Autumn 2019: A Possible Capsule Wardrobe.

The weather is finally being autumnal here in our area.  Next week we've the promise of sweater worthy weather.  So I finally settled into figuring out a few outfits for the season.   Up till now it's been summer repeats.

I've been watching a number of capsule wardrobes and honestly I'm interested.  I just happen to have a good number of clothes on hand that I really like at present, so I won't be culling just yet, but the idea of a 10 piece wardrobe (which isn't a hard and fast number) does appeal to me.  The Daily Connoisseur relies on a small wardrobe and I'm impressed with how well it works.  It reminds me a great deal of the wardrobes that I see featured in my vintage magazines, where they start with a suit and overcoat and two or three blouses and a pair of slacks.    It would be a very economical wardrobe and any fear of boredom with so few pieces isn't really a valid concern as the pieces are incredibly versatile and accessories and sweaters and such are additional pieces to the major players.

Coffee Chat: End of October Autumn Rain

Hello dears.  It looks drear and colder than it is outdoors, but never mind.  We'll sit inside and look out the windows and you'll be convinced that cup of coffee or tea in hand is the perfect beverage for such an autumn day.

Worth Sharing: October 14 - 25

Have I ever shared my frustrating history with pumpkin pies?  No?  Well let me start by saying that for two weeks now John has mentioned pumpkin pie.  He came very close to buying a pumpkin last week and when I asked him why he said "I want pumpkin pie."   "I can make you one and no need to buy a pumpkin." I said.  He said "You won't..."

Only because he knows the long and sorry saga of my life with pumpkin pies.   

Coffee Chat: Autumn Wanderings

We've finally had some autumn air here and I for one am thrilled.  106F in October?  Pfft!

Come in and have some coffee won't you?  I'm wandering around in my thoughts today.  Join me...

Shall we start with the computer?  I'm typing on a lovely new slim line laptop, an Acer Aspire and it's really nice.  I am so proud to have it and even happier because it represents a genuine love and caring that amazes me, as you all only know me from that side of the screen and I only know you from this side.  I cannot thank you enough, I truly can't.

Thank You!

A big "Thank you!" to each of you who have gifted me over the past few weeks.  It made it possible for me to get a new computer.  I most certainly could not have managed this new computer myself.  It's been a tough few months and I was too well aware that this wasn't a priority for us at present.  

I want to thank Dale D., Pam D., Angela B., Tracey McB., Karen G., Margaret G. and Kathy O. for their cards and gifts in the past month.  I cannot begin to tell you how blessed and humbled and loved I felt with each comment,  card, and gift I've received over the past couple of months.  

I promise I'll put up a post this week sometime.  It's a busy week but I am eager to blog once more.

RIP Computer

I find irony in the fact that just as I am feeling I might blog a bit, my computer quite suddenly died.  I can't even pretend the purchase of a new one is possible, at least not now.   Bear with me...

Worth Sharing: October 5 - October 11

I'm adding this up top as I know that you all will willingly join me.  Bess' mom had an accident Tuesday night.  Please pray for her healing.  She is not in ICU, praise God,  but has had surgery to repair a badly broken ankle, and has other broken bones.  It's going to be a long haul for her and for Bess, too, who is the nearest relative and will need to be there for her mom, etc.  So lift Bess in pray as you pray for  Jenny, please.

Worth Sharing: September 29-October 4

I'm determined we shall capture autumn some way, if only in the art I share!  Our very hot temperatures (high 90's to 100f) continue here but are supposed to decrease to mid-80s over the weekend.   85f does feel like a 'cool down' after 100...but it's hardly autumnal.  I am longing for cooler crisp days.

From an October 1943 Elsa Conners column in Woman's Day magazine:
A woman can accomplish almost anything she wants to accomplish if she proceeds with persistence and good humor as well as wisdom.
~Madame Chiang Kai-Shek

Hot Cocoa, Anyone?

It's late to be sitting about chatting but hopefully there are others among you, like myself, who aren't quite ready for sleep just yet and who would like a little company.  Do come in...I can offer you cocoa, something which won't keep you awake all night.  Or perhaps some of my special Sleepy Time milk would be in order?  A little vanilla and honey added to milk and heated.

March 25: Purposeful