Gathering My Fragments: Week of June 29-July 3

Since I've been watching YouTube vlogs, I was introduced by Karla to two moms with large families.  One, Amy Maryon does a Friday vlog titled "Gathering Fragments" in which she scours her pantry, freezer and fridges to find items that aren't being eaten or used.  And then she plans what she will do with each item.  It's an excellent way to prevent food waste and those items that just seem to linger on and on that we've bought and never used or saved and failed to plan into meals.   I'm very guilty of the last.  Tossing my old bread end pieces or apple cores and peels into the freezer and putting off turning them into edible items.

So this morning, I went through my fridge.  Now I am fully aware that I also need to deal with my freezers but I had quite a turn out from my fridge and felt I had enough to plan into meals.  I'll share what I pulled out and what I plan to do or have done with each item.

Proteins:  A portion of grilled turkey tenderloin, a Bbq'd chicken breast, and a plentiful serving of fried chicken tenders, 2 containers blue cheese, 1 of feta.

Vegetables: four ears of corn, coleslaw, squash casserole, the tail end of a red cabbage, celery that I haven't touched all month long, mashed potatoes, the last portion of an English cucumber, a big jar of applesauce that we've eaten from once, a partial jar of pickled beets, half a can of refried beans.

Other:  Half a jar of pesto, half a jar Salsa Verde, chicken gravy.

I also washed the last Romaine heart and pulled out a couple of carrots to wash and shred.

 Immediately after seeing what I had on hand, I started planning what to do with it all.

John doesn't care much for pesto on pasta.  I do like using dollops in tomato soup or spaghetti sauce so I went ahead and put dollops on waxed paper lined plate and set that in the freezer.  I knew I could use one container of blue cheese but not two.  So I planned to put one of those in the freezer since it is nearing expiration date.   John doesn't eat squash casserole but there's only one serving left.  I'll have that with one of my meals one evening.   I ended up putting the chicken gravy in the freezer as well because I didn't use it as anticipated.
I then planned menus using only what I had in the fridge.

Meal 1Shredded Bbq Chicken Sandwiches, Slaw
I reheated the breast, shredded the meat and then used the last of the bottle of Bbq sauce to make it saucy enough for sandwiches.  By the way that bbq sauce was a fragment in progress of being used up too.  I'd combined the last of a bottle of mustard and another of catsup with the remaining Bbq sauce and ended up with about a half bottleof sauce total which we used a lot over the last week.   

There was not quite enough slaw for two servings but I added a little shredded carrot and finely minced red cabbage to that and stretched it a little further.

This ended being our late lunch today.   Had I been serving as a supper I would have added chips and homemade pickles but we typically don't eat a big meal midday these days.

Meal 2:  Buffalo Chicken Quesadillas, Rice, Salad
I watched Jessica O'Donohue make buffalo quesadillas on her vlog one night and I have had that recipe in my mind ever since.  I might turn this into a salad and skip the rice if we've had a heavy carb day, but since John isn't fond of spicy foods I thought doing a quesadilla with blue cheese dressing and rice might tone things down a bit.
Note:  We had the buffalo Chicken Salad for our supper which John declared was very good  and said he'd like that again.  

Meal 3:  Turkey Burritos, Corn (cut off the cob), Salad
 I chopped the turkey tenderloin, mixed it and the salsa verde with the refried beans and filled tortillas for burritos.  I added cheese before rolling up.  I'll reheat the corn in a frying pan with butter and maybe a tiny bit of cumin and make a green salad to go with these.

Meal 4:  Big Salad, Tomato Soup
I made a big bag of cut green lettuce, then put the rest of the red cabbage, shredded carrot in separate containers.  I'll hardboil eggs, dice the pickled beets and toss all these ingredients with the feta cheese and homemade croutons.  

You'll note that I haven't yet done a thing with the mashed potatoes or the applesauce.  My plan is to make potato doughnuts but I'll bake instead of frying them.  Since this makes quite a few doughnuts I'll be freezing portions for future days.

 I also want to make applesauce muffins for breakfast but this will barely touch that big jar.  I thought I might add some shredded carrots and raisins to the muffin batter. This will be an off the cuff recipe, not one I have anywhere.

I have gingersnaps and graham crackers open in the cupboard and think both are delicious with a cool bowl of applesauce as a simple dessert.  I'll probably do that once or twice as well.  If there's still applesauce, I'll freeze what's left.

I ran out of energy today for finishing up my 'fragment gathering' but I'll get it done in the morning for sure.  

I prefer to do this on Monday usually rather than at the end of the week since I try to plan leftovers into weekend meals if there's enough.   Let us know if you have gathered your fragments.  Want to share what you did with what you gathered?  Which day of the week works best for you?


Lana said...

Those are great, creative menus! I mostly cook only one meal amounts so we rarely have fragments. If I do have prepared foods in the refrigerator they are planned overs. Tonight I made double mashed potatoes so that we can just reheat the second half on Wednesday and tomorrow night I will save half of the chicken and broth from the chicken and rice for Wednesday night for creamed chicken with mashed potatoes and biscuits. What I have been doing though is setting items on the counter from the pantry that need to be used based on the date. If I come across a dented can it goes on the counter, too. That has been helpful for using up pantry items instead of letting things hang around until I need to trow them out.

terricheney said...

That's a great idea about the pantry items, Lana! I'll have to see about doing that as part of my gathering fragments. My leftovers this last week and weekend were due to thinking more people would be here and then weren't.

Tiny Toadstool Cottage said...

What a great idea! I'll have to look on Youtube for the videos. All sounds very yummy!

Rhonda said...

You did great! Your barbecue chicken sandwiches sound especially good.

Louise said...

Terri, who was the second large family mom.. You mentioned Amy but not the 2nd one.. unless I missed it.. Jessica O'Donohue only has a hubby and a dog according to her info..

MamaHen said...

I did not know about potato donuts, I'll have to give them a try. I gave leftover mashed potatoes to the chickens last night, so not a total waste, but wish I would have known sooner. Now I do though!

Louise said...

My sister used to make mashed potato fudge.. I don't know her recipe and she has passed away so I can't ask her.. but there must be recipes online somewhere.

terricheney said...

Louise, Grandmother used to make Potato Candy which had a pinwheel look and peanut butter in it. I thought of that, too.
The other large family cook is Jamerrill Stewart. She has 8 or 10 children and runs Large Family Table membership site as well. But Amy Maryon is the one who started the 'Gather the Fragments'.

MamaHen, I have to say those doughnuts are pretty good, even baked as I did them. There are more uses for them than you'd think. I'm going to look hard at other things we might do with items we might not think to use otherwise...

Rhonda, the buffalo chicken salad turned out pretty awesome and the Bbq chicken sandwiches are something we've done occasionally for years now since we stopped eating pork. I missed a bbq sandwich until we began that! John had the burritos I made up for lunch today (at least 2 of them) and said that they were really good too. He's been very enthusiastic about all my food this week except the squash casserole, lol.

Tiny Toadstool Cottage, I don't really like to watch cleaning videos which she also does but I do love the Gathering the Fragments as it gives me ideas at times about how I might make something more from what we have.

terricheney said...


Louise said...

Thank You Terri

Tammy said...

I try to clean out the refrigerator every week. If I don't, it gets a bit out of control and we end up playing refrigerator Tetris.
This week I had a container of cooked eggs that the kids turned into deviled eggs for lunch.
There was a partial quart bag of what we call taco chicken that I made into some creamy green chili enchiladas. That dish also used up the last of a bag of tortillas.
Mushrooms on the cusp of not being good got tossed in the slow cooker with some onion and a chuck roast. The rest of that roast will be used this weekend for sandwiches.
I know I have some blueberries to use up, and will make some muffins for the freezer.
Layla and I had pasta and meatballs for lunch today, using up the last of a jar of sauce and meatballs from the freezer. There's enough left over of that for another meal, so Monday's lunch is already cooked. I'll heat it as a casserole with some cheese tucked in to make it gooey.
We have lettuce to chop today for salad. Part of it will be kept whole leaves for burgers.

terricheney said...

Tammy, Good Job!! It all sounds pretty good to me.

Shirley in Washington said...

Hi Terri - I really like this idea for the bits and dabs of leftovers! Your menus using up the fragments is really creative. I think the food that gets away from me the most is fresh veggies. I need to open that produce drawer more often and check on the veggies in there! Thank you for sharing. Blessings, Shirley

Lana said...

I watched her YouTube in the midst of a cooking marathon for the weekend which kind of made it hilarious. I really enjoyed her style and sure was motivated. I made banana bread with two brown bananas, some brownie peanut butter bars from a mix that is expiring soon, A bowl of potato salad from potatoes that needed to be used, a large container of cubed coked potatoes for home fries, same needed to be used potatoes and a gallon of limeade. I plan to watch more of her videos just for entertainment but also inspiration for when we have a bunch of the kids home.

Lana said...

Also, I wonder if she lives in my area because her grocery outlet buys were just like the ones we get even down to the packaging. We did have that jalapeno bacon which I was glad I saw before buying it.

terricheney said...

Lana, that is funny that you were marathon cooking while watching her marathon cook. Amy Maryon lives in North Carolina if I recall right, and Jamerrill Stewart lives in Virginia, I think.

Lana said...

I watched one of her discount shopping trips to SC and recognized where she is and where she went but it is not my town. I have been to Bargain Foods though. ALso recognized where she shopped locally since my inlaws used to live where she is and we go up there often. She is quite close to us.

Kay said...

I love watching both Amy and Jamerelle.
I am still using up the last of the "fragments" from when the Ohio kids were here right after the 4th. Today we ate the last 2 hot dogs from our grilled supper. I put the last 1.5 burger in the freezer and will throw it into whatever ground beef dish I make next.
We have less than a cup of taco meat and also chili beans left. I combined them and we will use them on romaine for a taco salad supper.
I did dump a dish of mixed vegetables that I meant to put into chicken pot pie. Farmer broke his wrist on the 10th and all plans were put aside as I cared for him. He's doing much better so I can get back to other dishes than sandwiches and take out and easy meals.

Spring Goals for March...And Beyond.