December Goals: I'm Not Early...

I was sitting down going over various lists and such and realized that December is a busy-ish month.  It happens that our small groups have all decided to table all meetings for the month and I think that is just as it ought to be.  We've already got one firm commitment for a special program for our church.  There will be other things we wish to do.  It's going to be a busy month.

And for that reason, I'm declaring the last week of November as prime planning time for December and for getting started on all the extra tasks that December can bring.

 #1.  All of my end of year work has been done save making New Year's resolutions.  I'd like to work on these all throughout the month.  I want to be thoughtful and prayerful as I make these resolutions this year.  Taking my time and letting things become clear is always the best way to proceed.

#2. Cut back rosebushes.  It's always best to do this after a freeze here in my area because the moment it warms ever so slightly, the rosebushes bud out all over again with new leaf buds.  The bush at the bedroom window is scratching on the screen and siding.  The one at the back porch has clambered into the porch and out towards the yard.  The rest just need light trims.

#3.   Plan a family Christmas gathering.  I don't know what this might look like.  It might be a meal out, it might be takeout brought home, it might be grilling...I don't know how the reno work will go. Initial plan was that it would take a month.  I'm giving it basically six weeks.  Does this mean six days a week or five days a week?  I've no clue.  But I can lay a few plans and then go from there.

#4.  Locate and place Jd's Christmas gift from last year in the box with other gifts. I think I have an idea where it is.  If it's placed with all the rest of the gifts then I'll know exactly where it is come gifting time.

#5.  Purchase money orders for those loved ones who live far away and get it sent to them early.

#6.  Address and sign Christmas cards and get those mailed out.

#7.  Make a couple of cakes for Christmas and put them, unfrosted, into the freezer.  Then I can simply thaw and frost later.  It will be far easier to do than to think I'm going to be able to bake cookies.  

#8.  Get the Christmas trees up and determine the theme for my own tree.  Caleb's will be cars as it was last year, I'm sure.

#9.  Lunch with Mama at least once.

#10.  Get gifts wrapped and tagged ahead of time and not wait until the last minute.  


Lana said...

Every project here has run behind schedule and over budget. Front door assembly going in tomorrow here. We are hoping there are no rotten surprises when they take the old door out.

Lana said...

The contractor has arrived for the door project today. In the night I was thinking about all the ones who have worked for us and how they are so different. This one has been here probably ten times looking, measuring and scraping bits of paint and stain to match. He has sent many texts updating us on progress and when he expected to install the door. We will definitely call him again.

A friend of ours who is always the life of the party was studious and serious like a professor when he did work for us. And he is a perfectionist. He trained the guy working for us today.

The flooring installer was quiet as a mouse and we hardly knew he was here. He had a spotless Cadillac Escalade and matching trailer that was really gorgeous.

The ones who installed our new countertops never showed when they said they would but did decent work when they finally showed up. Seemed like it depended on how hung over they were.

The crew that put in our new ducts under the house spent most of the day standing beside their truck smoking. It frustrated the dickens out of us. They never showed up before 10 AM and were gone by two and did not know when they would be back again. Meanwhile no A/C!

Then there were the guys who stripped wallpaper and painted years ago. They showed up with a big boom box and sang country music at the top of their lungs all day long. It was crazy and fun. They had obviously been singing together for years and even sang parts sometimes! I think of them often and how fun it was to hear them singing. They were here for many days twice.

I am hoping yours shows soon and gets the work done!

March 26: It Was Time