The Homemaker Plans Her Week: And It All Got Done


About this time of every month, I like to review the goals for the month and the proceeding weeks.  I'm doing well enough, considering I've given in to weather, 'don't-want-to-itis', and busyness.  Mostly the first two stalled me out.  Yet, I am doing okay as far as May's goals are concerned.  

The week ahead is meant to be sunny and clear and not too hot.  I want to get as much done outdoors as I can before the season becomes too uncomfortable.


Plant the salvia and impatiens.

Finish working on the bed in front of the back porch.  I got it weeded (mostly) and the rose bush and rosemary trimmed back.  I need to pick up the rose limbs and dispose of them.  I want to get the space mulched and then do something to add some summer color to that bed.  I'll go look for some new plants...but I really could shift a few pots from the front patio.

Keep Millie the first three mornings of this week.  I have an appointment on Tuesday morning, but John can deal with her just fine until Sam or I return.

Paint the furniture on the front porch and patio.

Go over my June Amazon Sub&Save items and determine which I can do without.  This is partially done.  I need to check quantities on a few items before I determine if I can skip a few others.

Buy Birthday cards: Taylor, Mama, Josh, Josie, Sam, Katie and Rosalyn.  Order Josh's birthday gift and determine what Sam's and Katie's will be so I can put enough money aside to get through this birthday-heavy period.

Move the shelf unit off the back porch, or figure out how to make it look less messy.  I'm all for getting it off the porch, but John nor I have room in our sheds unless I break it down.

The kids get out of school this week.  I know they have a family vacation planned and they'll go to church summer camp too, but there's a lot of time we could attend a program or two at the library.  I want to look up the schedule so I can plan this with them this year.  (humph!  There's nothing online at all.  I'll have to visit the local library to see if they have flyers).

Get with Katie and determine the birthday party menu for Taylor's party this coming weekend.  Make sure she issues invitations to Sam and the children.


Make bagels.  Mix up some cookie dough and freeze in portions so I can make cookies throughout the summer.

Look up my 'icebox' pie recipes and get a couple in the freezer.  That empty shelf space is calling out to be filled and why not with desserts I can make ahead and not have to heat up the kitchen through summer?  I have enough items on hand to make a start and I'll create a list of things to buy to make any other items I think would be handy.

When I sorted out the freezer last week and did my full inventory, I cleared out a load of stuff that was saved with good intentions to use...Yet it never was and most of us had that freezer-burnt appearance and smell.  I carried out a dishpan full of vegetables and fruits alone.  I tossed several other things that weren't compostable. 

I also noted that I don't take the time to wrap things as well as I could, leaving them somewhat exposed.  I can do better.  One thing I am sure about is that I need to invest in proper plastic freezer storage boxes.  The best I have found thus far I bought in Aldi.  There are only four of them, two of each size but those things have been sturdy, forgiving, and worth every penny I spent on them.  I'm going to make that my next kitchen investment. 

I do like to use glass jars, but I find that too often, especially in this upright freezer, the jars will shift and slide and end up hitting the floor (or any other glass container I might use).  It's not worth the hazard or loss of food to keep using them.  


Shepherd's Pie,  Salad, Green Beans

Ham, Potatos au gratin, Green Peas with Mushrooms, Sliced Tomato, Biscuits

Spaghetti a la Diable, Roasted Broccoli and Cauliflower, Green Salad, Garlic Bread.  I found some turkey pieces in the freezer and I'm sure it was February when we last ate turkey.  I'll use those pieces in this old favorite recipe.

Bbq Chicken, Corn Pudding, Collard Greens

Cheesy Turkey Broccoli Rice, Green Beans, Apple Waldorf Salad 

Baked Potato, Chef's Salad

No idea...but we'll eat. 


Sort out my house clothes drawer.  It's time to let go of the ugly and worn-out things and see what I have left before I even think about shopping.

TOO MUCH COMPUTER TIME in the evening.  I've done well at limiting myself during the day and picking up a book when I need to rest quietly for a little bit, but in the evening, I get sucked right in.  If a game offers me free minutes I just keep playing regardless of the self-imposed time limit.  I need to do better at this!

Sit on the porch daily for at least 15-20 minutes.  

Set up wardrobe for the week and weekend ahead.

Hopefully have a date with John.  Our anniversary is this weekend but we'll be busy with family and church. I'd like the two of us to go out somewhere we'd typically not go.

Continue to practice taking care of myself.  Routine care of skin, hands, nails, feet, hair.  Taking time to look nice each day. 

Inventory my unmentionables and determine what I need to purchase.  

Amazon Associates Affiliate Link:  Thank you to anyone who uses my link to make a purchase at Amazon.  If your purchases qualify I may earn a small commission.  


Lisa from Indiana said...

Hi Terri! I was just wondering what Amazon subscribe and save items are a good deal. I see that as an option on things I order and always wonder what good deals other people are finding. I would love for you to share what you order.

Karla said...

Would love to see a list of the freezer deserts you put away for later!

terricheney said...

Lisa see this post: and scan down to the What I Order section. It's pretty comprehensive. I can add Colgate Sensitive toothpaste (rarely found in the sales offline), Gold Bond Diabetic Healing lotion, and bath soap are all less expensive at Amazon or no more than traditional stores (but I get the savings of not spending time and gasoline).

Karla, I'll keep that in mind, too. I'm going to introduce a series this week on Warm Weather menus, and adding a desserts post would be a good idea.

Journal of My Week: Winter Again