Getting Things Done

It's a lot of fun to go out and buy something brand spanking new but, somehow, the thrill and novelty soon wears away and it's just another possession.  But when you use your wits and abilities to make something out of otherwise useless materials, the pleasure and pride lasts a long time.  At least that  is the way it affects me---Dorothy Blake, Woman's Day Magazine, August 194-

new, thrifted, repurposed and family pieces at my desk...

The artwork I finally settled upon was a framed doily made by a great great aunt and an old plate I bought from eBay years upon years ago.

A labor of muscle rather than love,  and of pinching pennies,  but it came together...John has since trimmed the tree up a bit nicer which improved the looks of things considerably.  

I also spread mulch along the back porch flower bed, but I shall not be showing that off just yet.  The flowers are well spent out there, except the coleus and need to be replaced with fall plants.  I noted a very few chrysanthemums were out at Home Depot, but will keep my eyes out for a more prolific display before I purchase any.  I also want to plant the iris I took up from the Faith tree bed at the front end of that porch.  It will balance the iris at the back steps end. 

A re-do of something I was making do with ...I repainted the frames a more pleasing color and in the process I've determined that the red window frame is all right after all.  I've used most of the frames multiple times over the years.  One or two were purchased from yard sale or thrift store.

I was looking at this chair the other day and wondering how to go about recovering it.  Slipcovering came to mind...and then I was digging through the drawer with tablecloths in it and discovered this old one I'd bought at a thrift store some years ago.  It's a nice heavy cotton damask and perfect for my purpose of making a slipcover.  What you see here is just a pin and baste job.  To fit the curves of the back, which I do want to show off, I wanted to be sure I had the correct lines to follow.  The skirt will be short (it's only tucked up just now) and show off the curvy legs.  I'll have a bit of ticky work on the backside which will need either laces or button holes and buttons if it's to fit the curves properly and slide down over the back as it ought.  This is not a 'done' project, but even getting this far is something! 

I've also sorted out a big mess in the guest room, cleaned and organized the baking cupboard and freezers.  I plan to work this week in the pantry getting things better organized and making a list of things to stock up on.  I've noted I'm low on sugars and flour and green beans thus far.

I've also read several books over the past few weeks...I've enjoyed that part and while it might not really come under the heading of 'getting things done' it's a sort of accomplishment for me anymore to actually pick up and read a book through much less three!

I've done some deep cleaning, and all the usual household things and a bit of study as well.  I've spent August well I think and got plenty done with my spare time from the blog.  


Debbie said...

I need to add a few things to my pantry too, including more sugar, but I am waiting for a sale. I'm thinking there should be one here soon again so I am holding out for the moment. ;) I'm also waiting for the Fall mums to come out in the stores. I have seen a few, but am watching for good prices and full plants. I recently bought an old wheelbarrow this summer and I want to fill it with potted mums on our front walkway. I also need to wait until things cool down a bit. Our temperatures are climbing into the high 90's again. So much for hoping that by putting out a Fall wreath already that I could convince Mother Nature that it should be Fall weather now. ;)

Kathy said...

Your home is lovely! I like what you did with your desk area, and the pictures are so pretty. I wouldn't have thought of using the tablecloth for a slipcover; it will look great.

Wendi said...

I pulled my spent petunia plants and replaced them with mums this weekend. I was rather disappointed with the selection at Home Depot myself. I hope they increase the variety offered in the next few weeks. I like the idea of using a table cloth as a slipcover. A wonderful way to make use of what you have.

Rebecca said...

You run circles around me!
The chair is turning out nicely. Quite a project...
Yes, it sounds like you've used August quite well :)

Anonymous said...

Such a pretty inspiring desk area!!! I so love that quote at the beginning of the post, it just brings home the point that making something from "nothing" is a time honored pursuit!
Enjoy your time with John!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely desk area! The tree and area around during looks very tidy and neat. Hope you and John have a lovely time together. Will the hurricane affect you all where you live? Hugs. Margie from KS.

Sheila Speck said...

I enjoy reading your blog. I'm so happy to have found it.

Home Economy in The Long Winter