Well here we are! Just two more days left in this year and decade and now we enter a new one. I don't know about you all but I'm ready for something new and a New Year is as good as anything for a start. Agreed?
Our weekend has been quiet. I'm afraid my love has succumbed to the same viral cold that the little boys have had. So being quiet suited us. I'm sure the weather has only helped them all feel a good bit worse. It was so heavy and humid today that the AC ran all afternoon long. Tomorrow is meant to be cooler and then will turn cooler still once more. This up and down weather is the perfect breeding ground for these sorts of ailments.
I have put this post off a little too long this weekend. I got caught up in my genealogy files yesterday. I'd meant to be sorting out files on my computer and of course, once I hit that file I got lost instead of emptying it as I'd meant to do. It wasn't a wasted bit of time though. I found a few little tidbits to add to my pages and I'll print out a few other things to add to my notebook.
Today we visited with Mama after church. It was meant to be a family party but all my family declined to attend due to illness. I think John only went to keep the day from being a total bus. I was amused when John asked what one dish was. It was something that I am very fond of myself, an English pea and asparagus casserole. He said he really liked it and I smiled hugely because when we were dating, he worked at the hospital and I worked at the nursing home across the street. He'd buy lunch for us at the hospital cafeteria and the ladies in the lunchroom always put extra of a similar casserole on our plates because they knew we liked it so well. I don't know why on earth I haven't made it over the years but I'll be sure to add it to my recipe notebook and cycle it into a menu now and then.
In my childhood, a New Year never dawned without a meal of Pork, Turnip or Collard Greens, Black Eyed Peas and Rice. I kept up the same tradition when I left home but one year John suggested we do anything but have that traditional meal. We've tried various things over the intervening years but nothing has 'stuck' or seemed special enough. I confess that I've come to sort of miss eating something special meant just for New Year's Day. Not the pork, which we gave up entirely years upon years ago but the idea of a tradition of some sort does appeal and one close to being true to my Southern roots. Perhaps the way to begin this year is to start a new tradition.
I'll lead out with what we ate yesterday:
Beef Enchiladas, Yellow Rice, Green Salad
This turned into mush between freezing and cooking but tasted pretty good despite being mush. I made up my mind that in future I'll make enchiladas and eat them in the same day and skip the make ahead part.
Dinner with Mama
on my own
Pancakes, Bacon and Spam, or PBJ or hot dogs
Can you tell I'll have the little boys?
Red Beans and Rice, Coleslaw, Cornbread
This will be my attempt at something closer to my New Year's day memories. I'll see how it strikes John's tastebuds.
Fancy Pants Burgers, Mashed potatoes, Green Beans
Hot Wings, Carrot and Celery Sticks, Oven Fries, Blue Cheese Dressing, Crusty bread
Work this week:

Harvest Week:
The bills aren't mailed but they are ready to go when John makes his deposit.
Take down the Christmas tree.
Plant those tulip bulbs if it's dry enough. The ground has been far too wet to plant anything.
Replace artwork on the mantle wall.
Straighten the bookcases.
Go to Target and get my annual stock up of paper and cleaning supplies. I've made out my list and predicted what I might require to last the year.
Keep the little boys on Tuesday.
That virus and colds and sinus infections have sure been rampant this year. Many of our family arrived here sick and my essential oils were hard at work getting everyone well. I even had a friend message me with an SOS from Poland where they were visiting their kids asking for help. I hope everyone is on the mend soon! Happy New Year! It is hard to believe that it has been 20 years since Y2K!
Husband and I watched Beyond Tomorrow and loved it! Thanks for the suggestion. Happy New Year.
Lana whatever is going about here isn't really even a 7 day thing so not a cold nor flu thankfully but some type of viral something no doubt.
Mable, I am so glad that y'all enjoyed the movie! It was a complete stumble upon, I'd never hear of it nor seen it advertised in my old magazines but it was quite good.
Once again it is an interesting year for viruses. I get to see this unfold as friends come to be helped. Many are seeing a variation of the same virus that keeps returning. So it seems as if it is short lived and then comes back again and again in various mutations that require different treatments. Then it is often going into sinus infections and some are seeing more than one of those. At the very least it does not seem to be going into pneumonia this year.
I thought about you this morning. It's rainy here and not fit for much, so we went on a field trip to a bargain grocery store in a town about 30 miles away. You never know what you're going to find there, so it's fun to just poke around. There's also an Ollie's across the street, so we popped in there. They had decaf k-cups, breakfast blend, $23.99 for a box of 80. If you have one of those stores near you, or pass by one in your travels, stop in and see what you think.
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