Freshening Up: The Bedrooms

Josh expressed his over all dislike of the few things I've done about the house of late.  "I don't know why you have to re-do the whole house!"  I explained that we'd only moved out a broken chair and a very rough looking cabinet in the living room but we have made a few changes here and there.  Nothing major.  I guess 4 year old Josh has his opinions on home décor just like every other male in the family.  Oh well.  I'm going right ahead with my few changes.  It's time to freshen the house once more.  I can tell because things are broken, torn and worn.

The master bedroom was  the only project I worked on this spring.   I'd taken a day in May and gone shopping for a few items for Spring/Summer wear.  As I wandered about TJ Maxx I found a pair of coral pillows.  They were $25 for the two.  I knew I wanted to do something different in the room, add a pop of color of some sort and while I'd thought of coral I'd also pictured a blush pink.   Seeing the coral pillows at a decent price clenched the deal.

I'd noted that several of the pictures in my room not only shared the teals, greens, and grays I was already using  but also had coral in them.  The ones shown below are just a few of the pictures in the room.

Those coral lamps were not a 'lucky' find, they were my one project this summer.  I had a ginger jar lamp in the shed...but it was a butterscotch color.  Not very attractive and certainly not what I wanted for my room.  However, ginger jar lamps are pretty much a classic shape.  I knew from experience that paint can transform just about anything.  I found coral spray paint from Krylon that was meant for metals, glass and plastic.  My lamps are ceramic.  That the paint so exactly matched the pillows was a lucky thing.

The other side of the bed needed a matching lamp in my opinion because I like there to be some symmetry in a room,  so off I went to a thrift store one day and found a blue lamp of  similar  size for $1.99.  Yep.  I painted that lamp to match the other.  The two lamps only needed 1 can of paint for good coverage.

John and I went to search for lampshades one Sunday after church.  We started and finished at Walmart.  They were $8 each.  I'd been sure to measure the diameter of both lamps and the height before leaving home.  I'd taken time too to look up the proper shade dimensions for a lamp.  Do you know how to measure your lamp for new shades?

Start with the height of the lamp.  The shade should be no more than 1/3 of the height of the lamp.  You want the shade to cover a portion of the neck and the switch.  The only other item you need to be aware of is what type of fitting the lamp has.  I opted to go with an uno fit shade.  This means simply enough that the shade fitting goes down over the socket and the bulb holds the shade in place.  I didn't want to go to the trouble of finding the right size harp to fit each lamp.

Each bedside table also has a round metal tray.  I find a beside tray is helpful for two reasons.  It not only corrals the odds and ends we tend to keep bedside but because I keep a glass of water at bedside, it stops the glass from sweating and ruining the woods.  It also contains the inevitable spill to one area so it doesn't mess up books and phones.   The trays have bright pinks, aqua, green and coral floral with a metallic gold.  Granny and I each bought these trays at a grocery store we used to visit.  We shared similar tastes.  Now I have my tray and hers, so they are a pair.

I've lamented for years that my bed was not complete.   John has mentioned more than once that he wants a 'matched set' of bedroom furniture.  I have several family antiques in the room, all more or less the same wood tone, but not matched.  He kept saying we'd get something.  We haven't even gone to look in 20 odd years, lol.  So I work with what I've got.

I've felt for the longest time that one key component was missing: a headboard.   This week I got a headboard.  I'd meant to buy a set of box springs to go under the new mattress but the costs were prohibitive.  However, while going through the clearance section I did find a rather nice tufted headboard that matches the gray tones used in the room.  Still not John's dream set of furniture but it does look more complete.  Agreed?

So that was all the work done in the master bedroom this summer.  I feel the real change is in the accent color used.

Now to be fair the guest bedroom needed a good sprucing up.  It's seen a lot, LOT, of use in the past year and the blue spread I'd used there was originally used on our bed.  I remember where I got it from but I've no idea when I got it.  It's been quite a few years.  When Sam and Bess were here they wanted to use their own blankets and pillows which was fine with me.  It wasn't until  I put my old blue spread back on the bed and it looked so worn and weary.   I've had the quilt below since Mama moved the first time two years ago.  I had it folded and placed at the foot of my old blue spread.  It looked lovely that way but as I contemplated the need to buy a new coverlet and then looked over my stock of quilts, I realized that the red/white/aqua one I'd used as secondary color was perfect.  It fits my bed, it looks lovely and it picks up colors already in use in the room.  The eyelet sham and bedskirt are a recent acquirement from clearing up Mama's house for Katie to stay in for a bit this past spring.

This quilt doesn't photograph as red as it is.  It almost photographs as muted red, white and blue but in person it looks far more red.  It's a great match to the red curtains and red lamp shades.  I had a Battenberg set of shams and bed skirt and the eyelet set and after looking at them both with the quilt, I decided upon the eyelet.  I just think eyelet has a more country/farmhouse feel than the Battenberg set does.  The blue here has a slightly aqua hue which I like quite well.   It helps tie in the colors used throughout the rest of the house.

The room as a whole is not fit to view.  I have to move out an old mattress and the black dresser that no one at all wants and repaint the armoire.  The armoire will be painted a sort of grayed down  baby blue.  I think it will be perfect with the colors overall without being too closely matched.  My goal is to have a room that looks like what is added to over time.

I'd taken down the artwork in this room then put most of it back up again after I'd tossed the pieces on the bed and realized they went very well with the feel and the colors I plan to use.  I need to work on the arrangement of the pictures but also need to paint the metal headboard I've had for two years before I hang them.  I bought the paint for the old headboard last fall, not realizing that autumn, winter, spring and summer would  pass before the room was empty long enough to even consider painting it.  The old metal headboard will be cherry red and I mean to make a copy of the current design on the brown metal to stencil onto the newly painted headboard.  Color of stencil to be decided...  Plans I have plenty of.  Time and money do not always coordinate with the plans.

My red and white toile accents will go back in the room too.  I have a pillow, and a chair for the sewing table (desk chair with a slipcover of toile).  I want to do many other things in this room but for now, I've shared the projects I actually have the items needed to complete.  That's good enough for now!


Karen in WI said...

Terri, I love the colors of your master bedroom and the new headboard looks lovely! We still don’t have a headboard on our master bed either...seems like every other room in the house gets decorated and worked on, but the master bedroom. It’s good to see you putter and haver project plans. I can hear contentment in your writing. I was so happy to see that you did a proper tea for yourself the other day. That is something I try to do from time to time. My boys also loved tea time when they were little, but not so much now. I can coax with chai tea latte and dessert though!

I really enjoyed your description of playing with your grandboys in your last post. How delightful! I look forward to that phase of our lives. Little ones are so joyful.

Jo said...

Terri, you really have a talent for home decor! The coral and the new headboard in your master bedroom make a huge difference. We don't have a headboard, but now I will be on the lookout for one! And thank you for the lampshade lesson.
Your guestroom is well on its way to looking super, too! I love the eyelet paired with the beautiful quilt.

Carolyn @ Our Gilded Abode said...

Love what you’ve done in your bedrooms and the colors you chose! Thanks for the tips for choosing a lampshade. I cheat and mainly buy our lamps at Lowes where they have the lamps and shades each marked as S, M, L and XL so you can mix and match. But the tips you shared will be helpful when shopping elsewhere and I appreciate it. Your trays are lovely! And I can’t wait to see your painted armoire. You’ve really created fresh and welcoming bedrooms!

Stephanie said...

The headboard makes a huge difference in your room. Love the colors as well. And that quilt and eyelet shams in the guest room are beautiful!

Jo said...

I forgot to say, those trays are so pretty, and it's very special that you have your Granny's to go with yours now.

Lana said...

Ah yes, the headboard makes the room. I am seeing more and more coral used now and it is such a lovely pop of color. I Have been tempted to paint some brass lamps here but I am not motivated at all to do anything to our present house since we are shopping for another. It sure will be fun to have a new place to decorate though. I found a complete bedroom set in the classified ads 24 years ago for $200. It is a old maple pineapple post set and I still love it just as much as I did back then. It was filthy dirty and a dog had chewed on one place but we cleaned it up and repaired the chewed on spot with wood filler and stain and it was ready to go.

Melonie said...

Oh, I love the new headboard! What a find. The quilt for the guest room is lovely as well. I know we all get different colors on our screens depending on the settings - but on mine, your quilt colors come through almost the same shades as the pretty floral background of your blog. It rather made my morning - beautiful.

Sorry to not have been on and commenting as late; I've taken on a volunteer position that was quite busy to start. Things have calmed down now that I've gotten off into a bit of a routine, just took a month or so to learn the ropes and get things established. Looking forward to reading back through everyone's blogs! I realized yesterday I missed weeks and weeks of interesting doings.

I read some posts yesterday as well in my attempts to catch up - must tell you that I so enjoyed reading that you heard Josh's bus and stop to think of him. I bet he feels that love. And the dinner invite was precious. I was raised far from family due to the military and my kids are dealing with it too; those kiddos are blessed to have y'all nearby and making memories they'll treasure so much longer than you might realize. <3

Tammy said...

That headboard makes all the difference in your master bedroom - makes it a more complete look, and I bet it's pretty comfy to lean against while reading in bed. I need a headboard in my guest room and hadn't considered an upholstered one, but now you've got me thinking.
In that arrangement of pictures, I especially love that one on the bottom right. Obviously an antique - a family heirloom?
The guest bed looks lovely - the quilt a great choice. I look forward to seeing pics of the finished room. My own guest room is still a work in progress, though having the nephews paint was a huge step this summer. I have lots more plans and am anxious to have it be just a guest room rather than also a storage space.

Beckyathome said...

I love how good you are at decorating! I, on the other hand, have other talents, but surely admire others who have the decorating gene:). (That being said, I do try to spruce things up at times, but stay pretty basic with my efforts!) The coral lamps are very striking. I love how you are getting your house put how you want it, little by little.

Karla said...

I love what you've done in both rooms! The quilt is so pretty and the eyelet does seem like the perfect combination for making it look farm pretty!

We also redid our bedroom this summer. We took everything out of it. And we bought a matching headboard unit (complete with attached nightstands and a big dresser that matches) off of Craiglist. Then we realized our bed is 15 years old and it's time to do something about it so we bought a new bed. And then we realized, we've had the same comforter for 10 years and though we love it, it's denim and looking faded and old and worn and all of the stuffing was shifting. So we bought a nice set off of Amazon on sale. The room looks totally different. I've taken all of the art work out of the room that isn't just about Brad and I. No pictures of the girls - only of us as a couple. We have made it our haven. And we love it. We are sleeping better already and really enjoying the space immensely.

terricheney said...

Thank you all! I really love the coral with the current spread. In colder weather we have a deep blue teal and I'd worried it mightn't go with it half so well but then the current issue of Country Door catalog had the same deep blue with 'paprika' colors accenting and darned if they don't look coral to me, lol, so I think it's going to work.

The headboard was from Overstock and cost right at $100 from the clearance section. Katie built her own tufted headboard a couple of years ago and I think her costs came up to about that much. Hers was a King sized and was quite tall, but getting material home to build one is an issue. I love to shop at Overstock because you can find some incredibly good buys at times.

Tammy the picture you remark upon is a Maxfield Parrish I think and I found it at the local flea market. Katie suggested I highlight the frame with a gold paint pen which picked out the detail in it and brought the picture to life.

Karen I'm so happy my less anxious state is coming across. I had a small episode this morning and I went right on and took medication for it. There was a good bit of stress and a lot of lack of sleep involved but tonight will hopefully be a quieter night and I'll continue onward. That was the first time I've had an episode in nearly three weeks.

Jo, how sweet to say I have a talent. The truth is that I've always made do with so much that I am quite pleased when things start to come together in a pleasant way. I have a lot of projects on my list of things to be done yet, but have taken a brief break from them.

Carolyn...Seriously? Lowe's makes it that easy? I'll definitely be checking them out in future then! All we ever seem to do in the lighting department is to pick up a new ceiling fan. I've noted that Lowe's has extremely good prices on curtains when they do clearance on them.

Lana, I'd be perfectly happy with a 'new' matching set that just needed a little polish and stain. I've said as much to John but he really doesn't look at used things much. He does tend to look online for things though and will send me photos of things he's found he likes. Thank goodness our tastes go together well!

Melonie, last night Katie and Taylor came to stay the night. I had her running about and had put everything back in place. As I was reading your comment I'd heard the bus stop over on the hill dropping Josh off and in a few minutes a 'tap tap tap' on the door and Isaac calling out to me, lol. So I got to see the boys this afternoon for a wee bit. Yes, it is a blessing and I'm well aware that it is. I enjoy having Sam and the boys run in for a few minutes after school bus gets in. We always lived away from family, not thousands of miles, but with work and school it was hard to see family as much as I'd have liked.

Becky I don't know if you can call me a decorator as much as a spray painter. Pretty much if it can stay still long enough for me to put paint on it, I will...

Karla, we are still loving our new mattress. I love the idea of having a room that is about you and Brad. John has a few pictures of the kids above his chest of drawers but I felt the one photograph that was important was one of us on a balcony at the condo one year on vacation. He likes it because I'm smiling...and oh yeah, I just happen to be wearing a coral shirt!

Stephanie, LOVE your profile pic, lol. Isn't that eyelet just the best thing? It's right up there with pompom fringe if you ask me!

Debby in Kansas USA said...

Never underestimate the magic of spray paint!! I think the coral is a perfect color in there and really looks lovely. And the headboard really really adds a finished look. Very nice!

This is our year to re-do the master bed & bath. I'm not sure I've ever shared our schedule before, but we started soon after we bought our first house, about 22 yrs. ago. Our new house was only 2 yrs. old so they paint was very fresh. We paint & refresh one room per year. By the time we cycle through the house, I'm ready for a new look where I started. We declare the room when we finish the previous year so we have a year to scout sales, make plans, etc. We always paint over Thanksgiving weekend. Since we spend it alone, it's a great 4 days to do something major like painting. We get up early on Thursday and prep the room. We tape things off, remove socket covers, etc. Then we usually go to dinner somewhere and relax the rest of the day. We get up early on Friday morning and start painting. We usually finish in one day, but this year will take two days because of the bathroom. And normally we put everything back on Sat. and relax on Sunday. This year we'll wait a week and put it all back together the following weekend.

I already found a new comforter set for a good price and am waiting for Sherwin Williams to have their 40% off paint sale. In the meantime, I'll do a couple of small projects for the rooms, including a cover for my vanity *tuffet* that I sit on when doing my make up. I'm going to do a fun painting project on my dresser. I got the idea from a Minnie Mouse dresser that Ethan Allen was selling for well over $1000. Mine will cost less than $25. :) I'm also still hunting for window coverings or I might make them myself.

We originally started doing it this way for money reasons, but as we've aged, it's been a really good way to handle things. Painting certainly isn't as easy as it was 20 yrs. ago!!! I ache for a week now!

I also keep a folder with all my swatches, receipts, etc. so everything is handy if I need touch up paint or if I add something later, I can just take the folder to the store.

Anne said...

I also noticed your Maxfield Parrish picture. I grew up with one in our living room.

I think your headboard looks great but I was also thinking some of your pictures placed above the headboard would look quite nice. Perhaps those on the left side could be moved. Just a thought.

FrugalStrong (formerly Lake Livin') said...

My first thought when I saw the first pic was "she needs a headboard!" so it was a happy surprise to see it in the next pic. Headboards really do make a room look more finished. I agree with Anne about having something centered over the bed - either one large pic or two of the same size side by side. Having the 3 small pics only on the left side leaves the room looking unbalanced, in my opinion. I do like the grey/coral combo, though!

Anonymous said...

Yes the headboard finishes the room. Good choice ! I have noticed orange and coral shades coming back in style again. For a while I could not even find material in those shades when I went looking. It is refreshing to see coral again. It is a color that too that can go with summer or winter decor.

The bed to our bedroom set broke and could not be repaired a while back. We looked around and found bed that has the look and color of the rest of the set. I could hardly believe it! We have so few furniture stores here. We have several that carry cheaply made stuff but nothing middle of the road price wise that will hold together. :) Sadly also fewer and fewer used stores carry furniture. So I can see where Craig's list and such is a real help.

Thank you for the lamp shade information. We need new ones and I had no idea how to know what 'fits'. Also had no idea about Lowe's helpful ideas either. It is such fun to see what so many people have to add to your conversation !! I think you are just having Too much fun fluffing up your nest Terri ! :-))))) Sarah

Sue said...

The lamps look really good--the color is great!

To make their appearance even more cohesive, place an old book or two underneath the lamp on the left. The idea is to have both lamp shades be the same height, so the eye travels uninterruped from one lamp to another. I'd relocate those small pictures and find something bigger to center above your headboard, to close up some of that space between it and the ceiling.
Nice job!

Grammy Goodwill said...

The headboard makes such a wonderful difference. That and the lovely coral pillows changed your rooms lot. I love the new look.

Anonymous said...

Laughed when I read Joshs comment. Already practicing to be a husband. Gramma D

terricheney said...

Thank all of you for your comments. I do intend to put something over the bed. Just haven't got anything yet. I'd also like a slightly higher bedside table but I hadn't thought to 'lift' the lamp with a couple of books...Got plenty of those! So thank you all for the suggestions.

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