The Homemaker Plans Her Week: Weary Planning Session


We left here on Friday to go to Destin, Florida to attend a beach wedding over the weekend.  We drove back today.  All I want to do is crawl into bed and sleep until tomorrow.  I know I will be happier when I wake up if I have at least an idea of what I want to do this week.  I'm still trying to get my head around the fact that this morning, I sat on a balcony overlooking the ocean and this evening, we've unpacked, made supper, done laundry, and put things away after driving for six hours (really seven since we were in a Central time zone).  Oh and offended Rufus...From vacation mode to normal home mode in less than 8 hours...Ugh!

It wasn't exactly a vacation.  I'll share more about that in a later post this week.  But let me plan the week. 



Zone 2 The Kitchen (includes the back entry, and the laundry room).

I plan to continue clearing out the oldest foodstuffs, but I've reached the point where grocery shopping is necessary.  We're out of cat food.   I also have no half-and-half, lettuce or green produce items and am low on eggs.

Bring the checkbook up to date.  Load trip receipts up on Fetch. Count cash and determine what needs to be put back into our accounts.  I owe John money from the entertainment fund for our supper out Friday night with our friends. 

I need to visit Mama one day this week.

John has jury duty so we don't know how his week may be tied up.  He also has a men's meeting at church this week.

I need to weed more this week and I'd like to clean and organize another section of the shed. 

Either paint the frames or the headboard.

Cut back the branches on the rose bush that are snagging on my window screen.

????I've come back four times to write out one more thing and each time I've forgotten the task.  But there's something else I need to do this week and perhaps I'll remember it.


I don't have any particular plans for baking or cooking this week, at least not right now.  I may change my mind as the week goes on.


We were out of town on Saturday.

Stuffed Peppers, Rice, Rolls.  I didn't have it in me to make a side. The Pepper included two vegetable servings (tomatoes, peppers, and onions).  

Sausage, Pierogi, Cabbage, Cornbread Muffins.

I'll post further menus later this week once I've checked the freezer.  It's going to be warmer.  I need to work on my warmer weather menus.


Rest.  I have to rest up and not push too hard.  These quick trips like we made this past weekend are hard these days with too little exercise, too little fluids, and too much time sitting.  I also have some healing to do...More on that later.

Read, read, read.  I'll continue reading the Cushatt book as a daily devotional since it is set up that way.  I want to get the Hamman book finished so I can pass it on to my friend who is anxious to read it.  I also have the Vicar of Wakefield and The Rosemary Tree that I'm reading.  And of course, the book on Monticello...I have too many books going on at once!

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Karla said...

Even though it wasn't a vacation, I hope the brief visit to the ocean brought some loveliness to your soul. Praying for quick healing! We had a busy weekend as well - drove down to Fort Worth, TX (3 1/2 hours one way from us) to trade in a car and get the one we really wanted so we can lower our payments by several hundred dollars. Well worth the trip and the day off work. Then Saturday, I helped my oldest daughter take down her worn out window shades (she's got a shoulder injury right now or she'd do it herself) and replace with blackout curtains on tension rods in her living room. Then late Saturday evening we went to the OKC Philharmonic that had a show featuring Cirque acrobats. It was very enjoyable but midnight by the time I was home, wound down and got into bed. Needless to say, all I accomplished on Sunday (yesterday) was laundry. I am still tired. Hopefully this week will be an easy one.

mikemax said...

I, too, was hoping the trip to Destin would help refresh your spirits! I wish you could have stayed longer. Despite living in northern Idaho, I have been to Destin and Fort Walton Beach and there aren't prettier beaches anywhere.

terricheney said...

Karla, The trip was lovely and the activities well paced. I just found the drives to be a bit long. On Friday John only stopped twice and not that often on Sunday. I'd like to have been a little more leisurely about both rides being as they were hours long. So my body felt like it had been through a rushed thing on Monday.

Max, they are indeed beautiful beaches! I spent hours Saturday morning sitting on the covered patio with coffee and just gazed at gazed at that beautiful water. Alas, it was dark by the time the wedding was done and the next morning, we had to check out early (10 am) so no lingering on the patio, though I did slip outside for just a bit. It went by far too quickly.

Journal of My Week: Winter Again