March Goals: Just Ten Things


I'm going to try to make a few goals for the new month ahead.  I'm not even going to pretend I'll be super productive and get just loads accomplished but I'm going to try to get something extra done this month.  

The Homemaker Plans Her Week: Pollen Season


In my home this week, we are knee deep in pollen season.  Last week I noted the cedars had a bloom and that a few peach buds were peeping out but the hot humid weather these past five days have put everything onto hyper Spring mode and now the Peaches, Bradford pears, maples and oaks, pines, Scotch broom, a few azaleas and more are blooming their heart out.  Between pollen and the smoke of the pecan orchard fires, everything is a haze outdoors.  Any yard plans have been laid aside.  Until this mess calms down a bit there's no point in cleaning a thing unless I just want a massive headache and allergy attack.

Diary of a Homemaker's Week: Wrapping up Birthday Month


Saturday:   Little Miss and 6-year-old brother had their shared party today.  After this we've one more birthday to go, that of our oldest son which occurs next Saturday and then we are done until April with birthdays.

Thrifty Thursday Returns: Week of February 23


I've been thinking for a few weeks now that I'd like to separate the frugal week from the diary week.  I'd much rather chatter on about life, nature, reflections, etc. in that weekly post and then dump all the frugal things I've done in a stand-alone post.  I think just now, when my writing time is at a premium, I can find better balance by doing it this way.

Those of you who've been with me for years will recall that I often did either a Frugal Friday or a Thrifty Thursday post in the past for long periods of time.  Since the diary goes out on a Friday, I thought I'd go back to the Thrifty Thursday posts for the money saving ones.  And if I get any more chance at writing, I'll happily cram it in somewhere in the week!

Over the Fence: And Then There Was Light


Hello loves.  It's so nice to see you again.  Today is a perfect day for leaning over the fence having a chat.  The pollen is increasing but it's not so bad, yet we need to shelter indoors.  

 I've been seeing the signs of the approaching season for quite a few days now.  This week I spied Carolina Jessamine blooming in the treetops in the woods and in many yards, there are little mounds of creeping phlox, which Granny always called "Thrift".  I was surprised on one of our runs to the dumpsters to drop off trash bags to see a daffodil on the ditch bank across from the family's house up the road (or across the field).  It was one of those lovely double daffodils that Mama used to call 'Scrambled Eggs", a mix of yellow and white.  How it came to be there is a mystery.  Where it came from is another mystery.  Did some earnest squirrel borrow it from Granny's yard or was the bulb hidden in a load of dirt brought to fill in a low spot in the road and then pushed aside?  Does it even matter?  It's absolutely lovely however it came to be there.

The Homemaker Plans Her Week: Taking Back Bits of Time


In my home this week, I'm going to try and take back bits of time.  I've been so focused on the Little One and his current needs that I've let a lot go, especially while I healed from this cold thing, which has now transitioned into my spring allergies, joy.  At the same time, I'm trying hard to pick up my pace with the Little One.

Friday morning, he was talking about bananas and monkeys.  This is something that he talked about all week long.  We looked up organ grinders with dancing monkeys, a couple of videos about spider monkeys especially, and finally we looked at Banana trees so he could see how bananas grew and on what type of tree.  This kept his attention for about 15 minutes perhaps.  It was the same basic approach I used with Josh when I was homeschooling him during the pandemic.  He found it interesting and learned a good bit more than just the rote exercises set by the school.  

Diary of a Homemaker's Week: Long and Short


Saturday:  John had told me we'd go out today.   He'd hinted again that we'd go to the grocery.  Well, we didn't.  As usual we drove aimlessly around and finally ended up at our favorite restaurant.  We have several gift cards given to us over time so that's where we went.

It was a pleasant enough meal, but the place was very crowded, and the waitress forgot a couple of things, though I didn't blame her.  Anyone could see they were working their feet off that day.   I suggested that we might in future skip the noon day hour on the weekend as a choice time to stop.  Perhaps we'd ought to wait until nearer 2-ish.  

The Homemaker Plans Her Week: Continuing On


In my home this week, we are continuing forward.  On Friday, just before supper, Little One took himself off to the bathroom and got on the potty by himself.  He removed his diaper and sat down.  Then he proceeded to fill the bowl with toilet paper so he could 'fush it' as he told me.  So, we'll just remove toilet paper now.  I've no idea if he actually went in time or if he simply wanted to pretend that he could.  I admire the self-confidence though that helped him to go on his own.

I am feeling a little bit better.  Truly.  Finally.  The Little One's mama also is feeling better finally.  And so far, only we two seem to have been affected by this cold. Neither John nor Little One have been affected in the least.  I'm grateful for that.  I can't imagine having to nurse a sick little boy and a sick man while feeling poorly myself!

Diary of a Homemaker's Week: Try and Try Again

Saturday:  We truly did sleep in this morning, the whole lot of us.  John and I got up later than ususal and had coffee, croissants and bagels before anyone else got up.  It was rather nice. 

John told me yesterday that he wanted to go out today.  He did not say what he wanted to do, only that we were going out.  I make plans but hold them loosely.  Then if mine fit his, it's fine and it they don't, it's fine.  

I couldn't tell by the route we were taking where we were going.  I thought we were going to one spot and then another and then changed my mind to a third.  I was quite surprised at where we ended up.

The Homemaker Plans Her Week: We Try


In my home this week, I'm definitely on the mend.  As colds go, this one wasn't long nor difficult. It came on quickly and it was pretty quick to heal.  

The little one has a new nursery to attempt.  I'd say that he's more than a bit anxious about it, as we had a terribly difficult day on Friday, and he was super clingy and insistent on Mama's attentions on Saturday.  It's hard to know what to do.  We want him to be aware of what's ahead but perhaps he'd be better not to know?  It's so hard to say.  We try our best and somehow, we still fail.    Little Miss may have been wiser than we are in all our years of living.

Diary of a Homemaker's Week: We Are Gonna Do This


Saturday:  I slept well last night.  It was especially nice to have a bit of a lie-in this morning and not come out until 8am.  My only mistake was not eating a proper breakfast.  I paid for that a little later.  All I would have to have done was eat a little bit more.   

We had to go do the errands we couldn't get done yesterday.  I loathe going to the grocery store on Saturdays.   I mentioned last time we got our haircuts that we'd had an awesome experience at an out of the way salon.  Today we opted for a branch of the same salon near Kroger.  What a pleasure to come in and find one of the girls from the other salon in the shop.  It was very busy, and we didn't get a chance to talk too much, but it was a joy to have her cut my hair today.  She helped me to understand a product that I already have at home.  She showed me how to use it to increase volume.

Coffee Chat: Start and Stop and Start Again

Hello dears.  Come on in and let's have a warm drink.  Never mind my sniffling.  I am feeling ever so slightly better.  I have been getting plenty of rest and that is more than half the battle.

The winter views lately have been more bare than usual.  So much so that we've seen many a house or pond we never knew existed simply because we can see so clearly through places, we have never been able to see through before.

March 25: Purposeful