In My Home This Week: Refocus

In my home this week...

...I am writing this on Friday, the day before the 'great reveal' at John's workplace.  We had a brief discussion of it this morning at breakfast and we're of the mind that whatever the outcome tomorrow morning...We go on.  Whether he has a job, whether he hasn't, we go on.  Whether it's with the county or a new entity, we go on. All we're certain of is change.  Period.

Regardless of what is ahead we must refocus a little this month.  There are changes ahead and we must face them.  That means we change, too.  We change what we can where we can and as we can.  

So I'm refocusing in several areas of my life.  I've always figured if change is good then we might as well change...Not to say I don't go kicking and screaming through change at times but honestly it's felt for a long time like we need a major change in our lives and so even a minor one must be made welcome in my opinion.  So welcome change, whatever you may be.

P.S. All is well on the job front.  As of Saturday morning we were still employed by the county.  Our change will be the schedule change as a start.

...I plan my work:

I wrote out a list of goals for July but I wasn't satisfied with that list.  It followed my usual pattern and the pattern isn't working for me at all.  But I did manage to identify two specific areas I really want to accomplish something in this month and I'd like to get started this week:  I need a work space.  My desk is not working for me and I'm tired of working out of my chair in the living room.  I get distracted very easily when John is home. 

The second area I want to work on is the area about the Faith Tree.  It's my first step in getting the front yard  as pretty as the back yard has become.  This week I begin my first steps in the process of accomplishing those two goals.

Harvest week.  I need to work on the bill box, plan groceries, do errands and such, associated with pay day.

There are some tasks we've put off doing anything about for a number of months.  It's high time I began the process of getting those things squared away.  My first steps this week will be to begin to gather information so that we can make a solid decision.

...I plan meals:

Hot Wings, Potato salad (leftover), celery sticks and carrots

Alpine Chicken (crockpot), Cranberry Sauce, Steamed Broccoli, Salad

Macaroni and Cheese, Green Beans, Sliced Tomato and Cucumber Salad

Spanish Style Steak (crockpot), Brown Rice, Green Salad

Smoked Sausage with Steamed Cabbage and Potatoes

on my own x2

...I'm NOT planning leisure!  I never seem to really get a head start these days and I never do reward myself with my leisure moments.  Well, I'll stop planning my down time and plan to get things accomplished instead.

That said, I spent all day Saturday in pursuit of answers and printing out documents to back up genealogy brick walls.  I thoroughly enjoyed my day and got quite a lot accomplished.


Anonymous said...

Great news on the job front! I know that is a relief. Will the schedule be much different? I am sure it will take some getting used to, but you all have weathered so many schedule changes that I hope this will be the last one until retirement.
Hope you have a good week.

Angela said...

Grateful you did not have to weather the job loss storm! Family coming in tomorrow so getting ready for that. Looking forward to seeing those grandbabies! My yard project is 2 beds that the previous owners over planted with shrubs. Shrubs are 18 inches apart! Trying to dig up half of those is a job! They are rather small but still... and there are enormous crepe myrtle roots to work around. For leisure, though I would normally not do a 'HOT" project in July, I would like to start a afghan to match some new chairs we are getting. The old ones are 22 years old! They have serviced us well. Have a lovely week!

Rhonda said...

That is a relief and very good news about John's job.

Carolyn @ Our Gilded Abode said...

So happy for you and John that his job is secure, even tho there will be a schedule change. I know it's been worrisome and stressful not knowing what would happen. It brings to mind a message I heard Joel Osteen share about his "worry tree." When I heard his message it reminded me of all the instances where I worred and fretted about an issue and then it miraculously became a nonissue. I just get a chuckle out of Joel relaying his battle and thought you might too.

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

I am happy for your good news on the job front. Hopefully the new schedule will be one that is easy for you both to adapt to.

I haven't gotten that middle of summer restless, something needs to change feeling yet this summer like I usually do sometime in July. In my head it doesn't seem like it could already be Independence Day celebration time. Somewhere near our neighborhood fireworks were still blasting at 2:30 am last night, but at least they were loud enough and in sound patterns that we could be sure that it wasn't gunfire. Luckily, our little Pomeranian doesn't have any kind of nervous reaction to fireworks like some people's dogs do.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Susie D.

Kay said...

Congratulations from me as well on the job front! :) I have gone through this change twice since Christmas. I am hopeful now that Father God has me in a rotation of one temp job Sept - May and another May - Aug. They are a reduction in pay but solid companies with longevity behind them. Totally different work than my office/CSR jobs. Farmer isn't a fan yet Father God gave them to me when there was nothing else offered before or since. He must have a reason for it all, eh? I hope you get to enjoy the 4th as you like the best. With our 4 day holiday weekend, we've already took our spontaneous trip with friends, had a total day of rest (today), tomorrow will be groceries & errands and possibly time with other friends. On the 4th Farmer plans to stay here away from the crowds (our hometown hosts a HUGE celebration all day & evening with thousands of people attending.) I have agreed to be a conductor on one of the "Trolleys" that circle from the parking area at the high school to the downtown area. I'll go in, do my shift and come home to quiet. We'll grill and go to bed early as we both have to work on Wednesday.

Lana said...

Good news!

Our date is July 21 when we run put of short term disability. If the long term disability is not approved we will be without income.

Tammy said...

I was holding my breath until I read the good news about John's job being okay. Whew! (And I'm catching up on reading blogs, but started at the end so I knew what happened.) Congratulations on your new normal being just the shift change.
This month is going to be busier than last for us. Jess and the kids will be moving out in a couple of weeks and into their own home in town. Only 15 minutes away, thank goodness. We have some painting and fixing up to do in the rental and she wants to move gradually to make the transition easier for the kids. Our house is the only home Layla has known.
We'll enjoy the quiet for a few days, then I have plans for some more fixing up around here. Greg is not on board yet, but it will happen. I've planted the seeds. He just needs time for them to take root. LOL.

Beckyathome said...

I'm so glad things worked out well about the job. I fully understand the uncertainty of job changes/losses, and am glad you get a change, not a loss!! Still, change is never easy, so I will pray for you both.

It sounds like you have some lovely meals planned. I have been flying by the seat of my pants again, and have been feeling like I need to plan the meals a bit more. So, I planned a couple of days, and we are eating those things, and then I'll plan a couple more. I want to be sure to use up the leftovers. Rob stopped at Costco for a birthday gift, and when he called to ask if I needed anything, I was happy to say 'no, thank you, I've got plenty."

We slipped away to the beach in our camper for a few days. It was wonderful. I was terribly tired and got some rest. Now, I'm ready to tackle our crazy life once again:)

Pantry/Freezer Meals This Week