In My Home This Week: Showers and Sunshine


It's a very simple kitchen this week.  Again we note the enameled white surfaces.  While here the room is edged with green at the ceiling, it's the touches of blue that we see on the enameled pieces that draw the eye.  I think this kitchen would be very pretty indeed and I'd likely be inclined to add touches of apricot (a common pairing with blue back in the early part of the 20th century).

We shall go with the assumption that the icebox is indeed on the back porch because this 1920's kitchen appears to be a modern country kitchen.  Still I see many things that it 'modern'.  Note that central light overhead for one thing that allows for a well lit room and then there's also a light above the sink  I think a small light above the stove might also have been helpful but we must remember that many folks were still living without the benefit of electricity back in the time this kitchen would have been appreciated.

That the baking center appears is near the stove is a pleasant thing.  Here one might keep spices and seasonings and such handy for more than just baking and it's a handy surface, since it is enamel, to move a pot or kettle to.   

The built-ins around the sink I find quite intriguing.  There's a bit of storage space quite often ignored in the early 1900's and I'll just bet the housekeeper/cook of this household finds it very handy indeed.   I can see that the nearer of the two cupboards contains the broom and likely a hook for the apron, a mop, bucket, perhaps even a wooden ironing board and irons for heating on the stove.  

We don't know what the one nearest the stove might harbor but it would be awfully nice if it had been fitted with shelves for dishes and pots and pans wouldn't it?

Last we have our lovely little table and chairs.  The table is obviously meant to be a work table and a place to have meals as well.

I find more and more as I look at these kitchens that I kind of wish I didn't need the storage space in the island in my kitchen and could replace it with a small working height table.  One day perhaps, when the laundry room has been built out if we ever get around to that...

In the meantime, it does appear to be a lovely little simple kitchen above, doesn't it?


Zone 2 is Living/Dining Rooms /Front Entry  Again this week there's not such a lot to do.  Dusting, which is always necessary but no real deep cleaning.  I'll try to get the new pillow covers made and on the pillows and I'll pack away the ones I can't really recover.   If I am feeling terribly restless and ambitious all at once, I might (might) consider either recovering my ottoman or the dining room chair cushions depending upon how ready I feel to tackle other things.  We shall see.  

For the rest of the week:  I've got to work up bills, run errands and do grocery shopping. 

And a haircut.  Seriously need a haircut!

There's still mulch to be spread (just 1 bag but I'll likely pick up more for use here) and weeding to be done and repotting that needs to be attended to so when it's dry I'll be outdoors some part of every day.  

I have a big project over at Katie's house that I want to get busy and get tackled before it's out of hand once more.  That too is outdoors and requires mulch, weed mat and labor.  I'm sure I can get some help but there's no doubt that it's going to be work and since I'm opting to take it on it shall have to be me I count on first and foremost for it.

And I shall not plan more than that.  I find more and more that while I enjoy being busy, I often pay far too high a price for it in pain and weariness.  I don't have the demons of hell chasing me down, it's all just a bit of work and I can and will take my time getting it done. 


It shall not be a lightweight grocery month this go round.  I'm out of lots of essentials, out of pantry staples and starting to run very low on others.  I'll have to be serious and mindful and it's most likely going to push me over budget but it is what it is.   I didn't do more than minor shopping trips last month (though I spent nearly my full budget).   This month I'll also be getting dog food and coffee from subscriptions I've set up so yeah, a heavy grocery month.  Now that I know ahead of time, I can brace myself and just plan to trim it down over June and July.

I'll also say this, I've been watching prices here in my area and they are rising.  Slowly, but rising.  I know that some others are seeing much higher prices than we are here but then we are generally not at city prices by any means, though I can tell you assuredly I know what used to be the 'normal' cost and what things are costing now.  I mean to stock up on things now and my goal is truly to be at a one year level in the things I have to replace right now.   What are those things?   Tomato sauce (we average 2 cans a month if I'm only making pizza.  If I make enchilada sauce or casseroles or spaghetti I'll use considerably more).  Flour.  I've been through nearly 75 pounds since January arrived.  That's just for the two of us with me making bread, biscuits, bagels and most all of our baked goods.  I'm out of almost all canned dried beans and very low on toilet paper and other paper products.  So yes, a heavy grocery month and an eye towards stocking heavily on those things.

As for rising prices, meat is definitely higher.  I'm still grateful for the venison we were able to put in the freezer back in November but John has asked for me to buy some beef.  I'm finding it running about a $1 a pound higher than this time last year and I felt that was pricey then.   For us that means average $4.99 for a leaner ground beef.   The nearest discount grocery has had bone in chicken breasts for 88c a pound for years.  This week that price was 98c a pound.  Still, I do know how to bone them and that makes a boneless skinless breast for 98c a pound for my own use and a pile of bones and skins to make broth.

What shall I do for meals this week?   I'll wait until the weekend is nearer done and we'll see what leftovers we have and what I find that is expired, so look for the Gathering Fragments post between Sunday and Monday to find that out.

Personal Care:

I surprised myself last week by reading THREE books, yes, three.  I finished Heart of the Family, Honor Girl,  and With This Ring by Emilie Loring.  I've got one book left on the table next to my chair and a few vintage May magazines to look through so that should see me through the weekend.  I'll put out three more books on the table after this weekend is over.    Not sure what yet, but I'm going to scan the shelves and see what appeals to me.

I really want a haircut.  

Still haven't pulled out that genealogy at all.  The week behind was busier than I'd thought it might be aside from one another when I didn't feel well and then I wasn't in the least interested in researching anything.  Maybe this week.  


Lana said...

We have been working outside all day but we have made a ton of progress in getting the screen porch clean and the plants all potted up and ready for the deck. Tomorrow will be nice so I think we can finish it up in the afternoon. It is a tradition to eat in the screen porch on Mother's Day and so we can!

Several neighbors stopped by to talk today and we took some missionary friends who have come home from the field out for breakfast yesterday. The Lord is surely pleased that those two who stayed at their assigned task until way into their 70's in Africa. We have known them for almost 30 years and we have all gotten so old. (smile) So, it was a great week of seeing people that we have not seen for a year or more due to Covid. Blessed!!

We are seeing those rising prices as well. I used to just go into Aldi and put the same produce items in my card every trip because the price pretty much never varied. Now I find I need to take a look and see what the best deals are and not just assume. We are also working the loss leader deals harder and making more stops at the discount grocery. I am especially looking for the meat deals as well. Last week we did get ground chuck at Ingles for 2.98. I need to check the Sam's price when we go this week. It has often been worth a our membership just to be able get beef cheaper.

We have to replace a section of siding on the house and need to get out and get the supplies before the prices go any higher or we cannot find them at all. Some plumbing supplies are also needed and we never know what will be available when we go to the stores. The well seem so have finally cleared up so that is a good thing.

Big news is that I will have health insurance again starting June 1. There is an extra subsidy on the marketplace for people who lost their insurance in 2020 and I was able to get an incredible deal since I really only need hospital coverage. I will likely never use it but it is peace of mind.

Have a good week!

Deanna said...

The image of the kitchen is so nice. What a sweet kitchen this is.
Glad you shared.

Lana said...

I forget to tell you that we asked about putting on a hand pump while we were having the work done on the well. They said it would be $3000. That was end of that idea!

Anne said...

I'm guessing that you need to rework your budget to make the grocery portion larger. If you used up last month's budget entirely on a low spend month then you need more money. And also prices are increasing.

terricheney said...

Anne, I wanted to argue this point but I just went and looked at the latest figures from the government and we're a good bit below the 'thrifty' plan for two adults our age and that is the lowest spending point they record. You can see the information for March 2021 here:

I have been allowing almost 1/4 less than they suggest on that plan. Usually I fall right in the thrifty amount. So I shall have to put this under serious consideration. I always have managed to supply my pantry a few items as well as all the fresh foods we wanted on the amount I have budgeted but we've even cut back hard on snack items (much to John's dismay) and we're buying less...So yes.
Thank you for prompting me to go look!

Lana, Thank you for letting me know. I think we could buy a generator for far less and dedicate it to just running the well in case of outages if that is the case!!

D, I love that kitchen too. It's the wide open spaces I think I'm liking about it.

Meal Plan for Second Week of March