairly slow knitter, so it takes me a while to complete projects.

Knowing that others are trying to use it up - whatever "it" might be - is a huge help and support for me.

Happy new year!!!

Annabel said...

Dear Terri, I am having a use it up year. I started with he fridge. Yesterday I went through some of my food storage and found dried fruit and cake mixes that need using up in the next couple of months. But I have cosmetics, skin care, hair products etc and I am having a use it up challenge and not buying any at all of the year. The raft cupboard is another. Ok I have a few areas! It will have good effects.. it declutters and cleans out and saves money which can go to other areas! I really love it! Love

Lana said...

Please pray for his brain function to heal. This is key to his recovery.

Thanks, Judy!

Anonymous said...

Christmas Eve did our regular special supper, my son and a friend came Christmas day and my other daughter added 6 more into the mix for a total of 14 for some meals! I was really amazed that i did not have to spend a lot more for groceries other than what I had been buying each week. My daughter brought a lot of goodies with her. Today i went through what looked like a packed refrigerator and was pleasantly surprised at how little i threw away. NOW onto the new year. Our grocery budget is not high, but i dont skimp on meals just to save. A lot of leftovers went into the freezer for single servings. Gramps enjoys picking out what he wants for lunch if he doesn't care for what i suggest. LOL. We usually eat out several times a week, just because we are too close to fast food. That is one area i plan to change, and save our eating out money for more expensive places. Even cheap is expensive, when you consider making the same at home. I smile when you talk about planting. Here you would have to dig out a spot from several foot of snow. Winter is a time for dreaming here. The NC grands saw what a real snowstorm is and loved it. As usual interesting articles and a lot of food for thought. Gramma D

Anonymous said...

I also did the same Christmas Eve supper on Tuesday when all the kids were home and we did gifts, ect. Very tired of cooking! Usuallytake the family out for one of their gifts but saved the money this year, Gramma D

Unknown said...

I'm with you!! I really want to learn to be more content with what I have, so I've committed to not by yarn or books (my weaknesses) this year. I have plenty of both to see me through and I want to use up what I have. It will be fun following along with you. I love this blog so much! I often go back and read your posts from previous years. Thanks for what you do!

March 27: Grocery Day