This Week In My Home...

...We are temporarily a one car household.  This bothers John far more than it does myself.  I have often felt of late that we might well be a one car family, now that John's job only has him gone 1, or at most 2, days per week.  It bothers my husband a great deal, however, to have me home alone without a way to 'go'.  Never mind that only perhaps twice a month do I ever bother to 'go' when he's at work.  For the most part, I am wonderfully content to be home and to focus my attentions hard upon household things when John is working.  It suits me best to have time alone to piddle about, tackle projects and deep cleaning if I so desire and sometimes simply sit and just listen to the quietness surrounding me.  This is not something my husband can fathom.

I expect we shall have the Honda back by end of the week but in the meantime, it will be fun to pretend I am back in Granny's homemaking days and one car households were the norm.

...I plan meals:

I didn't strictly stick to my menu plan last week.  One of the problems I ran into was no egg to help bind meatloaf.  I made another dish instead and it was a huge hit with my husband so I'm including that here this week...But this week I will be making my meatloaf, which is one of my favorite comfort meals.

Fancy Pants Burgers, Brown Rice, Steamed Broccoli, Butterscotch Pudding

Florentine Meatballs, Whole Wheat Pasta, Green Salad, Italian Green Beans, Rolls

Turkey Tenderloin, Roasted Butternut Squash w/Brussels Sprouts, Pear Salad 

Grilled Steak, Potato and Onion Packets, Asparagus (canned)

Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Corn Muffins

on my own

out with Mama

Baking this week:  Banana nut breads (1 for the freezer 1 for now) and a chocolate chip cheesecake (decreased sugar, lower fat cut into smaller than recommended serving size).
...I plan work and appointments:

Hair appointment this week.  I planned it for a time when the local library will be open so I can drop by there as well.

Hair coloring done at home.

Work on rose bed.

Defrost the small freezer.

Work on front porch.

Make dust ruffle and shams for our room.

Get new items tagged for the booth.  TAKE THEM INTO THE BOOTH.

...I have fun:

I am determined to make it to the local library this week.  I'd thought I might do it last week but I was far too worn out to even consider it after my day out.

I'll have lunch out with Mama.

I mean to do some work on genealogy files once more, trying to get information gathered.


Lana said...

I leave home so rarely these days that one car would probably do for us, too but Hubby works 45 minutes away so if I did need a car it would really be tough. I am sure we can do with one once he retires.

Today we have emptied the kitchen so that the popcorn ceiling can come down tomorrow and Tuesday and then be painted. It is crazy the amount of stuff that had to be moved. The counters have been measured for fabrication and will be installed in 2-3 weeks.

Monday and Tuesday we will eat out all three meals. Hubby's lunches are prepped and sandwiches frozen to go into his lunch cooler each morning. I will go and grab some lunch out so that I can stay out of the way of the work crew.

W-pork roast, mashed potatoes, green beans and coleslaw (KFC copycat-soooo good)

TR-macaroni and cheese, steamed broccoli and salad

FR-pork and noodles with leftovers from W,corn, coleslaw from W

ST-homemade pizza, veg and dip

I think our fun this week will be so many meals out together. Sort of like a little vacation!

Sew Blessed Maw [Judy] said...

Terri, I so understand your not feeling the need for a second car. I feel the same, content to be at home and clean and plan our meals. But hubby is afraid for me to be with out a car, when he goes hunting or out to other house to work.
Your menu plans sound really good.
I am anxious to see your bedroom when you finish making your new bed skirt and shams. I have some sewing projects planned for this month..

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

I admire you for loving staying at home. That shows how much your home makes you happy. We probably have too many cars but I love to go out when we can. I think it's the Michigan winters because we are not really able to go outside right now. It's 22 this morning not sure what the wind chill is.

I love how your flexible with your menu and use what you have.
thanks for helpful suggestions last week!

Crystal H. in Nevada said...

We have only one car but my husband has worked from home for the most part all the time we have been married. (17 years) I do most of the errands and the dog is content because someone is almost always home. (he's 16 years old and blind) I fondly remember having only one car when I was married to my first husband and had two little ones at home - under school age. Seems like I got so much more done at home and all my appointments and errands were planned for one day a week. I canned and did all the things I wanted to. My husband is flying to L.A. this next week for 5 days and I'll still have the car but working hard this week to finish shopping, errands, etc... so I can chill out at home or get some extra stuff done.
Take care.

Rhonda said...

I am happy to stay home. And I would be happy to never drive again but in reality, that is probably not going to happen.
My grandmother that lived 1900-1999 never learned to drive and it suited her fine.

lislyn66 said...

I remember when I was married we were down to 1 car, we voluntarily gave our one vehicle back...could not afford it with me not working at that time. I didn't mind at all. If I really needed a vehicle my father let me use his truck, he was off on a work injury. I too was happy to stay home, take care of my children and the house for that 6 month period.

My week is a short work week as I took a few vacation days from last Thurs and returned to work today, so I had 6 days off. My 16 yr old daughter had to have a procedure done so I opted to stay home and be there for her as she healed. Plus yesterday was my 50th birthday. If there were any birthday to choose to use a vacation day for it was a milestone birthday!!!

I did come up with an original, for me that is, recipe. I put pork chops in my crockpot, seasoned them with garlic powder, salt, pepper and Accent. After 4 hours I put stuffing mix on top, added the appropriate ingredients and let it cook another hour. They were a huge it with even my picky eater!

Blessings Terri!

What Do I Do With That?