This Week In My Home: Let's Get Busy!


Our kitchen for this week is right out of the Art Deco era this one from 1935.  You'll likely recognize that soft yellow on the walls as a color we often come across in that era of kitchen.  This one is a little more creamy, but it's still a soft yellow.

First thing I want to address is the floor.  Do you see how the pattern was set so that the lines are coming right at us.  It makes the room look BIG.  The kitchen is bigger than some we've seen of late.

I'm going to the dinette first.  Do note that black rug that grounds the chrome and vinyl set and makes a clear boundary for where the breakfast nook might is.  Also notice that the yellow chair cushions and the yellow in the nook above where china is stored are the same color.  It's a clever way of drawing the eye up to that shelving.  The orange plaid curtains appeal to me.  I think orange and yellow are a lovely compliment to one another and always have done.

Now let us stop at the telephone table.  There appears to be a mirror there and I can only assume it's to be used as well for a quick check of hair or lipstick if someone comes to the door.

We'll go on around that telephone table and here we are at the stove.  There appears to be free standing cabinets set up either side of it.  I do wonder though if there is a cupboard or storage on the bottom back side of that dividing wall?  What do you think?

There also appears to be a storage bin for pots and pans/lids and such on the cabinet nearest the window next to the stove on the right hand side. 

The sink is one of those big huge cast iron babies with drainboards on both sides.  I LOVE those sort of sinks, I do truly. It's well placed there on the wall with the window above, the stove to the left and the other wall of cabinets to the right.   That wall appears to be built in cupboards and counters.  That should be ample storage for our kitchen, I would think.  


I enjoyed my week 'off'.   Yes, meals got made and so did the bed. Floors a got swept each day and the place was tidied....but it wasn't all my own place!  You see, we went off for a short time and visited St. Augustine.  We left Sunday morning and came back on Friday evening.   We left the house all neat and clean and simply relaxed.  It was good to get away and good to come home again.   

This week sees the end of April...I think every month has flown by except possibly January which seemed to linger on and on.  We're looking more like summer here than ever and now the danger of frost is past I can think about planting flowers and seeds.  I can't wait to get started on it all!

We'll need to make a trip to the grocery store this week. I must have milk which I don't like to buy locally.  I really dislike the taste of that brand.   We'll need a handful of fresh items.  Mostly though, I'm just getting by with a few purchases.  I'm going to push hard for waiting until after May 1 before we do a big shop.

One goal I had for this month that I have done nothing towards: buy charcoal, bug sprays, paper plates, sun screen etc.  I would like to start on getting those supplies.

Get the bedrooms dressed for Spring/Summer and get the pillow covers made for the living room.  

zone 4 work:  Clean the porches properly.   Especially the back porch.  The floor and rafters and railings all need a good cleaning.   And I'd really like to stop and think hard about what to do with the patio.  It is prime real estate for pots of flowers and such but I want it to be pretty and have some sort of seating, as well.  So that's something to think about.

This will also involve coaxing John to get the dryer off the back porch.  I've no clue what he means to do with the washer but I did make room in my shed for the dryer.  I will not offer up more of my shed than that.  I'm pretty sure he could put both in his second shed if he only would.  I'll lobby for it...


This week I haven't any leftovers to gather but I will be looking over the expired items box and going over the freezers to see what I might need to address using.  I'll post the meal plans separately and will go a little more in depth this week and  share  breakfast/lunch and snacks in addition to dinners.

I would also like to get that pantry and freezer inventoried this week.  I don't have any big cleaning jobs indoors so I should be able to tackle that.  It will be a good time to insure I've not got a bunch of stuff expiring again.   I don't recall much that was going to expire before autumn from my last inventory but it's good to keep an eye on things.

Not much else to report for the week ahead in this section so I'll move on.


I will not be as leisurely this week as I got to be last week and that's quite all right.  However, the quiet reading time and just sitting thinking times were so deeply nourishing that I am going to truly try hard to limit my computer  daily rather than just sitting down and being mindless with it.    

I also want to focus on reading more.  I remember when I read a book every day and couldn't wait to take it up again.  I'm just as interested in reading now and when I actively choose a book and choose to read it, I really come out of it feeling relaxed and centered and restored.  

I haven't touched genealogy in a few weeks and I do have some things I'd like to do.  

That's how I've planned my week.   What are your plans?


Lana said...

I'm so glad you could get away and for several days, too!

I have a haircut this week and we will need an Aldi stop at some point depending on the milk and when it runs out. We have to have our well relined and that could be this week. I don't know how long we will be without water. And here's hoping that this is the very last big expense for awhile! We need some strong thread and a big needle to sew up the holes in our pockets! But, I am thankful that we have the needed money and can get this taken care of since our well is pulling up some mud. The grass will need mowing and we need to pressure wash the deck and railings so that we can get the plants brought up there. The screen porch will not get ready for the season until the pollen is over but I am so looking forward to eating out there every day again.

Meals this week will depend on several factors such as the water issue but we have enough eat out money left to eat out if it is needed.

terricheney said...

Lana, Ow on the well. It has been a very expensive start to the year for y'all. I pray that the money pouring out part of the year is over for you and the money pouring in part starts!
Lawnmowing, hair cuts, etc are on our list too. I managed to keep grocery expenses low this month despite our splurge vacation meals. We went to Aldi today and spent right at $70 which included two of the Never Any Chickens with a $2 off sticker on them. They had two more but I knew my freezer space was limited even yet despite all the emptying out I've done.
Our pollen season is just about over. Pecans and Privet are blooming now and then we should be done for the spring and I can concentrate on porches and plantings.

Tammy said...

How nice that you got away for a little relaxation. I know how much you enjoy that area.

Our weather turned a corner today, and we finally will have consistent warm Spring temperatures. This makes me want to get the garden ready - maybe planted - and do some projects outdoors.
On Thursday and Friday afternoon I'll have a couple of little buddies here for a few hours. I am their substitute sometimes when their daycare provider needs a day or two off. Their father came here for daycare when he was a boy, and I enjoy them. It's something different and not a lot of effort.
Jess and I are working hard on designing and making tumblers for a launch of our own Etsy shop next week. That will be a fun part-time venture for us, I think.

terricheney said...

Tammy, How nice to have a change of children, lol. And how exciting about the Tumbler shop on Etsy. Many successes!

Meal Plan for Second Week of March