Vacation Week Three: Catching Up


Monday:  We've been home a bit over an hour.  At the moment, I have a headache, one I'm certain is being brought on by upcoming stormy weather.   Boy is it hot!  97F with a 'feels like' of 108 and that at 5:30 pm.

I'll run back through the last few days...

We left Friday morning rather early, earlier than I'd hoped we might.  I slept not at all on Thursday night.  I didn't even mind it.  My sleep pattern has been so rotten lately, I just figured I'd nap on the way down.  Of course, I didn't.  I was too interested in seeing what had changed.  But I did go to bed early that night and slept well all night long.  

There were many changes along the way.  The biggest shock to me was when we were on the northwest side of St. Johns County.  All that forest and field was gone.  It was now housing developments and shopping centers and I could see the potential for a couple of dozen traffic lights when we return next time.  

We made good time on the trip and arrived early, too early to check in.  We headed straight to the grocery which really wasn't bad, though it sounds awful to drive for six hours, then spend 20 minutes going to the grocery and doing shopping and driving another back to the condo.  The place we go to shop is out of town, down along the coast in a largely rural area and it was such a lovely drive down across the inlet and along the coast that it wasn't at all difficult to go that extra bit.   As well, we really wanted our adult beverage to have while we sat on the balcony.  

It was hot there.  Goodness!  It was as hot as it was here at home and when we got out of the car we had to deal with heavily fogged glasses.  John will just stumble along with his all fogged up, but I'd rather take them off and let them come up to temperature once more.

When we got back to our hotel it was still a wee bit early for check-in, but we had no issue from the staff about that.  It was lovely to walk into the air-conditioned room and see that ocean view immediately!  I have to add here that we made it up to the room with luggage and food bags without one cross word.  In fact, the whole trip, we had nothing but an attitude of gratitude and never spat of any sort.

We didn't have our adult beverage on the balcony.  We opted to have it sitting in the comfort of the AC.  It was too hot even with a steady ocean breeze blowing to even think of being outdoors.  My biggest thrill that day was seeing the golden rod on the sand dunes was in full bloom along with some form of rudbeckia (black eyed Susan) and Gaillardia (blanket flower), as well as a prolific amount of some type of heathery mauve looking flower that I could never identify and never saw one leaf of to help with the identification.

On Saturday, we had breakfast and watched dolphins swimming and diving.  I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that siting dolphins is a sure sign of happiness...Well it was for me!  After awhile we did our usual drive down the coast to Ormond by the Sea, all along historic A1A.  What I noticed most was the vast number of houses for sale along the way.  In the past it was unusual to see a for sale sign.  This time it was more unusual to NOT see one.  

When we came back up the coast, we went to a favorite Pub on Anastasia Island for lunch.  I had the best Haddock Sandwich.  Goodness that was a good meal!  And to think, I was sure I was about to be deeply disappointed when I ordered because you see, I wanted a fish plate.  We were given a menu and all they had for fish on it was a choice of fish tacos or the Fried Haddock Sandwich. It was so delicious!  I found out later that we'd been given a lunch menu and so next time I will ask if I might have the dinner menu so that I can order a fish plate, but that was a very satisfying and delicious fish sandwich.

We spent the afternoon at the condo, staring at the ocean, people watching and just being generally relaxed.  I was so ready for bed, but alas, the next-door neighbor was constantly in and out and finally at 2am someone started pounding on the door of the adjoining room.  Fortunately, this sort of behavior is the rarity and not the norm at these condos.  Still, it made for a very disturbed night and after that final 2 am blast awake, I lay awake and pondered many things I'd have been better not pondering.  I finally dozed off and slept a few hours.

Sunday, we went into Old Town after our breakfast, walking from the City Gates all the way down to the Plaza de Constitución. John had coffee and I had a smoothie at an old coffee shop where we typically stop.  Well it was the same shop under a new name and all new people.  My Mango Smoothie was absolutely welcome in the warmth.  I'd dressed appropriately for the weather which was destined to be in the 90's.  We had conversations with strangers, listened to many foreign languages being spoken, admired merchandise in shops, etc.  I bought a ball cap to cover my head and shade my face.  We had lunch in a favorite spot and then walked all the way back.  

It wasn't unpleasant to walk but my shoes rubbed blisters all over my feet.  I could tell they were rubbing my feet raw but what do you do?  I had Band-Aids with the car.  And I had to get to the car to get the Band-Aids.  

We stopped for ice cream in a mom-and-pop shop down across from the condo.  I chose to get coconut and that was so good.  Not too sweet, very sort of creamy chewy which sounds odd but accurately describes it.  John got a chocolate shake which is his sort of kryptonite.  When we got back to the room, I felt I just had to lie down, and I went right off to sleep without the least bit of encouragement.  I think I slept a solid hour.  I woke feeling wonderfully rested, relaxed and happy.  That's the way I want to feel at home more often.

We ate good food, mostly cooked at the condo.  I carried some of the pricier items along from home, but we still managed to spend roughly $100 for meal items.  That's the downside to shopping in a vacation area.  We weren't frivolous but we did pick up a few extras, like olives to have with drinks and our drink items and a special cookie that we rarely indulge in.   We spent no more over the weekend on our two meals out than we've spent for a Saturday date.  Because we knew we'd be cooking at the condo, we ate lighter lunches.   On Friday we just snacked on the way down and never ate lunch at all.

Mostly though we stayed at the condo, sitting on the balcony or in the room watching the ocean and the people on the shore.  We were watching from early morning until too dark to see every night.  Every evening after supper as it cooled down, we'd sit outside until it was too dark to see.

My soul quieted.  My body relaxed.  I slept.  John and I never spoke of any of the things we had going on at home nor the disappointments, hurts and aggravations we've experienced.  We just melted into the atmosphere of the place.  Honestly just writing about it right now, I felt all the tension I've felt since I got home melt off me.

We came home via a new route today and it was so much nicer than coming through the big new growth section.  It was a long drive home.  The heat was unreal today, from 10am onwards.  We hit rain along about Tifton and watched as the thermometer on the car went from 99 to 82 in mere seconds.  John told me, "Just watch this thing," and I did.  The thermometer ticked down degrees pretty rapidly.  

John must have thanked me two dozen times for this trip.  Well, I was thanking him just as much for it!  We agreed we'd stick with our Saturday dates and absolutely would try to take a full weekend here and there, but we mean to start saving now for the next trip to the beach whenever that might happen to be.

When we got home, the lawn was looking majorly shaggy, the little garden looked pitifully wilted.  Caleb was not in the least excited to see us.  He wasn't mad we were home, but the great homecoming welcome was flat, lol.  Katie ran into town to pick up the necessities for tomorrow morning then returned and made supper for us all.  

Katie starts her new job tomorrow...And Caleb and I are going to go do a big grocery shop while John tends to lawn care.  If my little garden is done in this heat, it's done.  I'll start my fall garden and hope for the best with that.

Tuesday:  I woke the moment I heard Caleb's run across the living room this morning.  I dragged myself from bed.  I had such a wonderful night's sleep, truly good, but I did not want to leave that bad.  I enumerated the things I thought I ought to do before I left the room this morning: unload the suitcases, put on my makeup, tot up the checkbook, put my medicines for the week in the pill box and make the bed.  It all took about an hour.  Isn't that something?  An hours' worth of work just to do those few things!  

As I was getting dressed, I could hear Caleb talking into the space under the door.  He was telling his Grampa that I was up, as he peered under the door.  I was only partially dressed and happened to be standing in the closet at the time, so I just kept standing there until I heard him go away again.  

I made a very quick and easy breakfast and then tried to clear the kitchen counters.  No such luck.  They are still cluttered looking at present, but I did what I could.  I really wanted to get out of the house and do that grocery shopping before the heat got stupid outdoors, but I think if I'd left home at 6am, I might have still felt it was too warm.  

Caleb and I went off to Kroger.  The sale on eggs that was ending today was the big drawing card, plus a really good sale on Pluots for 99c a pound.  In the store, Caleb immediately asked for a balloon.  I was absolutely shocked at the cost of those balloon bouquets...I mean they were really expensive. I know I could likely have bought one instead of a bouquet of them but $10 each seemed rather too high a price for my taste.

Caleb asked for everything that was hanging off a shelf or end cap.  You know the sorts of things I mean, those long strings with all the carded things hanging off them.  Strainers, timers, lemon juicers, etc.  I suppose it was the pretty colors that drew his attention.  I refused to buy any of them, much to his sorrow but he'd soon spy another string and say, "I want that..." lol.

I did walk the aisles today.  I needed various things that lived on those inner aisles, but I didn't pick up extras and I didn't buy two of any item.  I skipped meats entirely since I knew I had plenty at home   I had promised Caleb I'd buy chicken nuggets and I meant to keep that promise.  I'm glad I skipped other meats because those nuggets were crazy priced, too.  

I still have budgeted grocery money left for the month.  I don't count, and never have counted, vacation foods purchased into my grocery budget.  I always figure that as part of the expense of the vacation and while I am cautious in spending, I just don't feel I should take it from my routine budget. We unloaded things into the car.  I forgot to take my shopping bags into the store and completely forgot the insulated bags at the house that we'd used for cold foods on the trip back.  I felt ill-prepared on many counts this day.

Caleb has acquired two new habits.  I'd noticed yesterday that he was speaking much more plainly.  Well, he's apparently at the stage where he notices physical features of people and I heard today that a lady had a 'big butt' and another was 'small'.  Was he wrong?  No... but it is a little embarrassing to hear him say those things.   I explained to him that it was never nice to speak about people when it might hurt their feelings or make them feel bad.  I doubt he understood that at all.  Isaac's only just starting to finish up his bout with this same issue of speaking frankly about physical features.  I hope Caleb's is shorter lived!  

The other thing he does now is to say, "Hey You!" to people.  Repeatedly, I told him, "That sounds rude!  Let's say, "Hi, how are you?" instead."  It doesn't help a bit that all the older people immediately laughed...But I corrected him over and over again.

It was 101 in Warner Robins at 12:15 when we finished shopping.  I had let the car windows down while I unloaded groceries and kept Caleb in the buggy while the breezes blew through the car to cool it down a wee bit.  I'm not sure it was really any cooler, but it at least didn't feel like I was about to bake bread when we got in the car.  I had made sure to bring along ice water for us both today and we were glad for that nice cool drink.  

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On the way home, I decided to skip the second grocery, went straight to the drive-thru to pick up my perscription and we headed home.  Caleb had had enough of it, too.  He kept telling me, "Let's go home."  

Truth today was not my best day to choose for shopping.  I was tired still from our travel yesterday and the weight of things I knew had to be done at home was stressful.  Caleb's chatter was a hard distraction.  I told John when I got home, I had no idea how much I forgot to buy but at least I had enough to ease us through until I have a proper list once more.

Caleb asked for doughnuts. Since he also asked specifically for bananas, pink grapefruit and broccoli, I felt it would be okay to get doughnuts, too.  He cleaned his plate at lunch time just so he could have those two little doughnuts.

At this point in the day, I've put away everything except what was shoved in the pantry.  I've no clue what on earth we'll have for supper, but I do have half a rotisserie chicken I need to use up.  I just don't have brain enough to think of what I could make with it.

John did laundry, vacuumed the whole house and has mowed our yard today.  He's been busy today, too.  He stopped long enough to help unload groceries and get them in the house, then to have a quick lunch and a cold drink with us.  

I'm off to research recipes and look for something quick and easy we might have for supper.

Wednesday:  Poor John is entirely confused with his days this week.  He keeps insisting we are a day behind where we actually are.  When I remind him of what day it is, he asks repeatedly, "Are you sure?"  "We came home on Monday...You mowed the lawn on Tuesday.  Yes, I'm sure."  "And today's not Tuesday?"  If he'd only look at the calendar, he'd get it fixed in his head.

I woke this morning and asked myself what I wanted to do today...and the answer was I wanted to clear up some of the clutter about the house. It's messing with my head.  You can see John and I both have our own little ticky issues that make us feel discombobulated.  Mine is clutter for sure.  We've got all these filled boxes stacked up here and there in our bedroom and bath and in the corners of the kitchen sitting and at the back door and frankly it's driving me nuts.

Well, there's not much I can do about stacked boxes.  I refuse to unpack them again as I'm still hoping the MIA contractor will call or contact us...We have had a discussion about what action we need to take should we not hear a word from him.  I mean, he does have possession of a five-figure dollar amount of cabinets and countertops and we'd rather like to get them back into our possession!  I admit that makes us feel very nervous indeed and his lack of contact isn't helping a bit.  Here's where I wished I'd listened to my intuition and had them delivered here...We'd have found space to store them in the first shed...but I listened to John when he said how relieved he was that this man was 'taking charge' of storing them.  I'm not blaming John at all!  Please don't think I am, but I did have misgivings and I can't forget that I had them.

After breakfast I wiped off every kitchen counter and removed every unnecessary or out of place item. That made me feel much better.  I also swept the floor.  Then I went off to the bathroom where I sorted out all the stuff shoved on the counter. Most of this was from unpacking our bags on Monday evening and Tuesday.  I also sorted out the cabinet where we keep all of our medicines. 

John is forever determining, via our doctor, that he must absolutely take this or that supplement.  And as soon as I get a stock of them, he suddenly will quit taking them.  I've learned my lesson at last.  From now on, I'll wait until he's out or nearly out and then I'll purchase them again. It's always interesting to me how careful I can be in spending, only to find a 'leaky' area such as this.  Just because he's taken a product for three or six months doesn't mean I should 'stock up' on them by any means!  I used to experience the same thing with him when he'd go on a jag with a certain food item.  It would go on for months, I'd see a good sale at last, stock up and suddenly he was done and there I was with all those items on hand.  

I decided to clean out from under the bathroom cabinet as well. It was a good time to take an inventory of the things we do use and have on hand.  I think we're good for cold medications, razors and dental care for the coming season.  

I tossed a ton of sample sizes of things into the trash. These were genuinely old, out of date items, not something to pass on to any shelter.  It felt good to get rid of the excess things.   I find that those sorts of things can irritate as well, don't you?  Even if they are out of sight so to speak, somehow my sub-conscious knows I have these things we never use and which I've held on to for years.  How long?  Well, there was conditioner from boxes of hair color still in one basket. I daresay I haven't colored my hair in nearly 10 years...And I'm pretty sure some of the things I tossed I picked up when I was cleaning out Mama's house after she moved five years ago.  

Then I went into the bedroom and straightened and tidied things up.  I told John I supposed I had done enough for the day...but I confess I was looking at the messy bedroom closet and thinking of the packed drawers and wanting to tuck into those as well and get them all squared away.  I can tell I'm getting rested and while I'm not restless yet, my eye is spying more and more tasks that I could attend to.

I knew I needed this break on so many levels, but I'm shocked just the same at how deeply tired I'd been.  Yes, I got loads done, and my mind spun at night thinking of stuff that I needed to do.  My big concern right now isn't to sock right back in and get overwhelmed as I'd been, but to figure out how I can do the things I see need to be done and take a kinder approach to caring for myself as well.  

Thursday:  I went to bed at 8pm last night and went right off to sleep.  I put my phone on Youtube with Bible reading and slept like a pro.  I could have stayed in bed and slept more this morning, but Millie was due to come so I didn't.  However, I could definitely use a nice long nap right now...sigh, no such luck.

The two children are lying on the floor supposed to be in quiet time but thus far have spent most of it telling each other to be quiet.

We did not have a good nor easy morning of it, and that's the truth.  We spent lots of time getting one child or the other to share.  Finally, John said, "We're having our butts handed to us this morning."  I agreed.  The next quarrel that arose, I simply said, "You two figure it out.  I'm done."  John followed my lead, and do you know what happened?  Not mayhem as we'd feared but the two of them began to play together and to do so more or less nicely.   We had a lot more peaceful time of it overall.

I tried to nap off and on but as soon as my eyes drifted shut one of the children would suddenly start being loud or call my name.  

Supper for tonight has been thought of and planned out...That's half the battle right there.  Now I am off to see if possibly just maybe I might sneak in a real nap.  Wish me luck.

Friday:  When Bess came in to pick up Millie yesterday, we'd just separated her and Caleb.  Caleb was sent to his room where he wailed pitifully for less than five minutes and then suddenly was quiet.  I knew he'd gone to sleep right away.  He'd been looking rather weary-eyed.  Millie never did settle to a nap.  Bess came in as soon as Caleb got quiet, and Millie danced about because going home means one thing and one thing only: Candy.  It is a tradition that no child leaves this house to go home without candy from Gramma's jar.

Bess brought in half a box of ripe bananas.  I bagged up 10 bags of bananas with each having three whole bananas.  I didn't peel them, which I'm sure I'll regret later but the idea of dealing with 30 banana skins right away yesterday didn't appeal to me in the least.  I'll use the bananas to make banana bread and chocolate chip muffins and poundcakes.  

After supper last night, Caleb surprised me in asking to go to bed.  Since he did nap, we were fully expecting he'd be up a little later than usual but no, creature of habit that he is, he wanted his bed and that's where he went.  

I slept very well last night as well.  I'm so grateful for it.  I do not take these nights with sleep lightly.

After I'd done my bit of housework, Caleb and I went out in the yard.  I didn't do a thing, just sat there and admired the flowers and listened to the cicadas and the birds.  Caleb likes to go downhill to play in the sand.  He's really only one terrace level down from me but to him it seems a long way away.  He'd taken this ATV with him.   When I heard the UPS truck out on the road, I called to him, and he came running.  He knew that truck would come up the driveway.  I noted the driver sort of cut his wheels to the left but didn't know until John came outdoors that it was because Caleb had left the ATV behind. 

And what did UPS bring today?  Earphones for John to listen to his computer without having the volume blaring over the top of every other noise in the house.  I ran across a really good sale on a good brand two days ago and here they were today. 

Taylor will be coming in this evening with Katie.  Her daddy is going fishing this weekend and so it's a Friday evening pick up.  I'll make Caleb's requested Chicken Nuggets for supper, along with some home fries and sliced tomatoes.  I'm keeping it simple and easy.  

I'm looking forward to our weekend date and our weekend as a whole.  We've a couple of things going on at church this Sunday that we'll be attending.  And I'm not planning on doing a thing all weekend long but resting and relaxing.  I've contemplated cutting my vacation month short and returning to the usual routine, but I think I could reasonably manage one more week of restful activities.

How was your week?


Cindi Myers said...

Your vacation sounds perfect! I'm so glad you got to take it.

Tammy said...

So glad your vacation was a time of rest and peace for you. ♥
Tomorrow at noon we enter an excessive heat warning until 10 p.m. Wednesday. Summer's last hurrah, I hope. I already don't want to do anything - when it's that hot I turn into a slug. We had a couple of beautiful fall-like days and mornings have been in the high 50s. I say let's have an early fall and a long one, too!

Grammy D said...

On all the blogs and You Tube every place in the US sounds hot. This year, for whatever reason we are having a cool August, Hardly hit 70 today and down into the 40's tonight. Havent had a c on yet. Our house is very well insulated so it takes quite a bit to cool it down.
Wish I was your neighbor and you let me "borrow" Caleb for a couple hours now and then. Sounds like what this quiet house needs once in a while. Remember the days when my grandsons were little and how they begged to stay here when Mom went shopping. She never had a problem letting them stay.
Your vacation sounds perfect, relaxing and unhurried. I hate that waking up at night. With Gramps having problems as soon as I sense him up, I feel like I should check. The other night the cat was laying on his stomach and was heavy, but he didn't want to make her move. Last night at 1:30 he couldn't find his glasses. LOL.Of course he goes right to sleep and I watch the clock tick.
Hope you get your cool down. Thanks for the info on peaches. Will watch for canned ones to stash for winter. See what our local ones do, Hope they are plentiful as I love having a nice juicy peach that is so juicy it runs down your are. Gramma D

Rhonda said...

I’m so glad your vacation was nice.
Oh dear about the contractor but I’ll be praying it works out soon.

Karla said...

So happy for the both of you to be able to take time away and just rest. It's another super hot week here. The temp today will only be 102 but we've had hotter than that up to this point. Your description of baking bread in the car is perfect. Our local sheriff department literally baked a tray of cookies on the dashboard of a patrol car for about an hour driving around just to show the public how very hot it gets.

I've been back at decluttering this week. Our guest bathroom (which is my bathroom, hubby gets the master) needs the faucet replaced so I have a guy coming to do that this week. That meant cleaning out the closet behind the tub in the back bedroom so that's been my recent chore. I still have SO MUCH MORE CLUTTER to get rid of in the whole house. It's awful.

I'll be praying about the contractor! I know how frustrating that is.

terricheney said...

Karla, I was just looking at all the decluttering I need to do and that's not the stuff visible to the eye. I've been doing this for years and I sometimes feel I'm no nearer my ideal than when I started. I think it's the accumulation of things I keep gathering, lol. But I do find more and more these days.

Rhonda, We've heard from him.

Dora, I'd loan this little boy to you and he'd make you all step pretty lively. He's just told John and I we needed to stop talking to one another and start talking to him...My word! lol
It is very hot here, but it's normal for us. Not abnormal. So we know we should expect and accept it. I can't even imagine living where AC is not needed, but Sam told me when he lived in Seattle that apartments didn't even come with AC so the last year when he lived there it got up to 95 and everyone thought they were perishing.

Tammy, I'm hoping this is the last hurrah myself, lol. Some years it's definitely just the middle as we'll carry high temps into the fall but I think somehow this year we might see cooler temps sooner. Or at least I am extremely hopeful and optimistic.

Cindi, it truly was just lovely! Exactly what we needed.

Journal of My Week: Winter Again