The Homemaker Plans Her Week: Do Something

In my home this week, I am currently listening to the dishwasher.  The house about me is calm, quiet, and clean.  This state of affairs is not due to last overlong.  Within the next hour or so it will once again jump to life and be noisy, messy, and busy but right now it's quiet time and I am relishing my quiet space.  John's napping.  Supposedly Caleb is too but the sound of little feet running back and forth deny that fact.  My feet are up and I'm resting my legs after a morning of puttering all around the house and being in the kitchen.  Supper is simmering on the stove.  Laundry has been washed, dried and folded.  Two meals have been put on the table...I can see this day winding down.

And tomorrow?  We start it all over again!

This week, I want to do something.  What will that be?

Work:  Zone 3 this week will be bedrooms and baths.  Our bathroom is fairly clean.  Too much stuff on the counters though.  I want to work at putting some of those out of sight.  Which means working on the cabinets.  I never did get that under sink space organized.  I found a system I thought would work and then postponed ordering that.  I think I'll at least go put it in my shopping cart even though I won't order it until nearer the end of the month.   It's also time to get an idea of what my bathroom inventory looks like so I can restock where necessary.  

I just tidy the back bath a bit by sweeping the floor and swishing the toilet.  Otherwise, I leave it pretty much alone since that is potty training central and not a guest bath but the bath being used by the other two in the household.   I need new rug/rugs for that room.  Ours bit the dust last week.  Since I believe that rug was about 10 years old, I'll not fuss too hard over it falling apart.  

Vacuum under the dressers, bed, chest, desk in our room.

Declutter and organize my household drawer and the trunk in the closet.  If I get those attended to I'll do something more but that's quite enough until I know what I'm facing this next week.

I'll blow off the porches.  There's little point in cleaning just now with all the pollen about but it does help to blow it off the porches and furnishings.   Mostly we are at the point of avoiding outdoors.  Both Katie and John have been particularly hard hit by the pollen war this year.  Caleb and I seem to be doing just fine at present.  Given the runny matted eyes of last year this is a major step forward for us both.

Remind/encourage John to get lab work done.

Play date with Millie?  I do hope so this week.  I'd planned for her last week but with John under the weather I felt it was more than he could handle to have two 3-year-olds at once.  However, they both need to have someone to play with.

Potty training.  I see no end in sight. 

Read to Caleb at least once a day.  I have to shorten stories considerably since his attention span is shorter but he's actually enjoying sitting down to 'read' with me.  

Continue working on ABC's and 123's.

Call Mama.

Kitchen:  Plan and prep breakfasts.   Write out a lunch menu.   I meal plan for supper and prep for it too but life would be so much easier if I stopped and made a plan and did prep work for mornings.   It is lovely on those mornings when I have a plan and have prepped breakfast, because then I get the pleasure of sitting to have coffee while things cook/reheat without going into a mad scramble before coffee.

Lunch usually isn't a big deal and doesn't need prep work, because it often ends up being leftovers of some sort or sandwiches, but having a plan would still be a help.  I often feel stressed trying to come up with an idea when I've no clue what we have on hand, etc.

Get back to making homemade bread.  John, as usual, took a hiatus from eating homemade bread, but it's been about three weeks now and I'm sick of the bought sliced stuff.  Homemade just tastes so very much better!  I admit the pre-sliced mass-produced stuff is nice for sandwiches.  It holds together better, but for toast and eating bread and butter with a meal...Give me the homemade every time.

Do a morning of kitchen prep work for suppers.  And breakfasts!

Meals:  We don't always eat what I plan.  For instance, this past week, the beef pot pie was made and then put in the freezer.  I just didn't want it when we got to that point in the week.  It will make a lovely future meal.

Sometimes, the side dishes end up being switched from one meal to another.  Or I choose to use them as the basis for a different dish than the ones I'd planned.  The main point with my menu is that I have an idea of what we have on hand that we could prepare, and I am planning to use those things that need to be used.  

Ham with Potatoes Au gratin, English Peas, Waldorf Salad, Muffins. Using ham from the other night.

Steak Fajitas, Yellow Rice, Refried Beans, Green Salad.  Another night of using up leftovers.

John out with men's group for church.   Yes, we eat on those nights when he's away, but I generally plan something he's less likely to want on those evenings like,  Quiche, Broccoli Salad, Biscuits

Chicken Fried Rice, Chinese Garlic Beans, Potstickers, Egg Rolls

Alpine Chicken Casserole, Mashed Potatoes, Coleslaw, Cranberry Sauce

Leftovers?  Freezer entree?  We'll see how our week goes foodwise.  

Corned Beef, Cabbage, Red Potatoes, Mini Soda Breads


Finish reading Monica Dickens' My Turn To Make the Tea.

I've been longing to sock into some research on genealogy once more but haven't made the time to do it.  So, one evening this week, once Caleb is in bed, I'm sitting down and going over notebooks and adding notes to pages and jotting down a few research questions.


I need a new shampoo.  Mine is simply not working for me at all.  I'll check around and see which are recommended.

One cup of coffee daily while it's still hot.

One thrift store jaunt.

Work on a Chatty post.

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Katie recommended the Maui line.  


Olly said...

I like to stop by and read through your old posts. I truly enjoy your writing style and I love the pictures you use in your posts. I stumbled across one of your older posts tonight, and then another, that mentiond Ormond By The Sea. I used to live there. Then you mentioned the Catholic church there, that was my church.

I've never been a person to comment on blogs, but I thought I would this time. I originally followed you sometime ago from the bluebirds blog. I am always amazed at how Annabel is literally worth millions, yet she loves to dabble in the frugal life.

Olly (aka Olivia)

Lana said...

Olly, That is a beautiful church. Whenever we pass by there we always stop. We visit family in central Florida and sometimes travel up the coast on A1A as part of our trip north.

Karla said...

What a small world! Olly - I have a dear online friend I've never met in person but have known since the internet first (existed back in the late 90s) and she lives in Ormond Beach!

Terri - your little jaunts sound lovely. I'd love to tag along with you on the thrift store visit. :)

My weekend was a busy one. Friday after work I took my car to the dealership to have it looked at for some issues. Since it's under warranty, they gave me a loaner to drive while they work on it this week. Saturday here was sunny and warm, just a lovely day. I took the dogs to the dog park with Brad took a much needed nap at home. After the dog park, the dogs and I went through the McD's drive through and got a meal for me and a water and hamburger patties for each of the boys (dogs). We took our lunches to the local people park and ate our lunches while we watched all the families playing on the nearby playground toys. It was so lovely.

Yesterday ended up being a comedy of errors. I decided to do some housecleaning. Brad decided to switch spots to sit in the living room so we moved a few things and cleaned up all the hidden clutter and dust that were revealed by it. I move on to vacuum and discovered that the vacuum has clearly given up the ghost because it keeps getting clogged no matter how much I clean it out and do all the things to it. So, a new vacuum has been ordered that will come on Wednesday. I used my little Fuller Brush sweeper to finish up and at least make it look tidier. Then I moved on to sweep and mop the kitchen only to have the clip that holds the mop head part on my spray mop break off. Thankfully, I still had a string mop pole, new in package mophead and bucket. So that was mopped. After that, I went to finish up the laundry and realized that the white "stuff" I kept finding in the dryer and thought was old detergent was actually bits of plastic from the washer tub being scraped off during the spin cycle. That's when I broke down in tears a little. I don't cry often but this was just one too many things. LOL And I needed the healing of tears anyway.

This morning, I was so tired from the time change and another grey day. But here I am at work. I called Speed Queen and found at that our washer is still under warranty until May of this year so we are able to get it fixed this week without much cost of any kind to us. Thank you Lord! Also my car is under warranty so that shouldn't cost anything either.

terricheney said...

Olly, I think the coastal side of Ormond by the Sea along A1A (the only part I've ever visited) is the loveliest thing. And I'm pleased to hear that you love reading the older posts as well as the latest ones.

Karla, I'd have cried too, lol. God bless you. Some days are just harder than others for no good reason I think other than to make us stop and let those tears we likely were holding back over something else entirely because our body needs to release those toxins.

Lana, I'd love to be making that trip right now, even in this cold weather.

Jane R said...

I always read and enjoy your posts but rarely comment but today I saw that you were reading My Turn to make the Tea which I read many years ago at the recommendation of my senior school English teacher and it bought back happy memories. I hope you enjoyed it.

Journal of My Week: Winter Again