Coffee Chat

I don't know where time went this week.  It seemed it was Monday just yesterday...and here it is Sunday!  It's not like I did anything special this week or even got projects tended to either.  It was just one of those sorts of weeks.  I did my routine work, I was tired, I went to bed, got up and did more and was tired.  Over and over again all week long.  It didn't seem as though the week was rushing past...until I realized yesterday afternoon that Thursday had come and gone and Friday was fast passing by as well.

John and I went off Tuesday to get haircuts.  I got a short cut for summer and the hot months ahead.  It stands to order, doesn't it, that it would turn off cooler these past few days?

I was out with Mama on Wednesday.  I'd had several ideas for her gift but she mentioned that she wanted wind chimes and pointed to the ones she wanted.  I bought them for her and gave them to her right away.  It's the best way with Mama.  She doesn't want to wait, you see.  I mailed her a card on Thursday which she should have gotten by Saturday.  Isn't it funny that I might well mail Katie a card and she'd have it next day, but to send one round to Mama, who is in town perhaps 4 miles away,  means a two day wait?

Wednesday when I got home from traipsing about with Mama, I picked up mail on my way up the drive.  I got a package  from Kim S., a book I've wanted for some time:  Jenny Walton's Packing for a Woman's Journey by Nancy Lindemeyer.   I was so pleased when she wrote to tell me she'd picked it up at for me...How sweet is that?  It's a lovely copy and she added in two of the prettiest bookmarks.  I never have nice bookmarks so these will make reading an extra special pleasure I think, sort of like sitting down to a prettily set table makes a meal seem more special.

Thursday I had to go back into town.  I'd paid the electric bill Wednesday but was so weary  that afternoon that I skipped the grocery, dollar store and dropping off the telephone bill.  When I came in Wednesday afternoon the phone rang and John's prescription was ready to be picked up.  So Thursday morning I did the housework, planted my mint, basil and cilantro (do you know how quickly cilantro can die?), then dressed to go to town.

I wasn't doing so well on Thursday. I tuned up and cried over every little thing that morning and indeed had tears running down my face in the afternoon as well.  It seemed I couldn't just get a good grasp on a sunshine-y outlook that day, try as I may.  I realized I'd not had lunch so went into the Chinese place and got a bite to eat.  I was wondering if John might not like a plate of food when he called.  I thought it rather nice to have him call as I was thinking of him and told him so.  And yes, he did want Chinese takeout for his supper so I got him a plate.

I haven't been feeling my best.  Wanting new clothes, wanting a new look, short short hair...I needed some make up and I thought I'd try something different but gracious goodness!  I couldn't make up my mind what I ought to have.  I've worn the same shades of eyeshadow and liner for so long that it seemed unnatural to even consider a new color.  In the end I relied on my Katie's advice. I texted her to ask if she thought a deep gray liner and a gray eye shadow quad would look all right.  She texted me right back with a yes, so I bought a new color.  And just for fun added in a pretty nail polish that was just $1.  It's sort of a dusty rose with a hint of coral that keeps it from looking too pink or too orange.

I went to bed early Thursday night just weary to the bone.  Nothing like a good night's sleep to right the world.  My late father in law always said, "Nothing is so bad it doesn't all look better in the morning."  He was full of good quotes like that.  "Nothing is so bad you can't eat..."  That was another of his, too.  He was a wise man and I dearly miss him.  Probably as much as I miss Granny.  Sigh.

Well the world did seem brighter and righter on Friday morning.  I'd mapped out a good day's work and started it as soon as John left.  It was well under way and I'd settled mid-morning for a cup of coffee and a Bible study (and a rest) when I had a call from John.  He was on his way back home, having extra hours to use up and the boss telling him to head home.  Well that tossed a horseshoe into my plans!  He'd said he wanted to mow the lawn, and I knew he would.  I also knew that eating breakfast at 6am and working half the morning at work and the rest at home would mean a hungry man.

I altered my original menu plan and planned out a more substantial man type meal.  And while he mowed the lawn, I went to work baking cookies (Oatmeal Date and Raisin) and zooming through the routine household chores so my afternoon would be free as well.  Good thing.  Another horseshoe got tossed into my plans, lol.

I had just put two potatoes in the oven to bake when I heard a car door shut.  I've been expecting my niece to stop by all week long and thought it might be her.  No, it wasn't.  It was Samuel who'd come to spend the day and night.  As soon as I spied him out the door and called a greeting, I hurried back in to put another potato in the oven...and to thank my good Provider for the inspiration to put on a man sized meal!  Here was an appetite to feed to match the one already at home.

We had such fun the three of us, chatting and laughing over lunch, catching one another up on family news.  John was glad to see Samuel, I was glad to see them both.  It was rather nice to have all my plans tossed up in the air and come down with so much goodness to replace them.  It made up a great deal for the weepy day before.  We spent the afternoon together talking and napping.  Then Samuel went off to visit friends and we eventually crawled off to bed.

I woke with a raging migraine Saturday morning.  The tummy wrenching, thumping, pounding, can't-take-it sort.   I seldom have a migraine with headache pain, just all the other symptoms  but this morning, it was migraine with an attitude.  That is so hard to take at 5am in the morning, let me tell you.  Now paste on a cheerful smile...Nope I couldn't do it, either.  Saying good morning in a weak voice was about the most I could muster.  Fortunately I'd planned a cold cereal breakfast for John's morning meal.

About an hour after John left, just as I was thinking I might be able to bear the headache after all, Samuel showed up.  He's an early riser and had left his friend's house to come here for breakfast.  His appetite was no less than it had been the day before.  Good thing I'd made biscuits for supper the night before!  He ate a few of those toasted with cheese and a few doughnuts and had a couple or three cups of coffee, lol, and he was filled for the morning.  We chatted a bit more, listened to ORU The Gathering, and finally he decided he must head for home.  I kissed him goodbye, thanked him for coming to see us, and thought I'd settle into my chair for a bit of a rest.  But before I did, I put some onions on to caramelize because I'd planned to make burgers.  And then, I put my feet up and thought I heard a car

This time it was Katie come to spend a couple of days with me and just in time for a meal...I got up and added to the menu because I needed to stretch the meal a bit.  She doesn't eat like a man by any means, but I'd planned to feed one not two.  Extra food was most definitely in order.  I contemplated that I had now made three meals and the day not yet reached noon as I patted out the ground meat into thinner burgers...and wondered what on earth I'd do about supper and John's work lunch (meal numbers 4 and 5 for the day).

We spent the afternoon eating, chatting and playing.  Kate decided I needed 'help' to feel better so she decided to do my makeup and hair.  I confess she did a very good job with the makeup but I was not surprised a bit when she said there was nothing she could do with my hair, lol.  I know just what she means.

Today has been a little better than yesterday.  I still don't feel well but better than the day before.  Amie called, Samuel and V texted me.  I called Mama.  Well wishes all the way around.  Isn't it nice to think of good wishes and love just sort of settling down all around us?  I like to think of it that way.  So that when bad things happen, I can pretend I have a buffer between me and the not nice things.

That's the way it is, here in the Blue House...



1 comment:

Lynn said...

I came by for a visit from the Enchanted Cottage blog. It's fun to read about what's going on at your house. And the Lindemeyer book you mentioned sounds great! (I just looked it up on Amazon.) Are you enjoying it? Would you recommend it?