The Homemaker Plans Her Week: Throwing Up My Hands


We had a lovely birthday party on Saturday, despite the cool, damp, gray day.  The children (six) were raucous and ran through the house.  It is a small house and 11 is quite enough in one room, much less when six of those 11 are running in the same space that 5 adults are trying to sit in.

But it was nice.  It was.  Katie kept the food part of the day very simple and easy.  Cody hooked up the gas grill and showed us how to use it.  He cooked the hot dogs.  We had chips, soda, juice packets, cake.  

When we lit the candles, Caleb gave us a huge grin and started singing Happy Birthday.  We had to catch up with him, lol.  I watched him vacillate between being proud (hands on hips) and a little bit shy (hands on the table looking around) and grinning for all he was worthwhile we sang.  He loved all of his presents.  

Sweet moment as everyone was leaving...Bella, Cody's little girl is diagnosed as autistic, but I noted she was making more eye contact than usual, and she allowed me to hug her at the end without pulling away.  She disappeared for a moment as everyone was going out the door and then I felt her little hand in mine.  I looked down and she pulled me ever so gently to come with her.  Then she pointed to the pumpkins in the wooden dough bowl.  I took one up and handed it to her.  "Tanks," she said and off she went, holding the pumpkin, lol.  

John and I enjoyed our afternoon at home, but all throughout the rest of the day, he kept saying, "That was a nice day..."  Yes, it was!


I don't know.  I don't.  Here's the deal as it currently stands.  Caleb is starting school Monday morning (when you all get this).  He will go until 12:30 for 3 days this week.  Last week we made a huge hard push to potty train with mixed results.  The weekend was not my duty and wasn't handled the same way.  Enough said.

At the end of next week, he'll be out of town until midway through the following week.  Again, not my watch.  So, I am just going to forget the hard push and do the best I can.  Perhaps we'll settle in and do better come December when he is once again at school.

We have Millie for a few hours two days in a row.  We have Millie and Isaac one afternoon for about an hour.   

I need to go get lab work done one morning and I think I'm going to end up going to the dentist if I can get in anywhere.  I've had an issue for several days now and it's uncomfortable enough to make me want to go.

And we still have heard nothing from the contractor.  Are we getting a kitchen done this month?  This year?  Anytime?

My inclination at this point is to scrap all the planning and just forget it.  I'll focus on basic cleaning and the usual meals and childcare and that's it.


I'd like to go pick up a turkey breast and at least put it in the freezer for later.  


I made a list as the weather started to cool of the foods I'd like to make.  I think I've worked my way through the entire list and even the second list I made after that.  What now?  I looked back at my previously posted menus for inspiration and found some.

Hot dogs, chips, Birthday cake

we ate out and brought home leftovers

Sausage and Pasta Bake, Garlic Toast, Salad. John has men's meeting...I bought two packs of  Ravioli but I think one will be plenty for Katie, Caleb and I.

BBQ Cheddar Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes, Coleslaw, Corn Muffins

Chicken and Rice, Steamed Peas, Peach Salad.  John's mentioned Chicken and Rice at least 20 times over the past few weeks.  I think I'm going to do this in the crockpot, unless the kitchen is still not being renovated.

Pork Chops, Brussel Sprouts with roasted butternut squash, dried cranberries, and Pepitas, Corn Pudding

Leftovers?  Something ready made from freezer if we haven't leftovers.


Continue reading The Dean's Watch.

Set up my wardrobe.  I don't know why I don't just do this.  It's so much easier when it's done, and I don't have to think about what to wear.

Get back to Bible study.  Why is it so easy to drop out of the habit of doing this?!

1 comment:

Karla said...

If you find out why it's so hard to keep up with a habit, especially the ones we benefit most from, please let me know because I've been trying to diagnose and remedy this issue for 52 years. Even talked about it in therapy this weekend! Sigh.

I have my meals planned for this week so at least I've gotten that done. Tonight I have book club (at a restaurant) so Brad will be on his own. Tomorrow I'm working only half day because I'm accompanying my oldest daughter to the hematology oncologist to find out why her lab numbers are so out of whack. Would appreciate prayer for that. She's already got auto-immune disorders (2) so one more thing is not ideal (not that it ever would be).

I'll be honest, I'm tired already from this week already and it's only 8:30 on Monday morning.

March 26: It Was Time