February Goals and Plans


As usual, I review my previous month's goals before I start making my new monthly goals.  I did okay in January.  

 I didn't make it to the donation center.   The donation center is next to Lowe's and needless to say I didn't get there either, so no Amaryllis for me.   This is two items of three on my list of January goals I didn't attend  to.   The second was to get an early start on February birthdays.  Didn't even blink at that one.    Now here we are and I have to make up for lost time.    All in all, just two misses out of the entire month....I can live with that rate of success.

So what are my goals for February?

1.  I've already made out a list of 12 outfits to set up for the month.  I try to do between ten and twelve and reuse a few pieces throughout the month.  I have a modest wardrobe, not quite capsule, but I like to operate it as though it were a capsule each month by choosing just a few pieces to wear.   I have to say this method has served me well.  I know really well after doing this for a few years what will fit into my wardrobe and I'm making fewer buying mistakes.   I'm also staying interested in using what I have for longer periods of time.  If you know you're only going to see a piece for that one month you tend to not feel quite so desperate for something new.

2.  Uhm you know those birthdays this month?  Still happening.   I had an idea for something for John and then forgot it.  In the end I bought him a ticket to a men's conference at our church. There's a speaker who is a favorite preacher and author that he's followed for years.  When we heard that they were going to have him I made up my mind I'd buy the ticket for him.     I have Millie's birthday this week and Isaac's and Amie's next week.    I bought the children's gifts today.

Bess is combining Isaac's and Millie's into one party on Isaac's birthday.  But I would like to acknowledge little Miss even though she doesn't know it's her birthday.   Neither of them will be hard to buy for.  I've idea of something I'd like to do for Amie.   It was something I thought of at Christmas and I'd like to do it now rather than later in life.  

That just leaves Jd.  I hope we get to go see him about time for his birthday.  We'll plan a special meal to take along and I'll bake him a cake.  Usually he wants an Amazon card so he can buy more books.

Needless to say we don't do much for Valentine's day in our family, what with all the birthday cake we eat in the month.   

3.  I'll be keeping Caleb one Monday that is a holiday for the nursery but not for Katie's job.

4.  Now we'll get into the real meat of the month.   I've been given the opportunity to get a bunch of border and edging blocks that are being removed from a yard in town and I'm going to get a few at a time and start working on my yard work once again.   I'll eventually buy a load or two of mulch but just to get the borders laid out would be awesome.   That I've been given these pieces to use is a big blessing.   Before work though, I need to make a plan.  It's going to mean undoing some work I've already done.  There's a lot of work involved.   I'll use my little bites at a time method and do what I can as I can.   The goal this month is to start.  I'll finish when I finish.

5.  Recipe book...Yes, that was on the list last month and on the weekly goal lists and I haven't done a single thing towards this project.  Not one single thing.  Again, I ought to approach this as a little bites project since it's obviously one I  find daunting.   So this month I mean to get started.  Started and Done!  

6.  Every February, I go to Frugal Bootcamp.   This is the month I take to review my frugal books on my shelf, read through old saved paper work where I wrote out ideas of things to do to save money, refresh my mind and memory of tips and tricks I might have forgotten, meant to try and didn't, or ideas that weren't appropriate once up on a time but now are.  

I won't share this with you all on the blog posts this month.  But I will issue a challenge to each of you to host your own Frugal Bootcamp for one.  Pull out old recipe books and look for thrifty meal  ideas, find your favorite frugal authors' books and read through them and keep a notebook of ideas you hope to incorporate this year.

7. Pantry Freezer Challenge...Yes again this month.   Having seen the spaces in my pantry that need attention, and also having seen the pile of food that is just expired or just about to expire and given that my freezer is still full, I mean to continue the challenge and use any opportunity of good sales to stock a little further.   I will do as I did this past month and buy a few fresh items for our use this month but I will only spend on stocking up items otherwise.

8.  Go out to eat for our birthdays.  Or at least choose a special meal to prepare for the two of us.  I'm also going to see if John will do an outing to an antique mall just to nose around.  We generally do that this time of year when it's not so nice to be outdoors and these sorts of stores are seldom busy on weekdays.

That's all I'm planning for this month. I'm not planning to start any big projects that will need to be finished right away.  Those are coming, but not just yet.


Liz from New York said...

February starts the wall to wall birthdays in my family, each and every month from here on out to September has a birthday tucked in, some more than others. It’s nice, but overkill. I try to make a special meal, but if they ever open up dining again here, a special meal out is usually part of the gift. We are buried under about a foot and a half of snow tonight, so I’m using the time to clear out the attic, and get ready for a donation pickup I have scheduled. I’m always all about frugal living, I spend a lot of time reading, and watching YouTube for ideas. Since I’ve been out of work for exactly one year, I’ve been extra frugal. I kind of enjoyed this year, I’ve worked for 20 years, I think it’s time to think about retiring. In any event, my job has all but been elimated, and the thought of learning a new one is not thrilling me. I mean I CAN retire, but feel guilty. Weird, right? It’s a drastic cut in monthly income, but since I’m home I SAVE money. Again, weird. So I’m playing it by ear, and I guess if I find something I really can sink my teeth into , I’ll do it. Anyway, looking forward to your next post, liz

Liz from New York said...

February starts the wall to wall birthdays in my family, each and every month from here on out to September has a birthday tucked in, some more than others. It’s nice, but overkill. I try to make a special meal, but if they ever open up dining again here, a special meal out is usually part of the gift. We are buried under about a foot and a half of snow tonight, so I’m using the time to clear out the attic, and get ready for a donation pickup I have scheduled. I’m always all about frugal living, I spend a lot of time reading, and watching YouTube for ideas. Since I’ve been out of work for exactly one year, I’ve been extra frugal. I kind of enjoyed this year, I’ve worked for 20 years, I think it’s time to think about retiring. In any event, my job has all but been elimated, and the thought of learning a new one is not thrilling me. I mean I CAN retire, but feel guilty. Weird, right? It’s a drastic cut in monthly income, but since I’m home I SAVE money. Again, weird. So I’m playing it by ear, and I guess if I find something I really can sink my teeth into , I’ll do it. Anyway, looking forward to your next post, liz

Anne said...

I'm amazed you are picking out "outfits" to wear. I'm picking out my cleaning clothes most days. :D

Once a week we do errands, then I can dress up. :D

Michelle said...

I like the idea of Frugal Boot Camp. I started a low-spend January and I didn't do super-great. So maybe having a refresher course in frugality will help me do better!

Cindi Myers said...

I would love if you shared some time some of the frugal books you re-read, as well as cookbook sources for thriftier recipes. I am always looking for new ideas! Thank you.

terricheney said...

Liz, John felt pretty much the same way, a little guilty over retiring especially when he didn't feel it was medically necessary nor due to feeling 'old'. You'll know when you are ready. He did.

Anne, Lol...Just a few nicer outfits even if it means I'm staying in the car! lol It gets me out of the cleaning clothes routine.

Michelle, I find it nice to remind myself of ideas I'd had each year about how to generate more savings, so I go through personal notes I made during the year, scan a handful of books that I think may be helpful, or look at Pinterest notes regarding same.

Cindi: Cheapskate Gazette, some of which is obsolete and doesn't apply to me 30 years later...I keep notes all through the year as I have ideas pop into my head about projects and savings and such and I go through those. I sometimes have great ideas but forget to incorporate.

Frugal Luxuries by Tracey McBride is pretty much a classic.

My favorite 'frugal' type cookbook is an old but good one, with lots of budget meals included; The Culinary Arts Institute Encyclopedic Cookbook by Ruth Berolzheimer. It was first published in 1920's but has been republished many times since. It's a chunk of a book but I love it for good ideas.

I was given two books on rationing recipes from WW2 and I'm going to add those in to read this month.

Another great book which is more practical 'how to' than recipes is Tamar Adler's An Everlasting Meal. She talks about how much of everything you can use, even reusing pasta water, saved liquid drained from cans, tops and tails and peels and cores of vegetables and fruits. She's all about using ALL of what you buy.

Spring Goals for March...And Beyond.