The Heart

I was reading Psalm 19 this week and found myself drawn into a bit of thought.  David is writing about how the Torah helps him daily.  He says it renews one's life, makes the inexperienced wise, makes the heart glad and makes the eyes light up.  

I was drawn into the imagery of how the heart is glad and the eyes light up.  The heart is tied to one's spiritual being.  If my heart is glad, my eyes will be filled with light.  

David goes on to say, "May the words of my mouth become connected to the meditation of my heart."

David has so focused his heart and mind upon God that he prays his mouth will only speak those good things.

Oh my.  How often have I spent time in God's word, felt my heart full of gladness and shortly thereafter lost my temper?  Am I really speaking good things at that time?

In thinking upon this I recalled a few other verses in which the heart is mentioned in connection with the mouth.  It stands to reason if the heart is glad and your eyes are filled with light, you are not going to be speaking doom and gloom doesn't it, nor speaking in haste and anger, either?

"For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of..."  Luke 6:45

"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." Proverbs 23:7

"Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks."  Matthew 12:34

"...for out of the abundance of his heart, he speaks." Proverbs 4:23

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."  Matthew 6:21

Lord I have read your words and I have stored them in my heart.  Let my mouth as well as my eyes reveal the joy You daily pour into my life...


Out My window said...

I love the story of David.

Karla said...

Oh how lovely is the revelation of the Lord!! Thanks for sharing this.

First of the Month: February 2025