Fair May, Goals for the Month Ahead

Well here we are about to start our fifth month of the year in a day or two and I wanted to meet it prepared with goals.  I find I work best if I know what it is I am going to work towards.  Are any of you goal oriented?

I didn't do all I had on my list for April.  I am not unhappy with the amount of work done, however.  I did plenty and I'm satisfied.  For all that I was busy, I might well have done MORE and I mean that sincerely.

Outdoors:  The hydrangea,  rose bush and clematis were all planted.  The rose bush is thriving.  Haven't seen hide or hair of those clematis.  I confess this is a common problem with the plants I buy at Aldi.  It's not my first purchases to go into the ground at the right depth, the right season and no show.  I'm going to do myself a favor and skip buying bagged plants from them.  Daffodils have done fine, as has the rose bush but for the most part, Aldi plants are a no go for me.

Iris got planted and day lily have been dug but not replanted.

I did NOT get the porch railings and rafters cleaned on either porch.   Not for lack of wanting to do them, but simply because I bit off a LOT for the month...and April turned out to be a good bit cooler than I'd anticipated it might be.   Now the workmen are here putting in the new skirting on the house so it won't get finished for April but it's on the slate for May.  I have to paint the back porch floor.  I have new cushions and a mat and some pots already that I think will go on the back porch. I want to put a fresh coat of paint on the café table and change the color of the little orange side table just slightly, going more coral with it.  I'll get a big fern to go into the cast iron pot.

I haven't made any hard and fast plans for the front porch yet.  I thought Bess and Sam were going to get the kennel and  the gate to it is what I've used on the front porch behind the ironing board these past two years.  So far they haven't come to get it...so I don't know if it's mine to keep or not.  Paint is involved in the front porch furnishings and I'd like cushions for those chairs.

Then there's the patio set.  It needs painting badly and desperately needs new cushions....but there's a possibility I will just give that set to one of the kids simply because we are now discussing having steps built out onto the patio and the porch extended which will shrink that narrow patio still more.  We've never really used the patio for anything because it's simply too warm a spot to sit in the summer.  I'll wait and see how much room the new steps take up and then we'll determine from there what will happen...but something will definitely be going on with porches for sure this month!

The planters are not ready for plants.  I haven't bought soil nor plants though so it's okay.  We are just now getting pretty bedding plants into the Garden centers.  I will go buy potting plants this coming month as well as moisture control soil and more mulch, always more mulch.  I'll work until it's too darn hot to do anything outdoors then shelter inside.

And there will be more mulch bought and the retaining wall blocks I've used as edging blocks.  I haven't done a thing with that existing bed in front of the back porch yet except plant that salvaged rose bush.  The corner bed I'd done so nicely, my first of the season?  Maddie's spoiled it badly.  It's due to be reworked somehow too...Will I get to even think of doing anything new this season or simply work on what is there?

House:  I finished the chifforobe.  I have not yet painted the headboard for the guest room but it might happen tomorrow morning if it's nice as it was today.

I changed up the guest bedroom with fresh curtains and lamp shade, a quilt I got from Mama and some antique pillow cases I used as shams.  I have a clue what pictures I want to use in that room and did hang a pair of plates.  I just need to get frames painted and items hung.

I did not get the dishwasher "fixed" but have settled on a halfway solution.  What I need to do and must do is to change dishwasher detergents.  I have soft water.  Certain brands of soap and my very soft water just do not mix.  We cannot use VO5 or Suave shampoos.  I cannot use Cascade dishwasher detergent nor Target's Up and Up brand.  I stocked up on that but you know someone else in the family can use it.

I did not clean the oscillating fans...And that must be done.  John wants to replace at least two this year and it is about time to do so, but in the meantime these work and just need cleaning.

I don't have big plans indoors.  I'm still concentrating so hard on the outside because it's just the season to think of it.  I did note that we could use a good deep hard vacuuming in our bedroom, getting under dressers and such.  That's not a hard thing to do thanks to the furniture gliders we put under the big heavy pieces, but it does take a bit longer than just a routine vacuum doesn't it?

Finances.  I spent a good bit of money in April and not on household things. We went to the festival and I bought things and I'd purchased for the house (curtains, material) and yard (mulch, mulch, mulch).  I treated to some rather pricey lunches out.   I gave a helping hand here and a helping hand there and my credit card is going to be pretty high for June...I must get that balance down again to zero  and it's going to take something to do it or I drain savings (and hence vacation fund).  No regrets mind you.  It's inevitable that the treating parts came before the  life happens parts.  I'm glad I had the opportunity to do what I did.  Blessings are blessings.  I just need to buckle down hard and I can do just that.  You'll note I'm not counting on getting the job I haven't got yet...I'll do what I must without planning on any extra income but if it should come along then so much the better.

John and I will be married 25 years this coming month.  I mean to have a small celebratory dinner/trip of some sort.  An overnight or weekend.  It won't be pricey but it will be something out of the ordinary.   I have an idea what I'd like to do and have already mentioned it to John.  I just need to figure out what dates we can go.  I never count on celebrating anything on the 'day of' because it just doesn't happen as a rule and I'm fine with that.

I never did get over to the new savings place to make a deposit but have a substantial one for that account.   It's only that it is a little out of the way and I just need to make it a routine to go in that direction a couple of times a month to make that deposit.  And I do mean to continue to deposit to it though it won't be at the same rate we got started since the overtime is done.

I also have another smaller savings goal.  Two of my personal savings accounts are just dollars and cents away from being a nice rounded off sum...and silly as it might sound, I like round figures.  So I'm going to attempt to bring up those accounts to a round sum.  I'm setting my goals high this month and I know it but I'm going to stretch hard to reach my goals in this area.

Pantry/Freezer/Menus:  The pantry and freezer are well stocked for the most part.  I have only a few low spots in pantry.  I still don't have the new shelf unit yet.  I really need to look into getting it this month.  I've determined I don't need another bin at this time.

The once a week meal prep is a grand idea and works well for me.  I'll continue to work on that weekly.

I'm going to stretch myself to look for new recipes to use, but I want to focus on recipes that use the very basics I've stocked in my pantry and freezer.  I don't want to look for anything exotic in terms of ingredients.  I also want to build a repertoire of cooler meals for hot months which means quick hot meals and chilled options as well.

I also want to see what else I might work on to expand my kitchen skills.  I'd like to learn to make English muffins or Bagels perhaps.  I'd like to experiment with salad dressing recipes.  I make a really good Blue Cheese but I'd like to perfect a few others.  I grilled steak one day last week and I'd like to learn to be more skilled in that area.  Daddy used to cook a roast most weekends and they were delicious.  I think grilling would be a great way to add variety and keep the heat out of the house.  I also use my crockpot more often.  I'd like to expand my usage of that, moving beyond those heavy winter perfect meals into baking cakes or cobblers, etc.

Personal:  I didn't purchase any accessory items for my wardrobe. I simply didn't even go look.  I don't know if I'll make time to shop for personal items this month or not considering the state of my finances!

I want to work on the genealogy stuff and the new blog connected with it.  I got up one post last month.  I have one in the works but I haven't quite finished it yet.

I haven't read a thing since March...I'd like to make time to read once again.  I am very good at filling my time by staring at Pinterest which is pretty useless really.

We did listen to sermons more often and I listened to music as well.  Those are always pleasant past times and I'll keep doing it.  Working away while music is playing in the background makes time fly.


Lana said...

Well we made an offer on the house. Waiting to hear if it was accepted. Scared silly at the moment and thinking of all the STUFF that will need to go to go down 1100 sq feet plus a double garage.

Anonymous said...

Offer accepted. Yikes!

Out My window said...

25 years is quite an accomplishment these days, Congratulations. Your posts always calm me.

terricheney said...

Lana, I am assuming you are the one saying 'offer accepted'! Yikes indeed! Just keep the pace slow and steady and be willing to let sentimental things that won't fit go. You'll always have the memories...

Out My Window, I feel 25 is an accomplishment too! John and I have been together for 27 1/2 years at this point and it's been such a blessing to us both...but no I don't take the idea of 25 years of actually liking and loving someone lightly. I wonder if we can make another 25? John would be 90...

Lana said...

Yes it was me. I have some things sorted out in my head after all night and day today. Only three weeks til closing and then the renovation. Then the moving and then the selling of this house. I am thinking a year to get back to some sort of settled. But, years go quickly at our age.

We will be married 41 years in June and I so want to do something special. Last year on our 40th I had the inner ear infection and was so sick so we did nothing but now we will be in the middle of this move.

terricheney said...

Lana, I understand the desire to celebrate but really moving is a huge thing isn't it to mark your anniversary with this year? Perhaps not romantic but certainly a mile marker in and of itself, as this shall be your last home as a couple and completes the circle of starting out and raising family and sending them off on their own and now it's just you two once more in a smaller home.

March 27: Grocery Day