It's a Brand New Month: October Goals


I wrote out a list of goals for September at the end of August.  And then the world as we know it was shaken to the core by Steven's accident and the necessity of helping where we might.  You'll understand when I share that in reading through September's goals, I was very surprised to find that despite this, I accomplished roughly 80% of what I'd planned.  I don't know how, but I did it.  That was a very nice surprise.

I'm setting very loose goals for October.  I know that this current season is about to change in the new month.  Steven will most likely be moved to a physical rehab facility in the next few weeks.  Katie's visits will likely be switched to phone calls and a weekend visit now and then, but I expect too that since she is moving at the end of the month, she'll likely concentrate most of her energy on packing the house up so that she can make the move.


I can say assuredly that at present all desire to do fall cleaning has passed.  I did far more than I thought I might in September, using the small bites method.  The only thing I never seemed to get around to was decluttering.  This month, I will concentrate on doing that.  I'll choose one area per week, while I'm doing zone work in each area and try to declutter at least a few minutes each day.

Mop the kitchen floor. Ideally this is done more than once a month, but I can say for a fact that it didn't happen in September. 

Add a few fall touches to the interior spaces I decorate.  The season is showing outdoors now, and I feel comfortable adding touches to the indoors.  I'm not going all out this year. Just a few things here and there.  

Do proper zone work in each area.


I have a few spent flowerpots that really need to be dealt with now that the season has wound down.  I'm giving up on the idea of having the same fall explosion of flowers that I had last year.  It's been so dry here that everything is curling up and dying.  I might as well just cut my losses and pull things up.

Change the wreaths on the doors for autumn wreaths.  I'll probably just use what I've had the past few years.  

Try to get the landscape blocks and bricks moved here from the town house.  I think every time I got over to take Caleb home that I'll slip outdoors and load a few but I never seem to do that. 

Get that yard in town mowed.  It's not been cut since September 1, and it sorely needs to be cleaned up.  This of course, involves John's cooperation.  I can push mow it, but I cannot seem to crank the stupid mower unless he comes along to do it.


I need to see where I am with saving for the freezer.  John has asked me to check with the appliance shop in town and see if he has something affordable and if the delivery is free.  I know I've quite a bit set aside now for the upright and I may downgrade my want to something a little smaller if it's more affordable. I'd like to get this ordered this month at the very least. 

Christmas shopping got way off track.  I need to get back on track now while I can.  I need to review what I have on hand and who all I need to buy for and then adjust my wants according to what I can afford.

Shop ahead for holiday foods.  We don't do anything terribly fancy or expensive, but it's a help to have the bulk of things on hand before the holidays arrive.  And this month I can likely stretch the budget to cover holiday meals.

This month is also the last month's rent we'll get from the house.  In November we'll be paying expenses straight out of our pockets and not out of rent as we've been doing.  We'll need to keep the electricity on in order to keep the pipes from freezing and to keep moisture levels stable.  That means we'll be making adjustments to our budget.  I've already planned for this.  But it's a fact that we'll be tightening our belts really tightly then, so the more I can accomplish this month the better we'll adjust to the November plan.



I probably should put this under work but on Columbus Day I'll be keeping Caleb all day long.  Katie's not off on that day but the nursery is closed.  It will make for one very long day for me even if he does nap.  If he doesn't nap, it will be even longer, lol.  

I'm skipping making any other goals here for this month.  I've fallen into a pattern of doing what I can where I can, and I don't really want to add any further to my list of want to dos.  Mostly I'll just continue with what I'm already doing in this area, and we'll call it 'Maintenance'.

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Chef Owings said...

With everything going on, you are doing just fine.Son2's lady said she does her deep cleaning as she starts decorating for Christmas. I think I will try that this year
Blessed Be
Prayers for peace.

Donna said...

I totally agree with Chef Owings: you are doing remarkable well for all that has been going on. There is not near that much going on here and I am so far behind it isn't even funny.

It is such good news to hear that Steven is healing and making steady progress.

terricheney said...

Juls, my grandmother always said 'Clean up AFTER company...' But yes, I shall likely do a late fall cleaning if the mood strikes me then.

Donna, thank you. It has been a lot and I know it. This month is purposely being planned light in case I am needed to help pack.

Jo said...

Could this be your poem?

October's Bright Blue Weather

O SUNS and skies and clouds of June,
And flowers of June together,
Ye cannot rival for one hour
October's bright blue weather;

When loud the bumblebee makes haste,
Belated, thriftless vagrant,
And goldenrod is dying fast,
And lanes with grapes are fragrant;

When gentians roll their fingers tight
To save them for the morning,
And chestnuts fall from satin burrs
Without a sound of warning;

When on the ground red apples lie
In piles like jewels shining,
And redder still on old stone walls
Are leaves of woodbine twining;

When all the lovely wayside things
Their white-winged seeds are sowing,
And in the fields still green and fair,
Late aftermaths are growing;

When springs run low, and on the brooks,
In idle golden freighting,
Bright leaves sink noiseless in the hush
Of woods, for winter waiting;

When comrades seek sweet country haunts,
By twos and twos together,
And count like misers, hour by hour,
October's bright blue weather.

O sun and skies and flowers of June,
Count all your boasts together,
Love loveth best of all the year
October's bright blue weather.

Helen Hunt Jackson

Jo said...

Oops, posted comment to wrong post

Spring Goals for March...And Beyond.