The Week Ahead: January's Last Week

The boys left this morning after a rare overnight visit.  I'm afraid we weren't quite prepared for what is  their normal nighttime routine, even though I was at least a little familiar with it.  Poor Grampa was fully surprised by it all and felt a little put out, lol.

The sheets draped over the dining table made a suitable space for the boys to stretch out in their sleeping bags if I lay them across the width of the floor underneath.  I used our Queen sized flat sheets and draped the table and chairs and it made a reasonably large tent.  There were many head bumps, mostly Isaac who thought he was short enough to stand up underneath the table and obviously was not, and lots of giggles and 'Staaahhp!' issued forth and eventually we found it was best if we went on to our room and turned out all lights and TV.  I heard Isaac's last sounds which was singing about 10:30.  Josh had long since succumbed to sleep.

I did not sleep soundly last night, listening apparently with one ear to the boys, so each time one coughed or whimpered I was immediately awake and alert.  The late night did not mean a light arising  this morning, either.  I heard Josh whispering at 6:55a.m. this morning.  I knew that was my cue to get dressed and prepare to meet the day.

It was worth losing a wee bit of sleep (which I admit freely I likely would lose anyway...poor sleep habits do not lead to expectations of sound sleep when routine changes) when Sam came in exulting over their excellent and happy evening out.  I was amused and sympathetic when he remarked how odd it had been to come home to the boys empty room and to experience the silence that a childless home has.

The boys were good aside from the bedtime noise that went on for two and a half hours after they went to bed.  I don't think, as fun as the table tent might have been that I'd make it a habit to do that but then again, the height of the guest bed at present is far more dangerous than head bumps proved to be.  The new foundation I mean to buy this week will considerably lower the bed to something just barely higher than a chair seat rather than something that is hip height at present.  I'll feel a good deal safer about letting rambunctious little boys sleep in the bed then...but I have not plans to repeat this experience anytime shortly.    As I told John this morning, much as I enjoyed it, I'd thought weeks ago that when Bess is in labor, I may keep the boys here at the house during the day but at night I'm going to take them home to their own room and beds where I think they will be far more comfortable.

I plan this week's work:

I feel I did poorly with my goals last week...and yet, reading over the ones I'd listed, I seem to have touched on every one of them.   The guest room took the better part of a day's work.  I didn't bother with anything else the rest of the week though I am mindful of those two cabinets in the living room and the need to give the guest bath a quick once over.  So those spaces are on my radar for this week.

Outdoor work took a quick sideline when we spent a pleasant afternoon out of the house and then promptly were faced with two days of full on rain until sunset on Friday.  So this week I need to prune rose bushes which have gone dormant (that doesn't include the one rose bush potted in the big planter on the front patio.  It's fully green and not dormant.  I also will try to work on breaking up more of that flower bed beside my shed.  This is where I hope to plant a bed of annuals for cut flowers.

John gifted me a set of shelves that he felt were useless in his shed.  He wanted the space for other uses and I am not about to turn down a set of shelving.  In light of this, I am rethinking the amount of shelving I'd anticipated buying to none (previously 2 or 3) because I really do think the one will be sufficient for helping to organize my shed.  I'll try to spend time out there daily (all clear days but for Friday coming) doing some portion of decluttering and organizing. 

It is harvest week.  I have pretty much done all the preliminary work of getting bills together but we shall do banking, mail, errands, grocery shopping this week.

Try my hand at English muffins again.  I have a different recipe found in an old 1950s electric skillet manual that I want to try in the hopes they turn out a little nicer than the last recipe I tried.  I'd also like to take time this week to make yogurt.

Finish pulling together my potential capsule wardrobe for February/March.  I have pulled three pieces from my closet to donate since they are not flattering or do not fit as well as I'd like. Two of those pieces are from the current wardrobe and the third from the initial pull for February/March that I tried on and didn't care for at all.

Speaking of that, I need to sort out donations and get them loaded into the car and take them to the shop.

Oh yes, and one day out with Mama...

Meals This Week:

Leftovers day never happened this past week.  I put those things into the freezer for future meals.   John's request for frozen pizza one night and the boys' corn dog supper pushed leftovers and lasagna off last week's menu.  However, I did make up a pan of lasagna for our Shabat meal this week.

Lasagna x 2, Salad and Garlic bread 
I made up one big 9 x 13 pan of lasagna and decided we'd just eat that two nights this week.  I'll put up leftovers for another freezer entree but for this week, after our busy Friday evening and Saturday morning, I felt taking a little extra time for 'rest' was in order and I'd give myself the break of a ready meal on Sunday as well.

something from the grocery deli or freezer section most likely

Chicken and Wild Rice Casserole, Green Beans, Salad

Eye of Round Roast (frozen/leftover),  Roasted Potatoes, Roasted Brussels Sprouts with honey and balsamic vinegar glaze

Lentil Tacos with Taco Shells, tomatoes, cheese, lettuce, avocado, green onion, etc.

Breakfast for Supper (eggs for sure and other breakfast-y sorts of things)


Lana said...

I never sleep with grandchildren in the house but I never did sleep like I do now with our own children at home either. Most nights I sleep like a rock now which is a blessing after years of not sleeping.

My entire week has this written all over it--ROOT CANALS--two of them on adjacent teeth. We are being proactive on this since I am losing my dental insurance the end of May and this is something that will need to be done eventually.

Susan in SC said...

The sleepover sounded like so much fun for the boys! Love they got to add time with you and John!

Karen in WI said...

The tent idea under the table sounds like a perfect fort for the boys! I can see how they didn’t sleep until later, though, as I remember that whenever we were out of the house on a trip and the kids were in different sleeping arrangements, they were always late nights! We didn’t go camping when the boys were very little often just because they had a hard time getting to sleep and then would wake at the first chirp of a bird. Kind of exhausting for the adults!

I hope your week is going well. It’s funny to hear of you doing outside work as we are covered in snow. Winter has been odd this year, but I’m glad we have snow that it staying on the ground as the boys like to go skiing and snowboarding at a nearby hill. I keep thinking that my husband and I should go cross country skiing on a date.

I must get the dishes done and breakfast eaten as I am going up to the suburbs this morning to bring my youngest to Spanish class. I will run a few errands while he is there. My husband is traveling for work this week so it is just me and the younger two boys. I hope to make lemon poppyseed muffins and granola bars this afternoon, as well as get in a walk. Have a lovely day today, Terri!

terricheney said...

Lana, just letting you know you're on my prayer list this week!

Susan, It was more fun to me than to John, the going asleep part I mean. He liked the rest of the visit just fine especially when Josh told him he made the BEST eggs, even better than the ones his daddy makes. lol

Karen, It's lovely this time of year to work in the yard. Come summer I won't go out doors unless it's to get in the car, lol. Ooohhh Lemon Poppy seed muffins sounds so lovely! I'll bring tea....

Anonymous said...

No kidding, I think when you talked about the boys being rambunctious under the table tent I could actually hear them in my mind. My grandchildren are now closer to 30 but it seems like yesterday they were laughing and playing like that! Thanks for the memory.

Terri can you please tell me what color lentils do you use for the tacos? I used to use lentils but not it seem like a lifetime ago and I need to start using them again. Is one type better for one thing and another color best for another thing? I feel stupid but best to ask. :-)) . Are French lentils anything really special.? I seldom see them except at the health food store. Why do they cost more and are seen less often I wonder. :-))) Sarah

terricheney said...

Sarah, I just use a brown lentil. French lentils apparently retain their shape better and have a slightly earthy taste compared to other lentils. It is my understanding that most split peas are actually lentils. I find the brown or red lentil tends to fool the eye when it comes to using as a meat substitute but any lentil will work if no one is particular about that sort of thing. I bought brown mostly to fool Josh...and it worked pretty well too!

Meal Plan for Second Week of March