Diary of a Homemaker: It's Been a Week

Sunday:  I didn't write a bit yesterday.  I was so weary with whatever this ailment of ours is.  It appears to be a slight cold but the level of tiredness that goes along with it was unexpected.  It didn't stop my getting the kitchen nearly finished with the packing up, but I took it in spells with long rests between.  And naps.  

Of course, there were meals to make as well, but only for the two of us and we managed well enough with whatever I found at hand.  We didn't go hungry.  Whatever ailment, it did not affect our overall appetite.  We weren't starving the way some illnesses will leave you, but we were our usual sort of hungry. 

John did his part.  He catered to me in my low moments, and I catered to him in his low ones.  We napped and we snuggled into our chairs in comfy clothes and under blankets, though it wasn't really cold.  My husband decided that this was the weekend for Rogers and Hammerstein.

Funnily enough I'd decided to join Deanna's challenge (Life with Dee) to listen to music every day this month, so let the musicals play!   On Saturday we watched South Pacific.  I've seen that one a few times too and realized only this weekend how very young and impressionable Miss Forbish was, fresh from her small town of Little Rock, Arkansas.

We went off to bed by 9pm last night and slept all night long.  We were up with sunrise because our alarms went off for our Sunday church rising hour, but it was an hour too early.  So we stayed in bed and then when we did get up, though I was game to try to get ready for church, I had a fit of coughing and sneezing and John suggested we'd best stay home and not make anyone else sick.  

I was torn, because I haven't been out of the house at all since last Sunday and I really wanted to get out, but I also felt tired just thinking of trying to do all we'd planned today.  

John had mentioned last night that we'd go to the grocery after church and that became a nightmare. I told John about it this morning, how I kept losing my way and having to walk miles back to the store only to turn down another aisle and end up in the country all over again.  It was one of those stupid dreams that you wake up from and are glad to be out of, only to drift back to sleep and find yourself repeating it all over again.

I threw open the windows this morning and let fresh air flow through the house.  I always feel that helps put the chase on illness to have fresh air in the home.  It was a good bit warmer than it was last week but not hot outdoors at all.

This afternoon we watched the movie "Oklahoma!".  I gleaned a bit of wisdom today that I'd never caught before.   I love when that happens, after reading or seeing a movie multiples of times it suddenly hits you up with something you've not paid attention to before. 

I felt somewhat better this afternoon and told John that he really knew how to make up for a dateless weekend in treating me to romantic musicals.  He looked over at me and said "Oh it's not over yet!  Now I'm going to get you out of the house and we're going to the dump!"  Lordy, does that man ever know how to woo a woman!  We took a ride along our favorite back roads to the county seat and back.

All in all, it's been a decent enough weekend despite not feeling well.  

Monday:  Feeling somewhat better today.  Perhaps not 100% but I'd say I'm right about 80% which means I felt well enough to get a few things done.  

It is Caleb's fourth birthday and I swear he walked taller when he came out of the bedroom this morning to hug me.  He's been spoiled a wee bit, not with gifts, but with favorite foods like pancakes and bacon, burgers and Cheetos and allowed to eat a cookie or a piece of candy as he's asked.  He's not a greedy child and doesn't beg for more of anything.  He's perfectly content with the one item when he asks for it and he never asks repeatedly for yet another thing.

He also spent HOURS outside today.  He has a pile of trucks out in a dirt section that he's been playing with and then he and Seneca, Sam's dog, have run all over the yard together.  Seneca is a younger dog, but she sticks right with the child when he's outdoors.

This evening he went with one of the other grandmothers to get his birthday gift.  It is her joy to take each of her grandchildren shopping each year.  After that they were at Cody's having cupcakes and singing Happy Birthday.  Thanks to Facebook Messenger video call we were able to join in with him on that.

Tuesday:   Another sound night of sleep under my belt and I am feeling and sounding human once again. 

 I was awake early, wondering where on earth John was.  He, poor soul, had awakened at 5:30am worrying over everything under the sun.  How do I know?  He came in to wake me this morning to remind me I was going shopping early, and he told me all about it all.  

I almost felt bad about leaving him home alone in the worrying state he was in, but we both knew if I didn't make it to the grocery, I'd miss out on the excellent sales I wanted to stock up on, most of which were pantry boosters.  I also didn't want to have to take Caleb with me and since he was getting his wellness check up this morning it was the best time for me to go.

Things went very well at the grocery in some ways and not so much in others (missed sales).  I had a lovely ride over and back again, with some truly stunning views along the way, including deer wandering about.  

But when I got home, I found John at the door before I'd shut off the car.  He must have been sitting near the window waiting for me to return.  Poor dear.  He added another concern to his list of things, and I pointed out that he was not even sure that particular thing was the case at all, and he needed to stop.  He agreed and then moments later, the very thing he was concerned over proved to be completely erroneous.  After that he settled down.

Poor Caleb had all the 4 year jabs this morning and he was not a happy child at all.  His little cheeks were so very flushed, and he could barely walk his legs were so sore.  He tried to play but, in the end, we convinced him that coming back indoors and lying down was really the thing he wanted to do.  His temper kept flaring up.  Honestly, it's like watching a spitting, hissing kitten but I won't have back talk from him, and neither will John.  So, we ended up sending him back to his room for a time out which turned into a LONG and obviously needed nap that he didn't want to wake from at all.

Thursday:  Hard day yesterday as we started the cold turkey, no pull ups except for nighttime, potty training.  We found we had to be on a 20-minute timer in order to keep Caleb dry between rounds.  It felt at times that by the time he'd gone, and we'd fought him to get back into his clothes, and then returned to play, the timer would go off again and we'd start all over again.  By end of the day, we had stretched to 30 minutes between.    It allowed no room to do anything else except fuss among us over how to proceed.

Today I had a doctor's appointment and we decided it was best for John to stay home and do the duty while I was out.  I forget that my doctor is (a) a talky sort and (b) works two half days which means he now tries to see a week's worth of patients in that time frame.  It was nearly 2 hours later when I walked out and headed to drop off my prescriptions.  Upshot of today's appointment: I gained five pounds (I happen to know I've lost a bit so I reckon I probably truly gained 10 pounds this year), I am now taking a low dosage thyroid medication and one other natural supplement for another thing along with the usual stuff I've been taking.  No lectures or fussing.  Overall doctor seems pleased.

At Publix I was told it would be two hours or more before they could fill the prescriptions.  After ensuring the clerk I knew how much each would cost and to just go ahead and fill them all (they will hold them if they think the patient might not have the money to purchase), I went on to do my bit of grocery shopping.  

I was so hungry, which breaks the very first rule of shopping doesn't it?  Well, I steered away from clearance priced candy and went right to the produce department and purchased a load of produce.  Seemed far more reasonable to take out my hunger there than on junk food.   I was in the store perhaps 20 minutes and 15 minutes later they texted that my prescriptions were ready.  Well darn!  I would have waited an extra 15 minutes rather than drive 60 miles round trip to return!   Oh well.  We will be in that town twice in the next three days so no harm.  I'll just combine that trip with another.

Came home to find John and Caleb both in decent spirits which is always something.  Caleb had only one wet underwear all morning.  We are slowly expanding time on the timer.  He's up to 35 minutes this afternoon.  However, getting him up during his quiet time is the biggest battle of the day and tempers flared all around.  

The best way to describe Caleb is 'feisty'.  When his temper gets up, he is like a fussy old man and whatever your tone of voice is his and whatever you say he will repeat back at you.  He ended up getting a pop on his behind, completely wet the bed rather than get up when told and got a pop for that as well.  Not a happy day for us, but we persevered.

Katie came in from work and made the base layers for the birthday cake.  Tomorrow she will do buttercream and fondant icings.  

While she was baking cakes, we discussed the school's requirement of a birth certificate.  The director told Katie to pick one up on Friday and then he could start on Monday.  No one factored in that tomorrow is Veterans' Day observance and all state and federal offices are closed...

Texting the director, they agreed that Caleb will start on Monday morning.

Friday:  I did not want to get up today but there were so many things to be attended to.  It's going to be one of those long days, not just because of potty training.   I am still fighting this slight cold, have a tooth bothering me, and I could whine some more about physical things going on but will stop.

I also have all my Friday chores to do, extra chores since we've got company coming over tomorrow, and a refrigerator packed so full of stuff that I had to also add that to the long list of things to do.  And of course, I felt I had to start it all right away.  We didn't even get breakfast this morning, because when I got up, I started working and I didn't quit until well past lunchtime.

I sorted out the toybox only because I had to dig down to find an "I" cookie cutter that has rounded edges and actually looks like a dog biscuit to me.  I'd told Katie about it, and she wanted to use it to make fondant bones to go on Caleb's cake (Paw Patrol theme).   Well, if I had to dig down deep to find the thing I might as well sort it at the same time, hadn't I?   One big trash bag of unused toys, one smaller trash bag of things that simply were broken or trash later...All the other toys that are played with sorted as they ought to have been and yes, I found the "I" at the very very bottom of the toy box.  Where else could it have been?

That spurt of sorting led me to clean out the two wooden boxes where the children store a variety of toys.  And the bottom drawer of the buffet where we keep crayons, puzzles, coloring books.  I had gathered a bag of trash by the time I was all done.  

It was just about then that the bread was ready to put to rise.  Only when I took it from the bread pan it looked odd...too flat...and in thinking hard, I realized that I'd never put yeast in the doggone bread machine.  I contemplated that dough and wondered what on earth to do with it...In the meantime, I started over.  Then I sorted the fridge and determined what was waste (rice, potato salad and mac n cheese that had gotten lost), what was for lunch (leftover Alpine Chicken, pears, cranberry sauce), fruit, (tossed some mandarins and a lemon that had gotten a little too old as well as a pomegranate I'd bought during Sukkot), what should go into the freezer to prevent future spoilage.  It was quite a job and created a sink full of dishes.  

Then I looked up how to salvage the dough I'd messed up.  Some suggested mixing yeast with a half cup of water.  I thought that sounded messy.  Another site suggested I knead in the same amount of baking powder as yeast and make biscuits.  Since the dough had been thoroughly kneaded and the gluten fully activated this did not turn into biscuits but something nearer rolls.  I did have to add about 2 or 3 tablespoons of water as the dough was almost too dry to incorporate the baking powder.   They do taste good and we will eat them.  

More cleaning up following lunch, and then I finally settled into my chair.  Just in time for the potty timer to ring, lol...settled once more and it was the potty/bread timer dinged.  

We've got a small group gathering tonight and John is the entertainment.  I need to make a trip to pick up my prescriptions while we are in the area.  Aside from potty training, I'm calling the day done though until I must get ready to leave the house this evening.  We are prepared for the possibility that I will drive in separate from John since I need to wait on Katie to come in from work to tend to Caleb.  We won't be in until nearly 10pm tonight.  

Tomorrow we're having Caleb's birthday party.  Katie said once they are all cleaned up from the party, she and the kids will pack up to go spend the weekend with Cody and Bella.  I told her I would not be doing Sunday dinner this weekend, but to let Taylor know we'll do it the next time she's here.

Mama called this morning and asked to have Thanksgiving at her house.  She's going to make chicken.  I'll probably bake a turkey breast just so we can have it for sandwiches, because that's the part of the meal John likes best, leftovers for sandwiches.

But that holiday is sorted and I'm glad.  Now to convince my family that this is the way Thanksgiving will roll this year...one battle right after the other.

How was your week?  Do you have weekend plans?  Have you made Thanksgiving plans?

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Lana said...

We have had a wonderful week of rest and doing whatever we want. Tonight we watched :Driving Miss Daisy' and really enjoyed it.

Turkey breasts seem to be in short supply. Many stores don't even have any and they say it is a supply issue. I am going to have to just buy one no matter the price because I am not making a whole turkey for five.

mikemax said...

Well, I am making a whole turkey for only three! It's been in the freezer since last year and it needs to be cooked. I will debone all of the leftovers and freeze 2 cups per bag (because most recipes call for 2 cups). I will be using my Zyliss for this and expect excellent results!

I also will make stock with the bones. My mother used to use stock to make extra gravy for the leftovers which were eaten until they were gone. I like turkey as much as anyone but about 5 days straight is HARD. We had a circa-1940 refrigerator the whole time I was growing up and it had a tiny freezing compartment just big enough for two ice cube trays. If you say grace before eating, be sure to thank God for your freezer, even if it is just across the top of your fridge!

We often have Thanksgiving with another couple whose children, like our son, live a long way away. But this year they are going to their son's in Salt Lake, so it is just us three, as it was last year. Last year I swore we were going to downsize the feast. I decided we could each pick the one thing we most wanted and I would cook it. We will either skip the rest or it will come from a package, can or the freezer. To be fair, I'm the one who has always taken great pride in cooking the whole dinner from scratch and I'm tired of cooking all day and being crabby and anxious at dinner. The rest of the family doesn't really care who cooks it, so they might not notice the difference. We don't eat until around 6 pm because I always have needed all day to cook. And, in the years I worked, there was no way I could get the dinner done before that.

Here's hoping for some good Thanksgiving specials at the grocery store next week! And, Terri, potty training will end...someday. I've never seen a college graduate pick up their diploma in diapers! Good luck!
--Maxine aka mikemax

Grammy D said...

My son is a college professor and potty training is not an issue, not even for freshmen. LOL. He will get there! I did everything I could think of to break my daughter of thumb sucking. She was going to be going to kindergarten and still loved her thumb. One day my mom was there. (Gramma might have not always told the kids the truth). She casually said to my daughter, "I hear that when you go to school and you suck your thumb it falls off and they don't let you come to school anymore because you can't color. End of just a casual conversation. She never sucked her thumb again!
Not much new here. House is way too quiet, but at least in the morning I don't have this awful feeling that I am the only one in the house. Hubbys needy old cat still needs a lot of attention. Leftovers go on forever, but meal planning is easy.
Have a good day. Getting into 30's and 40's here so time for winter clothes. Had summer and winter piled on bed and slowly getting them hung up.
My son in law is cooking a 30# turkey, same as every year for 5 of us. Says he loves leftovers! Gramma D

terricheney said...

I confess I don't much like the legs, don't mind the thighs or breast and happily use the frame to make turkey broth but I have a back log of broths in the freezer at present and Katie is no turkey fan, though she likes the crisply cooked skin and about one hot slice and then she's done. So a turkey breast truly is the better buy for John and me. I'm like Lana, I'll pay however much for just the breast. I've seen a few turkeys and breasts available but not the usual freezers full of them by any means and most places have limits of one or two.

Dora, that is too funny about the thumb sucking. We've talked to Caleb about school and how little boys who don't go potty on their own can't stay. Doesn't phase him one bit. And this weekend, it's a disaster anyway. Katie failed to pack his underwear, so he's been in pullups. It's rainy and cold, so probably just as well, but it means we start all over again on Monday, which seems to always end being the way it goes. We put in the hard work and then on the weekend...sigh.

I'm glad you're not dreading being alone. I know it's taking a lot to get used to. I used to think when John worked that the hardest parts of the day would be early morning when I woke alone and about 7 at night when he'd be getting off and I was anticipating him coming home. Now that he's retired...I can't imagine how much more difficult it would be.

Cooking for one will take quite a bit of getting used to as well.

Our temps today are mid-50s and that's the high for the day. Tomorrow more of the same and a cool week for us all next week but not freezing. Most grateful for the rain we got last night.

Casey said...

I may have snorted over the potty-trained college student comment!!! As a retired professor, I can attest that this is true; however, said college students haven’t always learned to go before they come to class.

Lana said...

I found turkey breasts at Food Lion today at 1.69# so that is done. Publix ad preview has them 2.29# next ad but I don't buy Publix turkeys. Ingles says they will have them and on sale next ad but only if they actually get them in which they were not sure about. Saw Butterball breasts at Walmart for $2.68#. The freezers were piled high and turkeys looked like they were thawing-yikes.

Tammy said...

We're having an early Thanksgiving tomorrow with the grands. I got home from Florida early evening on Thursday and thought I'd do prep on Friday, but all I got done was a grocery trip. Long phone call with my sister, then school pick-up of the grands (Layla's request - she had a rough time with me being gone so long), then they all stayed for supper after B and L helped me make cheesy potato soup.
Today I had to run to the store again to grab cranberries after B told me he wanted to help make sauce and that's the dish he especially likes for Thanksgiving. Then home to gather pie ingredients for baking this afternoon. They're still on the counter at 7:45 and nary a baked pie in sight. I'll head in there and get them going in a minute.
I asked Greg to take care of the turkey, and he found a 14# bird in the freezer, so we didn't have to buy one. I pulled out a small ham to go along after B asked for that instead of turkey.
I cooked a dozen eggs for devilled eggs, then Greg's mom called and told him that's what she's making. I guess we'll have egg salad this coming week. Lol.
We're cooking again on Thanksgiving to host some random family who are also kid-less on the actual holiday.
I'm enjoying the series on building a pantry. Besides leftovers from tomorrow, we're eating out of the freezer this coming week since Greg didn't use up any of the food I left for him in single-serve portions before I went to Florida. I may have jury duty, so won't have to worry about cooking this week at least.
Glad you're feeling better! Happy Birthday to Caleb! Four is my favorite age.

Donna said...

Happy Fourth Birthday to Caleb! He will blossom at his new school.

Hope you get to feeling 100% soon (and John too). Nothing worse than something that drags on.

Thanksgiving plans will be simple. The daughter who lives up here has to work part of the day. She did last year also so we planned to celebrate Thanksgiving on another day. The Farmer has three appointments with doctors and physical therapy starting at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday morning before Thanksgiving. Fortunately we can park in one spot and walk to the different buildings. It will still be a long day.

Costco has a nice selection of turkey breasts. Add a few sides and boom, you've got Thanksgiving dinner. Norman Rockwell has left the building! ha!

Peggy Savelsberg said...

I had to smile at your “date” with John to the dump. Dave and I do this too! It usually ends with ice cream somewhere so that’s fine with me! :)

terricheney said...

Casey< LOL I told John that while I might ought to find comfort in this fact of potty training taking hold before college, I'd rather like to see an end to it sometime closer to NOW, lol.

Peggy, Alas the ice cream parlor was closed on that Sunday evening when we drove around the town square.

Donna, I don't have a Costco anywhere near me...it's outside Atlanta, an area I do not want to even attempt to drive to. I expect I can find one but I'm still up in the air over whether I think I'll have a place to cook it.

Karla said...

I have heard of several folks in our area with that same cold/sickness lately. It's not flu, not Covid, not anything but misery that can't be diagnosed easily. Hope you are fully recovered soon! What a lovely thing for John to give you a romantic musical evening! Oklahoma! is one of my favorites, for obvious reasons. And yes, the main song is our state song! I have a fun tshirt from our history center that has a windmill and wheat on it and it says "where the wind comes sweeping down the plain". I like to tell people that visit here and complain about our wind that we warned you in the very first line of our state song so you technically had advanced knowledge! It's not just a lyric. It's reality here. LOL

Our Thanksgiving plans are super simple for me this year, at my own request. I said I couldn't host (because I don't want to) so we are having it at our youngest daughter's house because she and her boyfriend have the most room there. I also am only bringing homemade rolls and homemade dressing. That's it. And we decided to have a no gifts Christmas this year so I'm really liking the holiday plans better than normal. As you probably remember me saying many times, I am not a fan of holidays. Too much to go into by comment but life's just got a lot of unhappy memories attached to this time of year for both me and my husband and I'm just one of those people who would like to skip it altogether.

March 26: It Was Time