Diary of a Hardworking Homemaker's Start to a New Year


Saturday:  We did two things this day.  First, we attended one of the sweetest, nicest, funniest, tear making weddings we have ever been to.  It's not a first marriage for either one but the two people are genuinely nice folks, well thought of by many.  We met the groom about three years ago and I liked it him right away.  He's super intelligent and funny and classy.  I don't know the bride, but I've heard remarkable things about her.  They met only a few short months ago and they were immediately smitten.  To see the deep and tender love they had for one another as they took their vows was amazing.  The pastor laughed and cried right along with the congregation who came to see this couple united.  It was one of those sorts of weddings that end up making you feel you were blessed to be there.

Then we drove from the church down to the Georgia coastal town where our son lives to see him and his children.   I realized about halfway through that I'd forgotten my phone at home.  I could tell John just where it was, too...When Kate called later to say she was going to our house to pick up the TENS unit I asked her to check.  Sure enough, my phone was just where I'd said it was.  Good to know.  

Five hours down and we arrived weary and worn to be greeted by bored teens.  Our son cooked a meal for us and made coffee.  We gave the bored children their gifts and after visiting for a few hours we went to the hotel where we literally fell into bed and went right to sleep.

Sunday:  I thought, being so far from home and as near the coast as we were, that the temperatures would be warmer down South but no, they were just as chilly as they'd been here at home.  Glad I took along my new winter coat (so cozy and lovely) and warm comfy clothes to wear back home for the long ride back.  It was a beautiful day, sunny and bright and clear but so chilly!  

We generally stop at a Dairy Queen in a small town halfway through the journey for a break. Today we stopped for lunch since it was gone past noon when we arrived.  I discovered that the $5 meal deal (burger, fries, drink and small sundae) now is a $7 meal deal.  Still a decent value but price hike just as everywhere else.  We ate lunch and hit the road again.  

We arrived home about 3pm.  Six hours today to get back.  We were done when we got home.  We got hit with family trials almost as soon as we walked in.  Not directed at us, but the suffering of a portion of our family over life situations that none of us can control.  It's a hard season to watch anyone walk through and as with most things it affects us as well as them.  But we will all get through.  

I'm trying to find the balance of what to say when I can't be 100% comforting and be truthful, too.  I'd heaps rather say, "This is awful.  It's hard.  It will get better, but no one can predict what day or when and, in the meantime, you just have to go through it," than to say, "It's gonna get better."  Not to discourage mind you but to encourage by telling it as it will be.  It will be better.  One day.  An elusive day we can none of us know, but one day it will be better.  But getting through until then is hard and hurtful.

I cooked a freezer entree from May.  It tasted good.  I also made a salad, frozen peas and sliced bread.

Monday:  I've given up being superstitious about New Year's Day, but I did have fun a week or so ago reading Landon Talks on Instagram in which a lot of Southerners shared the superstitions, sayings/warnings they'd heard all their lives long about New Year's.  Some I'd heard and heard often as I was growing up.  And some of us have held on to a few of them over the years and then discovered that after all, nothing dire or harmful befell us as the year unfolded other than all the usual stuff we'd seen all along.

Today I am nodding at tradition, but not to superstition.  We'll be having Pork Chops, Creamed Cabbage, Black Eye Peas and Rice.  All things I had on hand already.  

Today, I have kept grandchildren, cooked, labored, sorted, fussed, laughed, given advice, cleaned, encouraged, puzzled over things and collapsed in my chair to rest. I have, in other words, lived life.  If we're to start out the New Year as we expect it to continue, then today I did just that.  

I made buns for the simple Hamburger Scramble I cooked at lunch time.  The children all opted for peanut butter jelly sandwiches and the boys ate two sandwiches then ate a bun as well.  Millie ate nothing.  She looked at it, she touched it.  She drank the soda she requested.  Then she asked in her tiny voice "Can I be done?"  I'm not going to fuss if a child isn't going to eat.  I did note that the moment she saw her daddy she asked for candy. lol   There's always room for candy. 

I blew all the dirt and leaves and grass off the porches.  I'm by no means done with porches this week but I started.  Then I sorted out the pile of stuff in the guest room and now have a sizeable donation pile.  

That's pretty much my beautiful, sunny New Year's Day.  I hope yours was a wonderful day of living as well.

Tuesday:  We hung about the house until nearly noon today.  I wasn't even sure we were actually going off but then when I'd started a job (and isn't that the way it usually goes?) and was socked deep into it, I heard John open our closet door and turn on the light.  I looked at the mess on my countertops and said "Well...."  I left it all as it was and got myself ready to go.  

We loaded up the stuff in the back bedroom that I'd sorted out yesterday afternoon.    There were some things I knew I was not going to use in the kitchen any longer and I'd initially set them aside, but I said to myself, "No.  I don't want them any longer.  I got good use from them all these years, but I'm really done with them.  Why shove them in the shed?  Let someone else be as thrilled over finding them as I was once upon a time."  

I didn't have anything I really wanted to use to hold the flour, sugar, and brown sugar, since I was donating the canister set, but I used what I had.  That will do in the meantime.  And that was my purpose.  To let go of what I didn't want and to use what I have until I can do better.

We loaded up donations which left me with just the stuff meant to go into the shed for storage in the bedroom. We headed off to run our errands which included dropping off some bills at the post office.  Bills, I'll add, that are absolutely going to have to have wings and winged feet in order to make it to the offices they are going to by the due dates. I don't know how big city post offices work but our little town offices do not send out mail on Sundays or holidays and only have a once-a-day pick-up.  I got stuff mailed in time to go out with today's mail.  That was the best I could do.  If I must pay fees this next month then I shall have to pay fees.  

It was about halfway to our destination that I remember the stuff meant to be shipped back via UPS that I should have grabbed.

While we were out, Katie texted.  That household has been through the worst lot of sickness.  Ear infections for both the children, and coughs all around.  Katie now has a horrible sinus infection, coughed so hard she threw her back out, then ended up with double ear infections herself. 

Katie called so we could talk to Caleb who looks and sounds as sick as all the others.  He cried and cried saying "I want to come home to you and Grampa."  Bless him.  I've missed him, too, but we keep reminding him that he IS at home, he just comes to us to visit, a fact which made him weep all the harder today.

We got haircuts and dropped off donations.  

When we got home, we discovered the workmen had come by and picked up sawhorses and excess materials.  John said, "I guess they're done."  I told him, "Well I don't think so; they'll definitely be back."  "Why?"  "Because the ladders on the porch are theirs..."  I kid you not, five minutes later we got a call from the contractor asking if the ladders were here.  He told John they'd be in tomorrow to finish things off.  They have a big project job starting next week and they are hustling hard to finish up all the last little things on several jobs.

We had a very late lunch today of bologna sandwiches with tomato soup and mandarins.  I don't think we'll have supper tonight because lunch was so very late.

Wednesday:  I have been busy as could be all morning long.  I'd been meant to have Caleb, but Katie was unable to get him an appointment yesterday, so she has one today, I think.  Lots of sicknesses going about amongst that household.  

I thought I could tackle my closet task I'd put off before Christmas...Well, so I thought.  Instead, I got busy on a whole different but equally as heavy-duty task of emptying and reorganizing the guest room closet.  

John must have been equally inspired because he began working on the music room at the same time. Which meant as I was shoving things out of the closet in the guest room, he was shoving things in from the music room.    

Result: I now have all the things back in the guest room that we'd moved out in November 2022 and have completely reorganized the guest room closet, removed everything going back to the master bathroom, started a new donation pile and added to the 'go to the shed' pile.  It is truth that while the guest room closet is neat as a pin, the guest room, our bedroom and the master bathroom look like someone tossed a bomb into them.  I am taking a much-needed rest break before tackling the next lot of work.

And I still haven't done a thing to my closet...I'm telling you sorting out the house has been intense.  

As we worked this morning the workman was here finishing off the last of the bathroom storage area.  It looks so nice!  He came to tell us goodbye before he left and left his number with John.  We truly appreciated this man and enjoyed his presence in our home.  In fact, we liked both the workmen, but we especially appreciated Travis.  

later:  The messes haunted me.  I've now cleared up the guest room somewhat, gotten all the things put away in our bathroom, sorted out loads of stuff as I put away and condensed things down.  We have a LOT of stuff is all I'm saying and I'm really going to seriously consider how I can reduce some of this down further as the year goes on.  It's nice to have stock in some things but others...It's just clutter!  That's all there is to it.  And you never know how much of it is clutter until you're trying to put it away and struggling to fight off overwhelm.

The bathroom storage space is nice to have, but it's now full except for a way up high shelf I can never reach, lol.  I don't have a door on that space, and I won't miss having one.  For the most part anytime the bathroom door is open, the space is hidden behind it.  But I think that while I could probably make it look nicer if I bought matching bins to sort of hide things.  I believe they have some on sale at Target...and I do have a gift card I could use...

Thursday:  Oh dear...Shall the endless organizing, moving, shifting, fixing and putting things to rights once more ever end?  

I have done nothing more to the porches beyond adding stuff to the back porch and blowing the debris from them.  

But inside?  I've worked myself to nubbins every single day.  

Today we got up really early.  We both woke about 5am and here we are at 5pm with nary a nap between us.  After I'd done minor housekeeping, made breakfast, etc., we headed out to make the Amazon and Target returns and to pick up a Target pick-up order which included matching bins for the bathroom.  I threw in a trip to the chaotic Kroger I don't really like but I treated myself to a Chai Latte with a decaf Expresso shot.  That's the only one I've had since the weather turned cold.  It was lovely.

I was bit smacked by the meat prices today.  Seriously, this store seldom marks down much but bakery items.  The meat markdowns today included two filet mignons for $25 (not for me!) and a 1.17-pound package of the thinnest sirloin I've seen for $10.  What?!  No thanks!  There was no sign at all of the on-sale ground meat.  Our state is not included in the current ground meat recall, so it must just be another of the Kroger sale unavailability thing.

We came right home from the store and ate lunch here after I'd put groceries away.  I sat in my chair for a bit but then told John I had to get into my closet today and get it sorted.  I went ahead and prepped and started my roast Chicken and Vegetables cooking before I went to the closet.  I told myself I'd work two hours and if it wasn't sorted by then, I could quit.  It took me 1 hour and 59 minutes.   

I am pleased though.  The wire cube unit was put back together and is sturdy and level.  John determined that the floor appears to be uneven in that cubby and it probably had been throwing the whole thing off balance causing it to rock its way apart.  He's satisfied that it's now solid as it will be.

I reorganized the whole unit.  I finally made myself give up a pair of someday shoes that I've held on to for years and have worn exactly twice in all that time.  I organized the clothes that I have hanging and sorted those.  The ones that don't fit due to their shrinking (2 tops) or my outgrowing them (we won't count) or which I can wear but don't because they are itchy/fit awkwardly, etc. are out of the closet and in the second pile of stuff to be donated.

I even vacuumed the part of the floor that is visible and moved out a few items to go into the newly sorted guest room closet.  Whew!

What I didn't do was fill the new bins I'd purchased for the bathroom.  However, I have almost filled the new kitchen trash can.  So, there's that, lol.

Goodness that chicken smells good.  I hope it gets done soon.

Friday:  What a joy to hear that little boy call out "I'm here!" when he arrived this morning.  He pulled every single one of his trucks and cars from the room and now has them lined up in the living room.  At present, I've sent him outdoors to play.  Is it quiet time?  It is.  But the morning was so cold that he had no option really but to have quiet time all morning long.  I'm going to let him enjoy the fresh outdoor air, which will no doubt do him a world of good, this afternoon.

I have done my Friday housekeeping, including baking a loaf of bread.  I've also taken time to lay out all the necessary ingredients to make tonight's supper and have prepared the salad.  I'll probably add some shredded carrots and some finely sliced red cabbage for extra nutrition before I serve the salad.  

I had a few minutes to myself this morning which allowed me to fill the bins I'd purchased and now the bathroom storage looks neat as a pin.  I'd like to get some lidded bins, something that looks decorative to hold the stuff in milk crates or cardboard boxes on the floor, but this made a nice start.

Our week is pretty much done, except finishing off this day with Caleb.  I have no desire to work on any of the porches at present and none to do anything more this week, either.  It's been a good week, a busy week, and I have worked hard.  I'm going to enjoy this bit of time to relax because next week is coming and I can only imagine that it too shall be filled to the brim with more work, fresh projects, more organization and decluttering and getting things in shape for this brand-new year. 

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Karla said...

Gosh I know that decluttering and reorganizing has got to feel so good! I need to get back at it in my house. Like you said, we have too much stuff. We have more now than we ever did when 4 of us lived under the same roof. Sigh.

So sweet that Caleb is now learning how precious a visit to Grandma and Grandpa's house is. :)

Deanna said...

I'm getting ready to do some decluttering/organizing in my home. We did a fair amount the first year or so of the pandemic and it's time for another big push. I had been operating under the assumption we would sell this place in a couple of years when David retires. My plan was to find a one-story house in town with a manageable yard instead of a two-story house, guest house and 40 acres to manage. However, my mom just spent almost 2 weeks in the hospital and we will likely have to provide care for her at some point. David thinks we should build her a "mother-in-law" house here so she will be closer for me to take care of her.

As he was sharing his thoughts about this I had an epiphany. I said to him, "You don't really want to move from this place, do you.". He admitted that he doesn't. So I'm working on a mindshift. If we are going to stay here I need this place to be as easy to care for as possible and with the knowledge that the day may come when I'll need to hire occasional help with the major cleaning. I also want everything we own to be well-organized so that if we DO need to move someday, it will be relatively easy to do so.

So this year I'll be giving serious thought and attention to every storage area in my home, decluttering what I no longer want or need, and organizing everything else really well. And some people wonder what a homemaker does all day - ha!

Tammy said...

This coming week I will start on the winter projects. The plan is to make my way through each and every room and do a hard declutter.

Bless little Caleb. I'm sure it will take a bit for him to adjust to his new living situation, but I will share that my grandkids still think of our house as part their home, after living here for 3 years. They moved out almost 6 years ago! Lol.

lejmom said...

First of all, I love the pictures of the early-century homes. So many memories of days gone by...

The wedding sounded like a true blessing. Love to the bride and groom!

Did you feel lost when you realized you left your phone at home? I have done that a few times and felt so disconnected...amazing how different life was before cell phones. And it occurred to me that if we needed assistance or had to call family, do I even know anyone's cell number? No! We memorized landlines. And none of our gang has them anymore.

My heartstrings were tugged at Caleb's distress about wanting to come back home to you. I think you handled it well. Then when he did come for a day, announcing himself. What a darling child.

Anne said...

Two things Terri, well three.

1. You really should have become a Home Economics teacher, you would have been great at it.

2. We ARE going to see before and after pictures of the kitchen and bathroom, aren't we? Inquiring minds want to know.

3. I miss Caleb and have never even met him.

mikemax said...

Deanna, something to incorporate into your future thinking is a stairlift elevator. We got one about 20 years ago when my mother-in-law lived with us in our other house They are not terribly expensive--a lot cheaper than moving! After she died, we sold it for about half of what we paid for it. We watched the guy who installed it, and the guy who bought and removed it, and I think that's something we could have done ourselves and saved some $$$. We had an Acorn and it took about 2 hours to install.

Also, Terri, I had two of those tinker toy wire cubes you show on your Amazon page. We never could get them level and one, in particular, collapsed frequently. Finally just got rid of it. So, if you continue to have problems, that just may be how they are. Loved the IDEA of it, just not the item.
--maxine, aka mikemax

Deanna said...

Maxine - That's something to keep in mind, thanks!

terricheney said...

Max and Deanna, I expect Lana will chime in with an AYE for this as well. I believe they added their own stairway chair in the past couple of years but may be mistaken. Like you, Deanna, Lana had hoped and planned to move into a smaller house but are staying in a larger one for now.

Max, that is exactly what it is. I told John that when Sam had it set up in his apartment many years ago, I don't recall him ever saying it fell down even with two rambunctious cats in the house. However, John stabilized it and I think it will hold a bit better. The thing best fits the cubby space I have unless I have something built to size. It has to be removeable because there is a water access panel in that space as well and I've had to take things out twice before so we could get to that to make a repair.

My next option is to stack milkcrates on their side as I did in my former broom closet but I can't attach them to anything but each other with zip ties and that has too much room for the things to shift about to make it really stable.

Anne, previous life ambition. Deterred when my mother assured me that only the homeliest girls ever became a home ec teacher.

I missed Caleb something fierce as well during his time away but on the up side he is now fully potty trained. He's responded especially well to Cody talking to him about WHY we go potty for 1 and 2. That and being fully ready I think was what turned the tables.

Yes! I plan to put up photos this coming week. I have one picture more of each space to take and upload and then I'm sharing the photos in two different posts. There are no 'before' photos but I'm planning to tag the posts where a before photo might have been shared for each room.

Lej Mom, what I missed MOST was being able to look up things the very moment they popped into my mind. I told John today when we were out and I had my phone that I use my phone for looking up information about 90 out of 100 times I pick it up. I seldom talk to anyone or call them and NO I don't know a single number except John's. I do have a list that I keep in my homekeeping notebook that I probably ought to put a copy of in my wallet, at least the most important ones, emergency contacts, etc.

Tammy, I thought Josh would think of here as home but he never has after leaving it though he lived with us twice. May just be the difference in children though.

I haven't forgotten our plan to use those silly canners. Just putting it off until I know what Caleb's school schedule is supposed to be and I am thoroughly done with putting house back in order after all these months of being OUT of order.

Deanna, My goodness! I too have been sidelined twice now by what I planned for our retirement (and talked about with John) and what we've had INSTEAD. I know you will adjust to it but you have my heartfelt sympathy just now because it's got to be a bit of an OW at the same time.

Mama texted me yesterday morning that she'd fallen in the wee hours of morning and had to call my brother to come help her up. She insists on keeping one of those stupid stop bars under her doorhandles and I've told her repeatedly that should any of us need to get in that might well be what keeps us from getting to her. I wondered if she had it in place and if Tony had to damage the door to get in. She also has a STUPIDLY high bed, that she cannot get in easily. It's a high bed with a standard mattress on top and then a high mattress pad thingy on top of that and then a wedge that throws the whole bed off. I might as well spit facing the wind for all the good my talk does.

mikemax said...

My mother had a "thing" about locking the screen/storm door. Those rinky-dink locks wouldn't deter any serious housebreaker but it sure made it impossible for us to get inside without busting up the door. No matter how many times I pointed this out, she kept it locked at all times. The day she died inside the house (which I owned), we had to break a window to get inside. We wouldn't have been able to save her--she died instantly--but if the circumstances had been different, the time involved in getting inside might have prevented us from saving her life. Terri, if she has a deadbolt, she doesn't need anything else. And if she doesn't have a deadbolt, just a button on the knob, there's her next birthday present.

Lana said...

Yes the stairlift has kept us in our house for now but we know it is only wishful thinking but that we can continue to manage here. We are starting to clear out here in the hopes that we can move on the next couple of years.

Our storm doors have deadbolt locks and we keep them locked as an extra measure of security. A friend's daughter had her wood door kicked in and thire house cleaned out while at church one Sunday AM. Also bear activity here has been scary. Someone nearby had a bear try to come in the doggy door! We hope the glass door would deter both

Casey said...

I’m a door locker! I lived in Wichita when the BTK serial killer was active. As a young mom whose husband was gone at night, I slept with a crowbar under my mattress. I knew it wasn’t the best option and was never sure if I’d actually be able to defend myself, but at least I slept. Interestingly, when we moved, the crowbar got “lost.” I felt like that was God telling me I wouldn’t need it again. However, I’ve never gotten over my need for securely locked doors. Our children have a key to the house. Hopefully, that will do in a future crisis. Sometimes, we never know the why; but usually there’s a reason. I no longer live in the midwest, but the news of his identity and capture was big enough to warrant a small space in the local newspaper. All those years later, there was a sense of relief and the realization of how much it took from me.

Such good news about Caleb!

I’m glad to hear your kitchen/bathroom remodel is finished and you can put things back to order. A kitchen blessing is definitely in order!

terricheney said...

Max, She has a deadbolt at this house on both her doors but she insists on using that door stop thing that fits under the doorknob then down to the floor with a non-skid thingy on the end. You simply cannot open that stupid door from the outside no matter how you try without ruining it. As it is a rented apartment, it would be her responsibility to replace it! She also uses one on the French door at the back. No problem, bust glass remove, get in, right? It's the 6-foot locked gated fence that prevents ease of access...

Casey, No harm in locking doors. We all have spare keys stored with family members. As John says, it keeps honest people honest. It's the door stop thingy that worries me. In town here she insisted on having deadlocks that required the use of a key on the INSIDE as well as out to open. John finally convinced her that should the house ever catch fire she'd panic and forget where the keys were. So she hung it next to the door on a nail, right next to the glass paned upper half of the door...Seriously? And the house did get broken into after she moved by a family member who thought they could borrow something Mama had left there. They got caught breaking and entering...

I can identify with your sense of relief at having a robber captured even years later. I was stalked by two different men, one my ex. Honestly to realize that both had died was like a huge weight of tension dropping off me. I hadn't even been aware that I was still harboring that internally until I knew it was finally over once and for all.

Lana, I shouldn't want a bear inviting himself in as a pet...

Journal of My Week: Winter Again