Menus and Gathered Fragments

Well phooey on me!  Last night I sat down and wrote a menu plan and this morning, I got distracted and forgot to thaw a thing until it was past 1pm.  Which means nothing thawed in time for this evening's meal.  

There were not a lot of fragments in the fridge after our trip but I did have a few and then I have a few others in the freezer so here we start a new week with a plan to use what we have first and what we've most recently purchased last, but well before it starts to turn.

When we returned from Florida I had in my fridge 2 hard boiled eggs which I purposely left behind.  I wanted to be sure we used those.   I brought back a partial bag of ready made salad,  three very pricey Boars Head Frankfurters, two hot dog buns and two hamburger buns, and a small assortment of cheeses (Havarti, cheddar, Swiss) and we each had half a Boars Head Bbq Maple Roasted Turkey Sandwich left from our lunch on Friday, a Tangelo, and half a pound of Brussels Sprouts.  That's what went into the fridge when we came home Friday evening.

For our Friday night supper we had the Frankfurters on buns.  I don't know what we ate with the Franks.  I am pretty sure there was something else on the plate but what?  I was so tired it's a wonder I remember we ate the Frankfurters!

Saturday we had bagels for breakfast.    I'd taken out pizza dough from the freezer to thaw, but it did not.  I made Chicken Pot Pies (a bought frozen item) and Brussels Sprouts for our noon day meal, which this day really did need to be our heavier meal.    For Supper, I heated the Turkey sandwich halves and we shared the Tangelo.

Sunday (yesterday) we had boiled eggs which I heated in boiling water to warm them through, and toast.  We went to the grocery after church and I bought the usual necessary produce, dairy and chips plus two of those lovely big Never Any Roasting Hens that were marked down $2 each making them nearer the 88c a pound I paid for the Broiler Fryers a couple of weeks ago, for twice the amount of meat on each bird.

When we got home, I made a quick Pepperoni pizza and for supper I roasted one of the Chickens and some of the fresh vegetables I'd just bought ( potatoes, zucchini and tomato with garlic).  We have plenty of chicken leftover to use this week in meals.

Then last night I contemplated the rest of the items in the fridge, a recipe I'd seen for the third time that makes my mouth water and wrote out my menu plan.

This morning, I pulled three of the Tropical Banana Muffins from the fridge freezer and heated those in the microwave.  I served them for our breakfast with some polish sausage from the freezer.

For today's lunch: I used the last of the bag of salad, half a tomato from last night, some cucumber I'd just purchased a bit of the leftover chicken breast, a hard boiled egg (I tend to keep these on hand so I boiled more) and bacon bits to make a yummy salad.  I also cut into cubes and toasted the two hamburger buns and made croutons.

Tonight, we'll have a plate of soft tacos with some chips and salsa on the side.  I usually serve mine with finely shredded lettuce and tomato.  I know that John won't want a heavy meal.  He's been mowing and weed eating our yard and he's already not feeling good due to allergies.   I had the taco meat already cooked and in the freezer.  Good thing since my plan A was a fail.  

Now here's my plans for the rest of the week:  There is a lovely Weight Watchers recipe that I enjoy making for Sloppy Joes.  These have grated carrot and zucchini, bell peppers, onions, tomatoes and the vegetables really bulk up the sloppy joe while imparting a lot of additional flavors.  I have in the freezer some Hawaiian dinner rolls which I meant to use two weeks ago and didn't.  I'll make Sloppy Joe sliders with those and serve them with oven fries and coleslaw.   I have a pound of venison and will use half in this recipe.

The other half I'll use to make Glazed Mini Meatloaves.  I'll serve that with Mashed potatoes (probably instant) and a Green Bean side dish I enjoy that has onions, soy sauce and red bell peppers in it.

I took two small Chicken Breasts from the freezer to thaw to make a Cesar Chicken dish that uses Cesar dressing.  I have a bottle in the fridge and John won't touch it.  I've no idea why not.  But this recipe looks like a good one.  Three separate cooks have shared it on their You Tube channel and all three exclaimed over how tasty it is.  I'll serve this with rice and a green salad.  I'll make extra rice.

I'd like to make Chicken Fried Rice one night. This will use an egg or two and about a cup of the roast chicken from Sunday.    I load mine down with vegetables (cabbage, celery, onions, carrots, zucchini, peppers) and it makes a substantial one dish meal.   I may slice some cucumber on the side as John says he ate Fried Rice in that way when he was stationed in Thailand and he likes when I serve it the same here at home.

For breakfasts:  I would like to make biscuits one morning and put extra in the freezer to bake at another time, so I'll likely double that batch, which means I'll have probably two dozen to go into the freezer.  I'll serve the biscuits with bacon and eggs.

Another morning, I want to do oatmeal.  

John requested pancakes while we were gone and they were an abysmal failure.   I bought a box of mix to try again and did much better, but I now have two open boxes of mix.  I'll probably make pancakes one morning and have some pan browned Spam on the side.

For our last morning this week I plan to make cereal with bananas and toast.

For lunches:  Chicken sandwiches with chips and homemade pickles.

                       Chicken Noodle Soup (homemade)

                       Tuna Pasta Salad with Saltines

                        I may make egg salad sandwiches.  They are a favorite with John and we've plenty of eggs on hand.

So there you have my fragments for this week and my meal plans using those foods. 

What have you planned for meals this week?  What fragments do you need to be sure and use?                    


Lana said...

We have found that we love Krusteaz pancake mix and it turns out wonderful every single time. When our DIL was here a couple of weeks ago she praised me for those pancakes which is high praise from her! The Krusteaz Belgium waffle mix is fantastic, too. It seems that homemade recipes are hit or miss for me and one time they are great another they are a disappointment so I am I am perfectly willing to buy those mixes. Publix frequently has them BOGO.

Rhonda said...

Hi Terri, I thawed out a whole chicken to cook tonight but after doing some housework today and the busy weekend, I’d prefer not to cook this evening. So, I’m baking one of those 4 cheese Detroit frozen pizzas that added sliced green olives and turkey pepperoni to Jeff’s part and left my part just cheese.
We will cook that chicken tomorrow.
Wednesday my dad is having a skin cancer surgery so I’ll be over there helping with meals at least 1 day, maybe longer.

I’m glad y’all had a vacation. I know you really enjoy St Augustine.

Rhonda said...

Lana, I can cook 100% from a scratch but I appreciate some mixes and prepared foods too!

terricheney said...

Lana, I didn't make those from scratch. They were an Aunt Mabel's mix from Aldi, but it was user error on my part, not the mix, that made them not good. I actually do pretty good pancakes from scratch but I thought a just add water mix would do well for vacation ease. And it would have but alas, this user made an error in measurements and they weren't. The other mix I picked up actually requires I add egg, milk and oil. So it's really just glorified flour!
I've heard the Krusteaz mix is always good. I was going to get that when we bought mix but the store hadn't any Krusteaz products at all.

Rhonda, I keep looking for those Motor City pizzas. You and a few others that vlog have mentioned they are really good pizzas. I haven't seen one yet. I almost always doctor a frozen bought pizza.

Cindi Myers said...

All your meals sound so good. We are going camping next week so I am trying to clean out the freezer/fridge and use up things that won't last.

terricheney said...

Cindy, I prefer to cook when I arrive and keep meals fairly simply but I noted that several others who've recently gone on vacation mention making meals to carry along. This is certainly an option I'll use next time we head out as John loathed the stopping for groceries for supper that first evening which was a very busy time at the stores.

Lana said...

When we go to the lake we either eat fast food for the first meal in town or eat a sandwich and heat a can of soup at the house. After twenty one years of going there four times a year I have learned to plan meals and take all the food from home. That includes things like some premade items from the freezer. Then we fill in with perishables as we need them and treats that we don't usually buy at home. It took years to find figure this out. I save so much by packing food from home that we don't hesitate to enjoy some meals out at our favorite local restaurants. I also have a few items in my pantry that are solely for out of town trips such as individual creamers, kcups and some convenience items because some days we just need to eat easily.

Karen in WI said...

Egg salad sounds wonderful and maybe tuna pasta salad too! I am not cooking tonight as there are several leftovers, but I do have to gather fragments tomorrow. I took a walk and then gardened for a bit and was quite tired. I am resting on my front porch with tea, listening to my wind chimes. I am so happy to spend time on my front porch again! The tulips just bloomed and they are beautiful. Very early this year too.

I try to have at least two premade meals frozen to take on vacation. I have learned to pack most of our food as where we go in lower Michigan has pricey grocery stores. We usually fill in with a trip to the local farmer’s market and a stop at the store for ice cream and misc. We usually go out to eat once or twice. I do dream of not cooking anything but breakfast on a vacation, but with our hungry boys it would be way too expensive.

I think I may try to make homemade gluten free ravioli this week. I don’t have a pasta roller, but will make do. Gluten free ravioli is unbelievably expensive at the store. I am off to make a heart and adrenal nourishing herbal infusion (strong tea).

Conni said...

Thank you, Terri, for writing TO and FOR us. I love to treat myself to a pause from my home tasks by reading your posts. I chuckled because as I started reading, you mentioned hardboiled eggs, so I ‘un-paused’ to go and boil some myself! Thank you also for the lovely piece on Michal. You shed much light on the possible ‘why’ of her rant and I really enjoyed the ‘journey of grace’ you provided. Have a blessed week!

Deanna said...

Lana, I agree with you about Krusteaz. I had always made pancakes and waffles from scratch (well, at least the past 25 years or so) but at the beginning of the pandemic flour was hard to find. I had heard about Krusteaz and it was available on Amazon so I bought a huge 10 pound bag. I figured I'd save what flour I had for other uses. I also saw a recommendation to use ice water to make the pancakes fluffy. They turned out really well so that's what I've been doing the past year+.

Lana said...

Deanna, Thanks for the tip on the ice water! Your comment made me wonder if my pancake problems were inconsistent flour because of the pandemic. Before that I never had trouble with my scratch made pancakes.

terricheney said...

Lana, I think for us the better thing would be to take along an entree that is cold (not frozen as we've found NOTHING thaws out on the way down in our cooler bags. There aren't any fast food places within easy driving from our condo. But I do agree that by cooking our own food we feel we can 'splurge' a little and have a meal or two out during our stay.
I confess too that I just prefer my own homecooking for the most part. I don't feel well after eating out too much.

Karen, We had so much Chicken Soup left that I might not get egg salad made until weekend. I love it the first day it's made and then John can eat all he wants. I'm the same way by potato salad. First day served slightly warm still and I'm all for it, but cold...blech, lol.
Oh how lovely to join you on the front porch with tea! Thank you so much!

Conni, that is too funny that I prompted you to go boil eggs, lol. And thank you. I really enjoyed writing that piece about Michal. Sometimes those insights come and I learn things I need to watch in my own behavior and thoughts.

Deanna, thank you for weighing in on the Krusteaz mix. I'm going to look for a bag of that and keep on hand I think. I tend to buy what is cheap or available or both at Aldi, but I do find that there are some brand items well worth paying a little extra for, like Idahoan Instant Mashed potatoes. Soooo much better than the store brand.
I'll keep in mind the ice water tip, too.

Liz from New York said...

I believe Krustease is the kind most restaurants use as well. Jiffy makes a fantastic easy to use, just add water mix, which is egg free. 2 of my grandchildren are deathly allergic to eggs, so I’m happy to have an alternative for them. Best, liz

terricheney said...

Liz, that's a good point about the just add water mixes! I usually take it on vacation because we don't need to go buy eggs to make the Aunt Mabel's pancake mix. So it's a sort of convenience. I also keep a box in the pantry because sometimes life happens and you can't just run off to the store for something.

Karen in WI said...

You are absolutely welcome to come by for tea or coffee anytime! I’m out here every morning and late afternoon so don’t be shy! ☕️😉

March 28: Spring Break