The Modern Home Economist: Good Grooming

One of the things you'd often find in old school Home Economics classes were a few books on 'Charm' which mostly translated as good posture and hygiene with an added emphasis on manners, modest dress and make-up.  I still look for these books when I'm out and about in antique shops or flea markets with copious older books.  I guess because I was that girl in high school, not quite popular, not quite fitting I read any number of these books learning how to care for my nails and teeth and hair; how to stand, sit and walk; how to dress appropriately and choose a wardrobe.  Truth told, at 55 I am sure I owe the quality of my skin today to those forays into 'Charm' books when I was 12 (and 13 and 14 and 15 and 16...).

Why would this have been included in Home Ec classes?  Number 1: Good hygiene equals good health.  Number 2: Healthy hair, nails, teeth and skin, plus good posture truly adds immeasurably to overall health and attractiveness.  Number 3:  Home Ec truly taught that good basic self care equaled a good foundation to building excellence in self as well as skills that built home, family, etc.

We still see these little things today in women's magazines: how to style clothes, dress for less, shape your brows, give yourself an at home manicure, etc.  So today I present these little tip tidbits: manicure, teeth and bath. More will follow...


Anonymous said...

Just time for a quick note. I remember when I was young having two sisters for good friends. Their mother was younger than mine and into the newer fashions and such so it was fun to shop with them. Their mother would usually walk behind us. As we walked she would poke us in the back above our waists. it made you jump and also straighten our back! She did it for that reason. She would tells not to droop our shoulders but walk like proper ladies! We also practiced walking around balancing a book on our heads when we were at their house. I remember seeing that as a thing to do in the teen magazines of the day. Good training. Sarah

MOV said...

Fun post! So I guess we obsessed about those things way back then just like we do today. Some things never change........

Just found your blog and will be back to read more. :)


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