RIP Computer

I find irony in the fact that just as I am feeling I might blog a bit, my computer quite suddenly died.  I can't even pretend the purchase of a new one is possible, at least not now.   Bear with me...


Lana said...

Well boo! That stinks!

Lana said...

If you could reply with really specific details of what happened and what you were doing, etc, Hubby may be able to make a recommendation.

Anonymous said...

Sending good thoughts and prayers for a perfect resolution Terri! I've been there.
Much love,

Karen in WI said...

oh I do hope you can can your computer up and running. So sorry! Love ad hugs to you this chilly morining.

Kathy said...

So sorry :(

mjcmom said...

Does anyone know if Terri has a paypal account? Would it be a possibility for some of us to whom she has been such a blessing over the years to bless her in this way?

Karen in WI said...

Mjmmom, that is such a good idea! I know some bloggers have one for donations to their work. I would love to contribute. I was just thinking today, wondering what Terri’s week has been like. It’s a lonely coffee time without you, Terri!

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of contributing to paypal for Teri. I’t seems she can’t contact us through her blog - am I’m right about that???
I have a blog, and Teri, if you can give us an understanding what the cost of the computer would be, and if we can work it through a pay pal, then everyone can email me directly and see if anything can be done.

Well, I don’t want to over step here, so I will leave the next step up to Terri.

My contact email is My Hubbard

Praying for God’s good timing :)

Anonymous said...

mjcmom, I have been thinking the exact same thing!

Dear Terri, do you have a PayPal account? I think many of us would love to contribute towards a new computer. If so, please let us know. You have contributed so much to our lives, I pray you will allow us to return the favor. I'll be checking back here to see if you have a response.

Much love,

Liz from New York said...

Gah always something! I guess the Big Guy upstairs has determined you need a guilt free break! Go with it! Best, Liz

terricheney said...

I only have my phone at present. I do have a PayPal I havent priced computers. I'm passing to a friend of katiea who is going to try to repair it. Thank you all.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much Terri! We sure miss you so hope you can get back online fairly soon.

I don't know if you prefer a laptop (that's all I use now) or a desktop but Costco has a great Dell Inspiron 15 5000 laptop available for $379 for members (regularly $499). It's available for that price to members until October 27th. You could probably order by mail if you don't want to drive there.
Here is the link:

also, here is a link to Costco Georgia locations.

I've been shopping around for a laptop for Mike and this is the best price on dell laptops I've seen in a long while.

Just thought I'd put the links in as a starting point for you.

Much Love,

Just a head's up to please take a look at your PayPal . x0x

terricheney said...

Thank you dear souls! I have a new computer ordered and I so appreciate the genuine love that allowed me to do this! Hugs and thanks especially to Tracey and Kathy...

Anonymous said...

Yay!!! So excited for us all.
Much love,

Anonymous said...

So great to see how kind people can be.

March 27: Grocery Day