Thank You!

A big "Thank you!" to each of you who have gifted me over the past few weeks.  It made it possible for me to get a new computer.  I most certainly could not have managed this new computer myself.  It's been a tough few months and I was too well aware that this wasn't a priority for us at present.  

I want to thank Dale D., Pam D., Angela B., Tracey McB., Karen G., Margaret G. and Kathy O. for their cards and gifts in the past month.  I cannot begin to tell you how blessed and humbled and loved I felt with each comment,  card, and gift I've received over the past couple of months.  

I promise I'll put up a post this week sometime.  It's a busy week but I am eager to blog once more.


Chef Owings said...

So glad you are back on line.

Anonymous said...

You look beautiful...and that computer looks good on you!!!
No hurry or obligation on blogging at all. Real life always takes priority.
Much love,

Wendi said...

Love this! Looking forward to your next blog post.

Mazie1956 said...

This is great!! Can't wait to get caught up on your life's happenings when you are able to manage it, but family first always. We'll be here when you're ready.

Carol in NC

Karen in WI said...

Wonderful Terrif! Thank you for the pic. I want to repeat what Tracey said...real life takes priority and whether you blog or not, we love you!

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love! Gramma D

Lana said...


Anonymous said...

Even though I haven't posted in the past, I am glad that you are back! Your blog is like sitting down with a good friend and catching up on life in general.

Kathy said...

Aww thanks for the reminder that there are some good people in this world!
May He bless all of you!

Tammy said...

That's just awesome! Welcome back. ♥

Anonymous said...

So glad you are back to blogging! What a blessing to be able to purchase a new computer! You are loved and appreciated by people you don't even know!
Susanmarie in Pacific Northwest

Shirley in Washington said...

Hi Terri - I have been off line for a week and just arrived at your blog to check on you! I am so excited that God and lovely friends have blessed you in this way. And I am so glad you are able to blog again when you have time. Blessings, Shirley

March 27: Grocery Day