Sweet June

June is just around the corner this week.   With six birthdays and a Jamberry party planned for one week it seemed best to plan ahead for June. 

Jamberry Party:

I've set the dates for this party for June  19 - 23.  If you'd like to join then please let me know.  You will need a facebook account and I can send you the link there for you to join the group.  Bess will conduct the party.  Generally there are some fun games, lots of information about the wraps and other products. It is a sales based party but there is no obligation to buy.  You can request a free sample and you can win mani or pedi packs or half sheets of wraps,  while playing the games.  I'm not planning to become a representative but after nearly twelve months of using the products and loving the compliments I get,  I thought I'd give anyone interested an opportunity to try the product and see if you like them, too. 

Front Yard and Outdoors Projects: 

This month I will start work on my front yard.  I'm so excited to begin this process which will take time and money, but gracious doesn't most things?   I've often felt our home looked impermanent from the front.  Even though we don't face a public road I would like to create the same sort of neat and pretty presentation you see when you come to the back door.  Naturally I'll be using what I have or can find inexpensively to do the job.  I may not be able to completely finish it this summer, but I'm going to try.  I'm looking at various things to help make my patio look like an entrance to the front porch.  I don't have as much to work with as I'd like but I can shift a few things about and piece it out. 

John has mentioned wanting to paint both sheds.  Mine has never been finished since Sam started it one summer while in college.  I agree that we need to work on both.  If he buys five gallons of paint we may have enough to do the back porch floor, as well.  It would all dry quickly this time of year provided we don't have days of rain.  I'm happy to work away at these sorts of tasks a bit at a time, but then I get very finish line driven and push through, lol. 

I know I'm working on the front yard but I've got three big barrel looking planters in an empty mulched bed around back that I'd just love to fill with soil and plants for a spot of color in that area.  I'll stretch my allowance if I have to in order to get to this project.

Guest Room: 

I have three indoor  projects.   I want to paint two doors and the chiffarobe in the guest room.  I have paint for the two doors and may have enough for the chiffarobe, too.  It will be one more step to making the guest room pretty.  I am getting nearer and nearer that finishing line in this room. 

I also want to see about fashioning a new table cover for my craft table.  I've had a drop cloth on it for the longest time but forgot to put down my self-healing cutting mat and proceeded to cut some new matting for some pictures I was framing.  I lifted up the mess of newspaper I'd had under it all and realized I'd cut the table cover, too.  It looks pretty awful.  I've asked for a bigger self healing mat for my Christmas gift this year but in the meantime, I want my table to look better, too.

I'll see if I have a vintage sheet and a tablecloth I can fashion into something or find something I can toss over the drop cloth as a topper.  Or I'll buy a new drop cloth.  It's an inexpensive project either way but will go a long way towards making the room look nicer.

Cool Summer Meals: 

Remember those cool summer meals I mentioned at the end of April?  Well, I came up short on vintage women's magazines for the month of June, so no help there.  I am compiling some lists from my own recipe files and from vintage cookbooks.  Icebox cakes and congealed salads and cold plate lunches and iced drinks to refresh.  Some quick and easy hot meals, too, because I do like a hot bite of food.

Stay tuned this month.  They'll appear on the menu and I'll share the recipes of those that pass my taste test. 

John ordered a new control for the electric frying pan and that can take the place of cooking on the gas stove top which should help cool things down a little more indoors.  I've got a few vintage appliance cookbooks Kay in Nebraska sent me years ago and you can bake cakes and pies in an electric skillet if you'd like.  So lots of fun experiments with vintage recipes this month.


Anne said...

I have enjoyed your blog for several years now. I just want to say I don't care for the new background. It's so contemporary, but kind of sterile. You seem to me more of a traditional woman and I liked seeing pictures of your kitchen and a patterned background. It was more homey.

Just one woman's opinion, of course. :D

Anonymous said...

My parents used an electric frying pan for many dishes when I was young. This brought back some happy memories!

Debby in KS said...

We use an electric skillet for cooking breakfast on the weekends. We love it. It certainly doesn't heat up the kitchen like the stove does. And it's easy to clean.

I love the picture of the chairs down the line!! Is that a pic from pinterest or did you do that? What a darling idea and it adds so much.

I did not realize Jamberrys were not a store item!!

Journal of My Week: Winter Again