The Week Ahead: Three, Two...Counting Down Birthdays

I stumbled upon this kitchen this past week while I was online.  I'm thinking it's from about 1930.  Unlike others I've featured, it is not an Armstrong kitchen.  This was put up by the General Electric company as their idea of a modern all electric kitchen.

I've got to start with the floor.   That sunrise effect on the floor with the arcs of color and radiating lines is just stunning, isn't it?  It appears the same marbled linoleum may have been used as back splash on the walls behind the counters.  I love that the 'sun' portion of the floor is right at the sink and the other lines angle out from that area.  Visually those lines are expanding the floor space even if the kitchen isn't as large as it appears it could be.  It's so hard to judge size when you're looking at a floor model with two open walls...

Starting at our left, there's a lovely little chrome kitchen set with stool.   And just above, I'll wager is the fold out ironing board.  Note that narrow cupboard right on that corner.  I like that the top cupboard is the same length and height of the rest of the upper cabinets.  I should think a broom and mop would fit nicely right into the bottom cupboard, but having that top cabinet the same height gives symmetry to the upper cabinets, something I personally appreciate.   

The nook for the refrigerator appears to be wallpapered and I like the decorative border around the top of that nook.   The curve to the upper part of that is repeated all along the upper half of the kitchen.   The other cabinets have a curved  soffit above them as well,

We see here that the mixer is settled into that corner near the fridge.  I believe that is a task light under the cabinet above, and if you enlarge the picture a LOT, there's another above the stove, which is why I'm thinking it's task lighting.  

As with most of the kitchens of this era, those end shelves for decor or kitsch and plants is attractive, but that's a lot of space that might have made another cabinet at either side of the kitchen sink window.  

I believe there are light panels above the kitchen sink.  That pretty tile border underneath the sink highlights the window.  I love the contrast of that warm orange with the dark blue and the white.  It picks up the highlight color of the sunburst in the flooring.

To the right of the sink is an electric coffee pot and then the stove with a full bank of cabinets above it.   I think that's a LOT of storage right above the stove but not sure how I feel about it.   It would be a rather warm spot to store foods, so possibly it's for serving pieces and such.   

As for the bottom cabinets, it appears that they have deep drawers, something I have told John I'd much rather have if we ever get to that stage of our kitchen renovation.  I think deep drawers are far better use of storage space for pots and pans and small appliances.

Personally I like this kitchen.  It's got drama, yet it's got all that fresh white and modern clean lines and it appears to have plenty of light, both natural and artificial.  I think I could work in that kitchen very easily.   What about you?

The Week Ahead:  We start a new week with my niece's birthday.   She will be 27 today.   And later in the week we have Katie's 29th birthday.   And no, we're not quite through them all for the month, but we're getting close.    We also enter into full summer on Sunday, which is Father's Day here in the U.S., with the longest day of the year.  It's always ironic to me that this day marks the slow turning of the year towards the cooler months when we're also entering into what is typically the true heat of summer days.  A sign that there's no beginning of one thing that isn't also tied to it's ending.



Zone 4 porches and shed.   Cleaning is mostly what both porches require.  I have done nothing yet this month towards painting either porch but I will clean.

Out in the shed, I'll sweep and organize a bit more and possibly gather some more things for donating.   It's truth that I don't need all that I have in the shed.  Some of it is leftovers from my old flea market booth that I just didn't want to let go of but it's time someone else had the opportunity to enjoy some of those things.

Pretty sure John means to return to Katie's to finish up his work on cutting those branches.  I'll get the last flower bed cleared and lay down weed mat.   We can use some of the edging stones to help hold it in place and then I'll make a real effort this week to get mulch.  I can haul 8 bags at a time in my car.  I figure that will just about do the smallest bed.   It's a start. 

I'd like to get that corner space broken up and put down rocks and plant the rest of the seeds I bought in that area this week.  It's meant to rain a good bit and it's supposed to be a little cooler than it's been.  All of this combined makes me think it should be far more pleasant to work outdoors this week.   I sure hope so!

Indoors, besides routine housework, I don't really know just what I will tackle.  I've not got any big cleaning tasks to work on in any room.  I'll likely putter and think about July which is getting closer and what I want to do next month rather than sink my teeth into any more projects this month.  I'll need to go over my checkbook.   I don't think I need to do any big kitchen prep day but I likely will as I do find it helpful to have some foods ready prepared for the week ahead in case I over do it on one of my outdoor job days.



I don't have a lot of leftovers this week.  2 cups of rice, half a cucumber, half a large zucchini, 1/2 a can of Turkey Spam.  I have about 2 cups of milk that has gone off and so I'll try to make up a batch of biscuits with that.  The rice will become supper one night, and the Turkey Spam will either be lunch sandwiches or breakfast meat.   The vegetables will get used in our dinnertime menus.  Here's what I've planned:

John, Sam and the little boys will go off to a car show at our church on Saturday.  I'm supposed to keep Millie when Bess heads to work, until the guys are back.   John and I have a Creatives Group meeting that same evening.   John will not want to eat before hand so no meal plans for this day at all.

Father's Day:  Burgers, Chips, Salads, Brownies  John's requested meal.  I offered to grill outdoors and he said no, just pan fry them.   I'd much prefer grilled myself but we'll see how the weather goes.

Mac n Cheese, Pan Roasted Vegetables*, Green Salad   I'll use eggplant, zucchini, some tomato that is a little beyond eating fresh, onion, and bell peppers.  I love this sort of mixture with garlic and oregano.

Chicken Fried Rice, Pot Stickers, Sliced Cucumbers*

Pigs In Blankets, Oven Fries, Coleslaw

BBQ Chicken, Potatoes au Gratin, Green Beans

Beef Stroganoff, Noodles, Salad with Pickled Beets, Onions and Boiled Eggs on Lettuce, Russian Dressing


With less to do this week  I may try to pull out genealogy and do a blog post as well as some note work.  


Sit on the porch with Iced Tea.

Gaze at the clouds...It's the perfect time of year for it!

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Journal of My Week: Winter Again