The End: Goodbye 2024


I plan to be back on something like a routine writing schedule by January 2.  I'll be taking the rest of this week to catch up on errands, family, and seeing the work on the house finished.  

It's been a very strange year for me, difficult in places I didn't foresee difficulty, changing my view of myself in essential areas, and finding peace in places I never expected to find peace at all.  It's been a hard Holiday season.  I'm not quite done with it at this point, but it will be over by the time I'm back to writing once more.  Pray that it finishes off better than it's gone thus far, lol.  Seriously.  Pray for me.

I didn't want to end this year without saying a sincere and heartfelt thank you to each of you who read, comment, send emails, gifts and use the Amazon Affiliate link or click on a Google ad.  You all will never know how at just the moment I truly need to hear that someone has found comfort, a kindred soul, or say that you're praying or thinking of me is the very moment I need most to hear from someone.  Please know that you are appreciated.  You are a blessing.  

I look forward to spending another year with you.  

And may the year ahead be better than we hope for...

Happy New Year!


Belinda said...


May 2024 bring both of us the happiness with life that we need! Sending you thought of peace and prayers that your new year will be one of wonderful times and memories! Happy New Year Belinda

Hidden Haven Homestead said...

Happy New Year 😁
I don't comment very much but I love reading your posts .I get motivated to do more around my home and homestead from your posts. My prayers always go up when you ask and ssometimes when I get a feeling I should say one for you and yours. Looking forward to seeing your 2024 posts. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.

Frances Moseley said...

Thank you, Terri, for sharing your life with us. I hope this week is a good one for you. I am looking forward to forward to reading more from you in 2024. I enjoy your writing and feel that we are old friends by now. Happy New Year!!

Donnellp said...

I'm praying you to have a peaceful, and calmer New Year. In my family we too are praying for healing...not, in our case, emotional issues only, but for physical healing for a young family member. You are in my prayers. So is Caleb. I'm also hoping that he has a chance for him and his Mama to settle well in their new home.
Here's looking forward to peace and harmony in 2024.

Karla said...

It's been a similar year for us as well. I'm praying for "restore in 24" next year.

Deanna said...

May 2024 be a less challenging year for us all! I hope you find moments of peace and joy in the remaining days of 2023.

Peggy Savelsberg said...

Happy New Year to you and your family! I’ll continue prayers for you. Enjoy your time off!

Donna said...

Terri, wishing you and your family the very best in 2024! I so enjoy your posts and draw inspiration from them.

Tammy said...

Wishing you and yours a new year full of peace, joy, growth, and love. ♥

Chef Owings said...

Hubby said every year is a good year, some just better than others. It's been a rough year with business closing, his heart attack (widow maker that failed to kill him due to heart deformity) Son2 heart event (not quite a heart attack) sickness hit ever single one of us but not all at the same time nor the same thing. BUT we are all still here, all still have homes and all working at least part time.
There is food in the pantry, clothes on our backs and a soft place to sleep. So it's a good year according to Hubby.

May you have a BETTER year.

Grammy D said...

As I read your blog I feel as if I am reading a chatty, friendly friend who has ups and downs like all of us not someone bragging about their latest trips, clothes, homes or success. Just a very sweet lady with successes and failures and dreams like all of us.
As I read yor blog I think you can count Caleb as one of your big successes. He has certainly made a lot of progress with you taking care of him. I hope Katie can find stability in her life for herself and him. As a mom it is so hard to stand by and watch a child struggle and let them make their own failures and successes.
This new year brings a huge change in my life as I face it alone for the first time ever. The other night at 2 I woke up and made all sorts of New Years Resolutions. Good thing I went back to sleep and forgot what I was thinking!
One thing I have never done is a joy journal. I have so many things to be thankful for I would soon fill one. Even though the last year of my life was the hardest ever I wouldn't change a thing I have done or decisions I made. We go along taking others for granted and then one day devastating news happens and you have to make new plans. Lesson I learned? Hang onto your mate as tightly as you can and do the things you love to do together often. Make beautiful memories for cold winter nights.
Looking forward to next year. May it be filled with a renewed sense of joy, peace and calm. Hugs and a big thank you. Gramma D

michb said...

Enjoy your Blue House Journal ....i am praying for you.

March 25: Purposeful