Over The Fence: The Things We Learn


One day I shall find a nice set of vintage ads or pictures to share with this post.  Right now it's a painful thing to look for anything with fences in it.  I'm sure I'll come across something if I stop trying to search for it.  So far I've had the option of a man leaping a fence his neighbor is painting to get to the beer sitting on the picnic table nearby,  a scantily clad young woman with the oddly named 'fence' net hose (instead of the more common fishnet) and a lot of photos of fences taken in someone's gardens.  I'm a little leery of using a photo that is someone's real home.  I'd rather it was a photo set or illustrated...

I've a confession to make.  There will be no Homemaker Diary this week because I haven't written one just yet.  I know, it looks very remiss of me but  you'll understand  and forgive me I'm sure.  I promise I'll have one for you next week.  In the meantime, let's have a neighborly chat over the fence shall we?

I unwittingly touched a nerve in my own life and that of others when I mentioned the anxiety of being a latch key child.  

We lived in the country for all but one year of my latch key years and we had no near neighbors.  I didn't know how to call Mama, Daddy, or anyone save Granny (Tilden 4282 was her phone number).  She and Granddaddy had only one car and they lived here in Reynolds, and we lived some 30 minutes away. I daresay in a real emergency though she'd have been able to contact Mama or the sheriff or someone had I called but I admit at 7 I wasn't adept at using a phone nor was I encouraged to use it.  It was, as with so many other things, a gap in my education that some adult ought to have thought to help with but didn't.  

These were the days well before cell phones or 911.    For six years I was responsible for my brothers and myself.  I was expected to also clear up the dishes from breakfast and to start supper heating on the stove.  Not onerous tasks I know but it added to my sense of feeling unsure of myself because I was out of my depth.   There were so many uncertainties.    We weren't alone that long but it felt like a long time.  And then there were the rare days when we were suddenly sent home early for weather warnings and such that meant longer times at home alone.

Oddly, in later years when we might have gone home alone after school, daddy put his foot down and demanded that Mama pick us up at school each day.  We sat in the car in the parking lot at her workplace each school day until she got off.  

Summers were another story.   We were home alone for about 8 hours.  Mama called to check on us but also to discuss what I might make for supper each day and to instruct us in what she expected us to do but mostly we were unsupervised and unchecked.  There were neighbor houses within a little walking distance but like our own parents they worked and weren't home. By this time, my brothers were less inclined to bow to the authority of the oldest child regardless of who made her boss and there were difficult days that often ended with me being upbraided for their misdeeds after spending a day quarreling with them.  

I think part of the anxiety too was that our being home alone made Daddy anxious.  He didn't want us to open the doors to knocks, or be out in the yard in case  a stranger came along and realized we were home alone especially way out in the country.   He saw dangers everywhere and we children felt his anxieties.   Some days when he came home from work he'd be upset and angry when he came in.  I could put it down to sheer bad temper in Mama, but not Daddy.  He'd worked himself into a state worrying on his way home.   Not to say that Daddy was the better parent and Mama the careless one.  But I do honestly believe he felt the strain of our being home alone as much as we did.    

I am not by any means feeling sorry for myself nor faulting my mom.  All she ever wanted to be was a nurse and what's the point if you're stuck at home with a bunch of children?   Being a mom was secondary to her.  Again, I'm not faulting her.  This was the reality of our lives and while I longed with all my heart not to be the responsible one, I understood even in my younger years that what she did was important to her.  Coming home to be with us wasn't on her options list.  

I was quite earnest in my desire to avoid that with my own children, though there was a time when they were latchkey kids out of necessity.  I was especially blessed in that situation  because we lived on a quiet dead end street in town  that was just packed with modest little houses and very pleasant neighbors who kept an eye on the three older kids (aged 16, 13, and 9) and several were available most days if any issue should arise.   My children well knew how to use a phone to call for help.  I worked only a bit over a mile away from the house.  I had Katie in a good  day care for those years.

And yet, I hated every single minute of it.  That situation kept up for about 2 years then John was home most days (he began EMS as a tech and worked nights).  

Later, after we'd moved here,  John worked nights and I worked days.  He went to paramedic school in the evenings.   Sometimes he had to make up time at work because of school and eventually he had to work rotations on weekends at other facilities in order to earn all the credits he needed to take the test.  My job kept me from home from  7am until 8pm some days.  The kids were in school then and got home about 4pm.  But Amie  was 17 and I felt she was old enough to watch the two younger children for a few hours each day.  I made it a paid babysitting job for her.  Granny was just a few hundred yards  away and they all knew how to call me at work.  My brother's wife came in from work at the time the bus arrived and picked them up to bring them home and she was only as far away as Granny on our other side.  Still, I was a 30 minute drive away and that bothered me.

When Amie was graduating and wanted to get a 'real' job,  I knew things had to change.  We looked for  day care  in this county (none) for the summer months ahead and for day care in my work county. Then there was the next school year to consider .  Out of county school tuition and day care in the area where I worked and the cost of someone to come stay with Sam and Katie each afternoon, etc.  The job just wouldn't support any of those options, though it was a  good job.   It was more than clear that I should be home with the kids and so we made it happen.     

There was one particularly tight financial period about 2 years in when we began to discuss my going to work once more.   I shall never forget Samuel coming to John saying "I know how bad things are right now but please don't send Mama back to work.  Katie needs her to be here.  I've got my summer job and I can find another and I'll give you all I make."   John looked at me and said "Apparently you need to be here..." and he told Sam "Thank you for making the offer but we'll get through this.  You've helped us make the decision we needed to make."   

Again, I'm not saying my choice was better than that others made.  In the end, we made the right choice for us, for our family and that's about the best thing anyone can do.  

I didn't plan to always be at home, though I confess I had no particular career desires.  I liked being a homemaker.  When Katie left home, I asked John if he wanted me to look for a job.  I wasn't keen, mind you, but I felt it only fair after all our years of living on a budget to at least offer.   By that time we'd paid off our home.  He  said "How can I afford for you to work?!  All the stuff you do to save us money wouldn't get done and we'd be bound by your job schedule and mine...No, I think you belong at home."  I didn't argue with the man.  I was just grateful he'd seen the value of having me here.

And to be fair to us both, I did work hard at making home my job.  

John's been talking a lot lately about Purpose and Calling.  He's read books by a pastor he enjoys and  watched sermons by another who are explaining it all.  He's convinced he has had no calling on his life and is debating whether he has purpose.    

Listening to him, I've questioned my own calling and purpose but I can say assuredly that all of my life long I wanted just five things: I wanted to learn to read.  I can remember just aching with the need to read words on pages.   I tackled that in first grade and never looked back.  

I wanted a  a good  husband and family who loved me dearly.  I wanted my own home.   I wanted to write.  

I spent many years in my 20's through my 50's feeling I'd missed out on something, hadn't achieved much, pitied myself for the ways in which I'd had to make do with what came my way or with which I'd gone without.  I shake my head right now in wonder at that foolish woman.  And please don't think she's too far off because she tends to pop in now and then even yet! Right now, in this moment, I can say most sincerely that I'm glad it all happened as it did.    

Would I have given up reading?  No!  It's carried me to lands I'll never travel to in this lifetime.  It taught me history and fed me spiritually and transported me in some of the more heartbreaking days to a better place.  It shaped me in ways I couldn't even see, giving me life lessons I might have missed otherwise.

Home, I've discovered, is more than just the house you live in or the place you came from.   Home is something that is in the very heart of you and you carry it with you.  Some people, some women, only ever live in a house but there are others like myself who have a knack of making a home wherever they are.  I've made a home in a hospital room and home in rundown houses and home with next to no furniture.  I take no credit for this trait in myself.  It was born in me.  I can only assume that reading helped to cultivate it because I loved reading of how others made home.

Could I have given up my family?  Now there's a question I'll have to answer truthfully.  When my first marriage was ending, I considered it.  It's not something I say with pride.  I was in a sad and sorry place and I couldn't see light at the end of the tunnel.    I earned little, their father earned a good deal more.  I wondered how I'd care for my two children on my own and whether I could do so emotionally as well as physically.  

As well,   I'd listened too hard to people who assured me I wasn't the mother I ought to be, both family and friend, who seemed to always see a need for improvement in me.  There were no brownie points being handed out for doing your best.  It was a constant criticism that wore down my confidence.  

And too, there was a part of me that wanted to claim that freedom I'd never known as a teen and young adult. I felt I'd always been taking care of someone my whole life long.  I was mentally and emotionally exhausted from fighting depression for years upon years, too.  Did I have enough left in me to spare to love my children sufficiently, too? I'm being very real here with you all. 

I used to daydream of just fading away.  I don't mean running away so that I could ever be found but of fading into nothingness.  Not ever having been.   But life had a grip on me and I would not end it myself, though I often thought of it.  I'll tell why one day, but not today.  This is about something else entirely and that is the sense of exhaustion and utter overwhelm a parent can feel when they're doing it all and getting blasted from all sides despite trying so very hard.

 I went through these things in the same season when my marriage was failing hard.   Then my husband was called up for duty in the Gulf War and I was left alone with the kids.   I discovered that without the mental and emotional strain of beating on the chest of a very dead marriage, I was enough as a parent.  I didn't go hang out with my friends.  I worked.   I came home to my children.  We were enough together.   I learned I could manage financially and provide for my family, too.   

And then, then...when I'd learned so much about myself that I'd never known, I was hit by the drunk driver on my way to work one morning.  I was in the hospital for 2 weeks and in a rehab hospital for 6 or so, and my children God only knows where while I did all I could to be improved enough to go home to them, I had the agonizing experience of living without those kids. I didn't see them or hear their voices on the phone.    I wept at night with the deepest, most sincere yearning.  I called every friend I could asking if they knew where my children were. If I called my husband, he said they were with this person or that.   I've never known such a deep absence in my life.  I knew then that if I had to go through hell, I'd never let them go again if I could possibly find them.

And so I was right back to what I believe I'd ever wanted to be: a mother.  I knew it without a doubt.

It's true you know.  What we call catastrophe, what we call horrible, tragedy...They are all just words that really mean opportunity.   It was as if God was giving me  insight into myself.

In all those weeks that my husband was gone for active duty, I never missed him.  I found life, even though it consisted only of work and home, was full and satisfying.    But when my children were nowhere to be found... I learned what yearning truly is.  What I wouldn't have given to hear my children's voice on the phone, to have listened to them share their  day at school, to hug and kiss them  a dozen times, to fuss over them and to fuss at them, to have the opportunity to be Mama!

The hard things were not over and done.  No they were not. I was on the road to who I was going to become.  Mistakes were still ahead to be made.  And I made them, oh I made them!   I make them still.

But now and then I'd get something incredibly right.  I had Katie.   She was solely mine... I was done with men, I knew that for sure

God apparently had other plans.... I met John, after years of living near one another but not knowing each other. We talked and talked and talked our way through more hours of time than I ever imagined possible.  In just two weeks,  I knew without any doubt that whatever mistakes I'd made in my personal life in the past, this man would never be one of them.  Six weeks later we'd progressed to the point of talking of marriage and he moved in with me eight weeks after we'd talked in my office.  30 years later I can say that I regret nothing.  

I won't tell you he was perfect.  No, nor was I.  Together we've done a whole lot of growing.  We've been through things as a couple and we've been through spells where we went through some hard  things all alone and the other could only stand patiently by...We've had fun and we've worked hard.  We've lived our way through a real marriage. 

Only John ever knew of my dream to write.  I never told anyone else, but the internet came into my life and here I am.  You see where the desire to write has gotten me.  I'll spare you another long story for which I'm sure you'll thank me.

I've taken time this month to share what I've learned financially over the years.  Some of you have shared similar stories, or harder ones, and I know that those journeys taught you much as they mine taught me.  

I've learned from my childhood experiences and from my teen and adult years.  I've learned from every relationship in my life, be it a relationship with a person or with less tangible things like money and fear.   Not all lessons are big ones.  Some are small ones but the small lessons add to our experiences, too.  Some lessons are just hard.  They're hard to go through and hard to review but they teach us just like the less hard ones do.

Well time I stopped chatting and got busy.  Shabat will be here soon.  And then we'll rest...


Lana said...

When our oldest daughter started college here in town at our local women's college and the other girls she met found out that I had never worked and had always been home with her they all wanted to come home with her to meet me. Apparently they did not know any one who had been raised in such a way and they thought I was a hero. I was astonished! Lots of those girls kind of became a part of our family for those four years and would come here whenever they needed something mended or just wanted to sit in our living room in a quiet place and take a nap in the recliner. Every time there was a big winter storm coming our daughter would arrive home with a whole group who wanted to weather the storm at our house because I made them feel safe and fed them. Now I feel sad for them all. Do they feel like you about their childhoods? But, as far as I know they are all career Mom's and are professors and accountants and lawyers and professional musicians. We even had some who played for their supper. (Look up Wael Farook on YouTube and imagine him playing in your living room. He was the only male in the group and married one of the girls.) You have really made me wonder about all those girls who are now 35.

Do tell John that as someone whose husband's life was saved by an EMT who restarted his heart in a parking lot that he did have a purpose and a calling even though he may not know the rest of the story of those he helped. I can never see those first responders without remembering what they did for me and our family that night.

Lana said...

Sorry, but it Wael Farouk.

Anonymous said...

John's purpose? Apparently he has never anxiously waited for an ambulance to arrive and help someone very dear to you. What a reassuring presence paramedics are. So calm and so ready to do whatever needs to be done. What a great purpose his life has had! I have thanked God more than once for men and women like him, who everyday make a difference of life or death. You and I were truly blessed to do God's greatest work. Raise little people. He could have just plunked Jesus down as an adult but He wanted him to have this great blessing, a mothers love. We were truly blessed. And no matter what you call it quality time is not better than the security of having a mom at home, Gramma D

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I have tears in my eyes Terri as I read your post. I am at home raising two kids as I can't work in usa ,we came here for better opportunities for our families and although I'm thankful to raise my kids I feel my education for wasted. I miss being at work some days especially after pandemic and staying home 24 *7 .
Your posts bring me so joy at times ,I enjoy your weekly friday posts. My humble opinion is your calling is to write. Stay blessed.

terricheney said...

Dear Anonymous one, I do sympathize with you very much. I always felt that being home was MY calling. I do not believe it is for every woman among us. Some are called to serve elsewhere and I understand that very plainly. My story about my own childhood was about inadequate care and too many responsibilities at too young an age. I know that my mother was happiest in her job and would never have been satisfied to be at home. She wanted to be a nurse from her earliest memory and she thrived in the years she worked. I wish that our circumstances had been different and that I might have had some responsibility but not ALL that I did at such a young age.

Gramma D., I think he was looking at a larger picture so to speak, and I suppose we all tend to think our impact would be greater than it ever is. Truth told no one ever knows whose life they touch and what impact they have. Imagine that you go to heaven and find a person you never knew testifying about your impact on their life...It's that unknown I think has us flummoxed and we think we've made no impact at all when in fact we made a huge difference in a way we'd never imagined.

Lana how lovely that you were able to nurture so many who had not known what your daughter knew growing up. Impact in whatever realm we are placed at the moment...that's really the truth of it isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Dear Terri,
I have read for a while and your post has me leaving a comment. I want to tell you about a dream I had 4 days after my Mom passed away. I had a mom that stayed home with me and my 5 siblings, while my dad worked. Growing up we had what we needed and as with a lot of families there were mental issues and alcohol abuse. I prayed the night before thanking God for my Mom and that without her and my dad I would not be who I am today. I had the most wonderful dream, I know it was from God. I got to see my mom for one last time and she was young and beautiful and full of love and gave me a hug and a kiss and told me she loved me. I want to tell you that there is nothing as powerful as forgiveness and I mean that with everything that God has given me. I woke up from that dream at exactly 5 am and told my husband about it and he encouraged me to write it down. I tell everyone I can about it and now I am telling you because it is important. Love Nelle

jnkbake said...

Dear Terri, I have been reading since you were PennyAnn...I don't comment often but do want you to know how much I enjoy your blog... I never miss it. Sometimes we don't know our calling but continue to be pushed into it. I am a caregiver, not by choice but apparently that's what I've been chosen to do. After taking care of my father, aunt, uncle and my mom; my wonderful husband has survived cancer and now has parkinson's. Put that together with our adopted granddaughter with mental health issues and we have a very interesting household. My husband has hallucinations so sometimes our house can become VERY interesting indeed! Reading has gotten me thru many days, it is my escape!

Anonymous said...

"I wanted to learn to read. I can remember just aching with the need to read words on pages. I tackled that in first grade and never looked back.
I wanted a a good husband and family who loved me dearly. I wanted my own home. I wanted to write."

Oh Terri, I haven't even read past the words above, but I had to pause to let you know that you and I are absolutely cut from the same cloth. All these things were my strongest longings as well. Reading, finding a good man who loved me as much as I loved him, being a good mom and being a writer were my only true desires/goals in life. The Good Lord Graciously answered my prayers and fulfilled these longings. Consequently, I am never at a loss for gratitude for His many gifts in my life (many of which I am just now recognizing, years later). Of course there were setbacks and moments when the worldly desires tried to interfere, but He always guided us back to where we needed to be. Of course this was/is only visible in hindsight (speaking for myself of course). Thank you for these wonderful posts. I'm off now to complete this lovely post.
Much Love,

Karen in WI said...

Terri, thank you for sharing your life with us! I was a 20 yo mother of one in the middle of a divorce and I had the same awful question as you did. Could I take care of my child and provide for him or would he be better of living more of the time with my ex husband who made much more? I was told by people near me too, in subtle ways, that I wasn’t good enough at anything and I had a low self esteem. I thank God for giving me the strength to keep my son with me for the majority of the time. I worked full-time and also either had a part-time job to save for school or was taking 6 credits at the local college. My mother did babysit when I was at the 2nd job, which I am grateful for, but I received no other help and no encouragement, just the usual negativity and criticism from her. I met my husband 3 years later and God sure did bless me with that man! He adopted my son as my ex wasn’t much interested in seeing him. I have a much better self esteem now, but there still is that little girl inside me that doubts my worth. I am keeping my mother at arms length these days (easy as she is giving me the silent treatment currently), as I feel it is necessary to keep the drama out of my life, as well as my family’s life. I think you can relate there.

You went through so much and then to have been hit by a drunk driver. You are such a strong woman, Terri! I am so blessed to have found your blog and it has given me comfort so many days. I think it is natural to question your purpose as you get older. I was just thinking about that myself the other day. Blessings and hugs to you dear friend!

terricheney said...

Nelle, what an awesome dream! Thank you so much for sharing it! I do know how healing forgiveness can be. I've had a post death conversation with my dad. He wasn't perfect but he did try to be a good father as much as he could be. I see that so much more clearly now at this stage of life.

JnkBake, I am so happy that you find some escape and calm in my writing. You are quite right we sometimes find ourselves pushed into our purpose. The hardest part is letting it be so and not fighting against it.

Tracey, we are many of us kin of the soul aren't we? Hugs to you dear friend for having made such a powerful impact on my life in so many ways! I too see a great deal more in hindsight than I did. This is a good place to look back and recognize what was good as well as why what wasn't didn't work for me personally!

Hugs right back to you Karen! I've learned bits and pieces of your own story and find you too are a strong woman...God has been good to us all!

Ellen said...

Terri, may I ask where your children ended up being while you were in the hospital after being hit by the drunk driver? Tears came to my eyes when I read that. I can not even begin the sheer terror you must have gone through not knowing where they were.
I was not a latch key kid as my mom stayed home till I was age 12. But she stayed in bed a lot, so after school I cleaned, did laundry, took care of younger siblings, started dinner, etc. I can clearly remember when I was age 12 realizing I would only have myself to depend on when I grew up. I used to read the newspaper want ads starting at age 12 so I knew what kind of jobs and how much they paid, how much apartments cost and would look over utility Bill's to know how much things cost. As a result I did not do any teenage experimenting with smoking, drinking, drugs, etc, because I knew I had to be responsible. What I did do though was become a single teen mom and was no stranger to years and years of struggle.

terricheney said...

Dear Anonymous previous teen mom, For the first two weeks following my accident, they were here with Granny. Then my brother got my ex-husband to come get them because they were missing school (it had been spring holidays when I left).

I have no idea where they were. My ex would tell me they were with a pastor and his wife or with this friend of mine or that, but when I'd call those homes they were not there. Nor were they with my former in laws. My ex never kept a phone on for long in our entire marriage so I couldn't very well reach him to know if they were actually with him. I worried endlessly and wondered where they might be and if I'd ever see them again. That was just the reality of life for those 8 long weeks. And as a great comfort to me my mother came to rehab daily to tell me what a sorry mom I was to neglect my daughter so...she never mentioned my son, or the fact that I was unable to walk much less drive, was at her insistence 80 miles away from my former home, etc.

To this day when I ask my kids where they were they both say they can't remember. They seem to have blocked out those days.

After I got out of the hospital I sometimes saw them for a day or weekend but they were in school in a town 35 miles away. When I returned to work some 2 months later, my soon to be ex mother in law, offered to take the children during the week to keep them for me since it was summer, which was much appreciated. However, things were in such a state at my parents home that I asked if she'd take them on weekends instead. I explained that my father's alcoholism had escalated and weekends were the very worst. My father in law was a former alcoholic and she knew what I needed to protect my children from and quickly agreed to provide shelter for them on the weekends until I could get settled in a home of my own.

We'd often been at odds she and I but she was very good to me during those uncertain and stressful days following the rehab and the subsequent struggle to re-establish a life for myself, for which I'll always be deeply grateful to her. I came to treasure her and she made her peace with me during those days.

Funny, I too used to read want ads to see what jobs and apartments went for and even used to read those ads for a companion in the back of Mother Earth magazine, all as a 'just in case' scenario in my own head. No smoking or drinking or getting into trouble nor dating for me in all those years. I didn't date until I met my first husband and even though I knew it was a mistake I was convinced I could make it work and that none of it could be any worse than the rest of my life had been...and mostly I was right.

Shirley in Washington said...

Dear Terri - This is an incredible post and brought tears to my eyes! I was not a latchkey kid growing up but my Dad was a very difficult, angry man. He came to know Jesus when I was in high school and as he grew in his faith the Spirit transformed him. Even with his conversion I struggled to forgive him for the fear and unrest of my early childhood. He is in Heaven now and I am so glad I will see him again someday! Everyone has a story and I appreciate your sharing yours so much and reading through the comments. And, as someone else said in the comments, I truly believing writing is one of your many gifts. You commented that you loved to read books where the characters make a home - sometime please share some of these types of books you have enjoyed. I call them domestic fiction and enjoy reading about someone making or improving a home. Thank you again for sharing! You have blessed me in so many ways - Shirley

terricheney said...

Shirley, I will try to make a note on a blog post each time I read a book that has homemaking basis. I can name a few right away that I find quite good reads: The Honor Girl and The Enchanted Barn, and A Daily Rate are good ones by Grace Livingston Hill which deal with homemaking and the impact of a home on the occupants. I just finished A Bird in the Tree by Elizabeth Goudge in which the main character Lucille Elliot comes to buy a derelict old house and makes it a home and haven for her family and it ends being the binding agent that sees her family through some tough times. In the sequel, Pilgrim's Inn, we get to know the old Inn that her son purchases. And in Scent of Water, Goudge tells how Mary begins to make the house left to her by an old aunt into a home and haven. While Goudge's book also deals with relationships the home is a theme that runs through those stories quite strongly. I know I have many more on my shelves but I need to read them in order to let you know the titles.

Shirley in Washington said...

Thank you so much for the book ideas! Blessings, Shirley

Meal Plan for Second Week of March