The Week Ahead: Finishing April

We've had a lovely start to our weekend, with Taylor visiting and a fun day out at a local festival.  Beautiful weather and crowds of people meant difficulty in seeing booths and goods but the air was filled with the aroma of grills, cotton candy, popcorn...all the common scents of a proper fair and music with squealing children and train whistles...Perfect!

John works tomorrow (Sunday).   I have an unexpected day at home which pleases me because I plan on going for more mulch and perhaps some plants and soil for pots.  I've spent so much money this past week and weekend that I'm just in the mood to go on and do the damage I'll do and enjoy the wages of it which will be filled pretty pots of blooms.

I've been trying to remember what there is ahead in the week to come and I can't think of a single thing except May...May will arrive which is a little mind blowing in a way.

What I did last week:  Everything listed on my last Week Ahead post plus something like four or five days away from home.   I got a lot of little odd jobs done.  No yard work really beyond weeding a tiny patch here or moving things from an area there so I could accomplish more work when I did have time.    Where I didn't spend my time was on the porches which must be cleaned and then the decorating may begin on them both.

I bought material and then made the bed skirt for my bed.  I struggled with it but it was being in a hurry made the struggle.  It's not perfect, which is what I wanted, but it's quite good enough and it's DONE.  I'll be putting it on when I change bed linens this week.

Menus were more on target than I was aware.  We still have beans and rice to be eaten but I actually made and we ate the rest of the meals if not quite as planned, near enough.  I did grill steak on Friday which wasn't planned but I was ready to try my hand at it.  I'm going to try to utilize the grill more often this year because it's a good way to keep heat down in the house and I really do want to expand my cooking skills.  Daddy used to make the BEST roast beefs on the grill...Gosh, makes my mouth water just remembering them!

Funny, it was such a very busy week and I was gone so much of the time but I really accomplished a LOT and I'm glad of it.  It was not a wasted week!

Work this week:

Porches must be done.  I'll do what I can on them as the material to begin the work on the foundation of the house is in the yard.  I shall not be able to wash porches if men are working about them, but I'll do what I can as far as cleaning and clearing and decorating them goes.

I'd love to get that back porch floor painted on Wednesday if I can manage it as we shouldn't have any traffic upon it that day.

I want to make an accent pillow for the master bedroom, using the same fabric I made the bedskirt from.

I am not going to worry about setting a zone this week.  I want to spread mulch in the yard, perhaps get some of those excess plants in the ground.  I won't work right up against the house except that flower bed in front of the back porch because that's one spot where there will be no work done by the handyman.   I'd love to get plants for pots and get some color in the yard for the coming months.

There's still a bit of work to do in the shed, not loads, but a few tasks that would make it more pleasant and easier to find things.

I have a load of things I want to paint...stuff for indoors, stuff for outdoors.  I will see what I have in my paint cupboard and plan jobs accordingly.  We have several warm sunny days ahead and no rain predicted until late in the week.

There's plenty of indoor work to be done, too.  Mopping floors and doing more of those little odd jobs that I see want doing.  I honestly don't know why I seem to be getting my home in order but I know that God has good reason for me to do it or I wouldn't feel it was necessary, so I shall do what I feel the urge to do.

Overall, I just feel in a very 'fluffing' sort of mood...

I won't plan zone work this week.  I know May is coming in this week but I'll wait since there are 4 full weeks ahead in that month to get things done.


I am so bored with my routine meals a sure sign of time for a seasonal change.   Because I am mindful of budget I want to keep using good basic foods, not something out of the ordinary.  So I want to try something new but it has to be something that uses pantry items...and I need to be mindful of what's in the fridge to be used as well...Maybe not a week for new recipes but I'll get busy this week and look about for something fresh that meets all my budget criteria.

If I find time presenting itself this week I'm going to try to do a few things ahead for the freezer: meatloaf, pasta sauces, burritos, etc.  Just things to have on hand for busier days and needs.

We ate sandwiches from the festival for our main meal today and will likely have sandwiches tonight as well.

On my own x 2 this week and that is truly on my own, not eating out this week.

Black Beans and Yellow Rice, Pico de Gallo Salad, Chilled Pineapple

Tomato Soup, Chicken Salad with Apples and Grapes on Lettuce, Hot Rolls, Gelatin and fruit dessert

Pan Seared Sirloin Patties, English Pea Salad, Creamy Mashed Potatoes

Crockpot Golden Mushroom Chicken Pasta, Steamed Broccoli

Gratitude and Smiles

From the past week: time with the two sickly little boys and the poor sad doggie that was in big trouble.  Every time I think of the sad face River gave me before laying her heavy head upon my knee,  I smile.  It was such a needy face...

Katie having a car once more.

Time with Taylor...In fact, a lot of time with Katie and Bess and Sam this past week which was all quite nice.

Beautiful blue  and green spring views.

A hometown festival on a lovely spring day.   Horses clopping, popcorn and cotton candy scented air, children squealing, music blaring and people milling about.  Lovely!


Conni said...

Terri, I SO love reading your posts. I read quite a few frugal/homemaking blogs but yours is my FAVE.....thank you! One comment: I rarely make meatloaf as a loaf these days as it takes several days for the two of us to finish. Instead, I combine the same ingredients but shape in good sized meatballs, cook, cool, and freeze (on cookie sheets and transfer to a gallon zip when frozen). I find these give me more options!
I love, as you do, to have what I term ‘fast food’ in my freezer (pre-made then frozen items) all the time. May your week be blessed!

terricheney said...

Meatballs are something I only rarely think to make, but I love the idea of making the meatloaf mixture into meatballs. My mind has been racing this morning thinking of things to make ahead. Trouble is there's not real room in the freezer, lol. I will manage to tuck away a couple of items today when the meat thaws enough to work with...

terricheney said...

P.S. Thank you Conni! I meant to thank you for reading and for the idea both.

Lana said...

I love those fair food smells! I told Hubby just last week that I wanted a big fluffy cone of cotton candy. Yummy!

After being gone all week last week we are regrouping and getting ourselves organized for the week ahead. I have menus and chore lists done and we can hold off on the grocery store until Wednesday which is our regular errand day. We have a house to look at tomorrow so once again I am hopeful. It is an older brick ranch with smallish bathrooms and closets but in a really great neighborhood and in our price range. If the work load is ever to decrease we MUST move!

terricheney said...

Good luck Lana. I'm still praying for your new home...

March 27: Grocery Day